专栏名称: 宝玉xp
前微软Asp.Net最有价值专家 互联网科技博主 我是宝玉。
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爱可可-爱生活  ·  通过在仿真器中使用高斯Splatting渲染 ... ·  6 天前  
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YouTube 知名网红 MKBHD 推出订阅费每年 $50 手-20240925105806

宝玉xp  · 微博  · AI  · 2024-09-25 10:58


2024-09-25 10:58

YouTube 知名网红 MKBHD 推出订阅费每年 $50 手机壁纸订阅,于是有网友用 OpenAI 的 o1 mini 做了一个类似的 iOS App,看着还不错。

Create an iOS swift app that lets users browse and download wallpapers using the
Unsplash API

- The user should load the app and see a beautiful grid of wallpapers
- The user should be able to tap and view any wallpaper full screen
- The user should be able to download the wallpaper/save it to their camera roll
- The app has a sleek minimal design. Where it's a black background and a clean grid of
- The app's name is Panels

Here is the Unsplash API information you'll need

AppID: <your appid>
Access key: <your access key>
Secret key: <your secret key>