专栏名称: Marine Sedimentology
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  Marine Sedimentology


Marine Sedimentology  · 公众号  · 地理 科技自媒体  · 2024-09-27 00:00


最近,Earth-Science Reviews (ESR)发表综述论文,系统探讨了青藏高原东南侧早新生代水系演化和区域构造活动,这对深入理解东南亚及周缘地区的古地理地貌演变具有重要意义。

题目:Early Cenozoic drainage network and paleogeographic evolution within the SE Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding area: Synthetic constraints from onshore-offshore geological dataset

作者:Yuchi Cui, Lei Shao*, Zheng-Xiang Li, Chris Elders, Karl Stattegger, Weilin Zhu, Sanzhong Li, Xixi Zhao, Peijun Qiao, Hao Zhang(此处作者可以列全,用*标记通讯作者)

期刊:Earth-Science Reviews(ESR)


图1 研究区


图2 早白垩 – 早/中始新世古地理演化

图3 晚始新世 – 早中新世古地理演化




  1. 1.  Yi Lu, Yuchi Cui, Peijun Qiao*, Fang Cao, Yongjian Yao, Thian Lai Goh, Lei Shao. 2024. New understanding on the interplay of longitudinal and transverse sediment dispersal: Combination of 3D seismic proffle and u-pb ages of detrital zircons of Paleogene sedimentary rocks in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 275 (2024): 106290

  2. 2. Yuchi Cui, Lei Shao*, Zheng-Xiang Li, Chris Elders, Karl Stattegger, Weilin Zhu, Sanzhong Li , Xixi Zhao, Peijun Qiao, Hao Zhang. Early Cenozoic drainage network and paleogeographic evolution within the SE Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding area: Synthetic constraints from onshore-offshore geological dataset. Earth Science Reviews 258 (2024) 104932. 

  3. 3.  Licheng Cao; Lei Shao; Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen; Tao Jiang; Di Xu; Yuchi Cui.Provenance and evolution of East Asian large rivers recorded in the East and South China Seas: A review. GSA Bulletin,2023, 135(1): 2723-2752.

  4. 4.  Hou Yuanli, Shao Lei, Cui Yuchi, Allen Mark B., Zhu Weilin, Qiao Peijun, Huang Chi-Yue, Yao Yongjian, Goh Thian-Lai. 2022. Sediment features and provenance analysis of the late Mesozoic-early Cenozoic strata of the Ryukyu Islands: Implications for palaeogeography of East China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 145 (2022) :105840.

  5. 5. Yuchi Cui, Lei Shao, Zheng-Xiang Li, Weilin Zhu, Peijun Qiao, Xiangtao Zhang2021. A Mesozoic Andean-type active continental margin along coastal South China: New geological records from the basement of the northern South China Sea. Gondwana Research 99 (2021) 36–52.

  6. 6. Zhu Weilin, Cui Yuchi, Shao Lei, Qiao Peijun, Yu Peng, Pei Jianxiang, Liu Xinyu, Zhang Hao. 2021. Reinterpretationof the northern South China Sea pre-Cenozoic basement and geodynamic implications of the South China continent: constraints from combined geological and geophysical records. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 40(2): 12–28.

  7. 7. Meng Xianbo, Shao Lei, Cui Yuchi, Zhu Weilin, Qiao Peijun, Sun Zhen, Hou Yuanli, Sedimentary Records from Hengchun accretionary prism turbidites on Taiwan Island: Implication on late Neogene migration rate of the Luzon subduction system, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021, 124: 104820.

  8. 8. Licheng CaoLei ShaoPeijun QiaoYuchi CuiGongcheng ZhangXiangtao ZhangFormation and paleogeographic evolution of the Palawan continental terrane along the Southeast Asian margin revealed by detrital fingerprintsGSA Bulletin (2020)1335/6):1167-1193.

  9. 9. Zhang H, Shao L, Zhang G, Cui Y, Zhao Z, Hou Y. The response of Cenozoic sedimentary evolution coupled with the formation of the South China Sea. Geological Journal. 2020;5510):6989-7010.

  10. 10. Shao LeiCui Yuchi, Karl Stattegger, Zhu Weilin, Qiao Peijun, Zhao ZhigangDrainage control of Eocene to Miocene sedimentary records in the southeastern margin of Eurasian PlateGSA Bulletin, 20191313-4:461-478.

  11. 11. Licheng Cao, Lei Shao, Peijun Qiao, Zhigang Zhao, Douwe J.J.vanHinsbergenEarly Miocene birth of modern Pearl River recorded low-relief, high-elevation surface formation of SE Tibetan PlateauEarth and Planetary Science Letters 496 (2018) 120–131.

  12. 12. Lei Shao, Anhui Meng, Qianyu Li, Peijun Qiao, Yuchi Cui, Licheng Cao, Shuhui Chen , Detrital zircon ages and elemental characteristics of the Eocene sequence in IODP Hole U1435A: Implications for rifting and environmental changes before the opening of the South China Sea, Marine Geology394 (2017) 39-51.

  13. 13. Lei Shao, Licheng Cao, Peijun Qiao, Xiangtao Zhang, Qianyu Li, Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen. Cretaceous–Eocene provenance connections between the Palawan Continental Terrane and the northern South China Sea margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 201747797-107.

  14. 14. Zhu W L, Xie X N, Wang Z F, Zhang D J, Zhang C L, Cao L C, Shao L*. 2017. New insights on the origin of the basement of the Xisha Uplift, South China Sea. Science China Earth Sciences, 60: 2214-2222.
