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羊说  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-04 09:15



Ladies and gentlemen, my subscribers, and life-long learners:


Today, I stand before you, infused with a profound vision – a vision of linguistic empowerment and an intellectual renaissance, firmly rooted in the transformative power of reading. In the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr.'s immortal "I have a dream," I expand upon this dream within the realm of language acquisition. And going beyond the realm of dreams, I will offer a concrete plan, one that outlines a clear and achievable path towards mastering the English language through the enlightening odyssey of reading.

Imagine with me, if you will, embarking on a journey – not just any journey, but a pilgrimage back to the innocence and marvels of childhood, navigated through the vibrant pages of children's literature. In the magical words of Roald Dahl from "The Minpins," "Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." To the adults among us, I implore you to reawaken the inner child. Rediscover the profound yet effortless art of storytelling as masterfully portrayed by the likes of Roald Dahl.


Envision immersing yourself in the world of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," where the simple but insightful words, "So shines a good deed in a weary world," illuminate the story. Or, as Dahl urges us in his unique way, "So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookshelf on the wall." These lines, straightforward yet resonant, teach us about more than just kindness and hope; they reveal the pathway to these virtues through a lifelong devotion to reading.

设想沉浸在《查理和巧克力工厂》的世界中,简单而富有洞察力的话语, “在疲惫的世界中,善行如星光闪耀” ,照亮了整个故事。或者,正如达尔以他独特的方式敦促我们:“所以,请求你,我们恳求你,我们祈祷,把你的电视机扔掉,你可以在墙上安装一个可爱的书架。”这些话虽简单,却意味深长,不仅教会我们善良和希望,还通过终身致力于阅读揭示了通往这些美德的路径。

However, the message transcends mere interpretation of the world – it's about transforming it. "Matilda," with her diminutive stature but immense intellect, challenging the tyranny of Ms. Trunchbull and the deceit of her father, reminds us that "Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world." Revisiting these books as adults is not a step backward; rather, it's a rediscovery of linguistic simplicity and narrative elegance. These tales are far from mere child's play; they lay the foundational stones for language acquisition, providing us with essential vocabulary and sentence structures for advanced English learning.

然而,这里想表达的超越了对世界的单纯解释——它关乎改变这个世界。《玛蒂尔达》,她身材娇小却智慧无穷,挑战特兰奇布尔女校长的暴政和她父亲的欺骗,提醒我们“我们每个人内心都有改变世界的力量。” 作为成人的我们重读这些书籍并不是水平退步;相反,这是重新发现它们的语言简洁和叙事优雅。这些故事远非小儿科;它们为语言习得奠定了基础,为我们提供了更高维英语学习所需的基本词汇和句子结构。

Our odyssey doesn't end with children's literature. As we burgeon in confidence and linguistic dexterity, we delve into the more intricate realms of storytelling. Consider Khaled Hosseini's "The Kite Runner," a tapestry of friendship, guilt, and redemption set against the backdrop of war-torn Afghanistan. The line, "For you, a thousand times over," resonates with impregnable loyalty, showcasing the unfathomable ability of language to encapsulate deep emotions and complex human connections.


We then navigate through the autobiographical landscapes of Barack Obama with "Dreams from My Father" and "A Promised Land." The former offers a voyage through the intricate maze of race, heritage, and the quest for identity, weaving a rich fabric of language and emotion. The latter book leads us through the labyrinth of the White House, illuminating the complexities of governance and leadership. Obama reflects, "There’s a reason why progress in this country has always been fitful and hard won. That’s because change worth making is always going to be hard." These insights, eloquently articulated, serve not just as a window into the trials of leadership but also as a beacon of resilience and perseverance. These memoirs are more than personal narratives; they are testaments to the power of hope and the relentless human spirit grappling with the nuances of power and responsibility.


But our ascent does not halt there. As we continue to climb this linguistic staircase, we cultivate our philosophical and historical sensibility. We begin humbly with Jostein Gaarder's "Sophie's World," an engaging primer on philosophy, narrated through the experiences of the young Sophie and her enigmatic philosophy teacher, Alberto Knox. Then, Yuval Noah Harari's "Sapiens" unfurls a sweeping panorama of human history, compelling us to ponder our existence with statements like, "History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods." The intellectual feast reaches new heights with Jared Diamond’s "Guns, Germs, and Steel," a masterful exploration into the environmental factors that have shaped civilizations. Diamond compellingly argues, "History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples' environments, not because of biological differences among peoples themselves." This bold assertion invites us to reevaluate our perspectives on history and human development, through the book’s intricate interplay of geography, ecology, and the diffusion of technology.


As we continue on this upward trajectory of reading, we explore the realms of political economy, sociology, and anthropology with seminal works like "Why Nations Fail" and "The Origins of Political Order." These are not mere historical texts; they are intellectual voyages that challenge our comprehension of the world.


In "Why Nations Fail," Acemoglu and Robinson argue with eloquence, "Nations fail economically because of extractive institutions. These institutions keep people from participating in economic activities that make the most of their talents and skills." This statement provides a lens to understand how political and economic systems shape the destiny of nations. Similarly, Francis Fukuyama's "The Origins of Political Order" takes us on an expedition through the evolution of societies, stating, "The real question of political development, however, is not why a rule of law exists, but rather how to develop a rule of law that is impersonal and applies equally to all citizens." This insight offers a deeper understanding of the foundations of political systems. Above all, these texts do not merely inform; they provoke thought, they demand engagement, and they illustrate the intri cate dance of politics, economics, history and human nature.


In these social science masterpiece s, language transcends its basic function, becoming a bridge to greater knowledge and insight. As we converse with these great minds, we enhance not just our vocabulary; we expand our intellectual horizons. We learn to perceive the world, not in black and white, but in a spectrum of colors and shades, understanding the diverse forces that shape our societies.

