专栏名称: 北京大学光华管理学院
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【讲座】11月14日@光华 | 社会创新与社会企业的兴起

北京大学光华管理学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-11-07 19:05


弘扬企业社会责任理念,倡导企业发展与社会、环境共融被越来越多的企业所认同,“社会企业”和“公益企业”的兴起不仅能一定程度缓解企业发展壮大中带来的社会和环境问题,更能引领当前和未来的企业构建一个有利于社会发展的生态体系。当下,越来越多的企业加入到共益企业(B Corp)中,这一现象对于经济发展和社会进步有什么样的影响?我们邀请到Chris Marquis教授为大家带来有关“社会创新与社会企业兴起”的主题分享,欢迎大家参与!

About the Speaker

Chris Marquis is a Visiting Professor of Social Innovation and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is also the Samuel C. Johnson Professor in Sustainable Global Enterprise and Professor of Management at Cornell University and a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Peking University. Prior to joining Cornell, he worked for 10 years at Harvard Business School. He received a PhD in Sociology and Business Administration from the University of Michigan. Before his academic career, Marquis worked for 6 years in the financial services industry, most recently as Vice President and Technology Manager for a business unit of J.P. Morgan Chase.

Professor Marquis’ teaching and research is focused on how business can have a positive impact on society and the natural environment. He is currently pursuing several streams of research. The first seeks to assess how firms’ and entrepreneurs’ social and environmental strategies and activities can be designed to maximize both business and social value. The second explores how corporate shared value initiatives and nonprofits have developed in China. Finally, the third examines institutional change processes in emerging markets.

Time & Venue

时间: 2017年11月14日(星期二) ,19:00-20:30

Time:7:00 pm to 8:30 pm,Tuesday, Nov. 14th


Venue:Coffee House at Guanghua School of Management Building No.1, 1st Floor, Peking University


