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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-01-13 06:01



太阳能(solar energy),是指太阳的热辐射能(参见热能传播的三种方式:辐射),主要表现就是常说的太阳光线。在现代一般用作发电或者为热水器提供能源。自地球上生命诞生以来,就主要以太阳提供的热辐射能生存,而自古人类也懂得以阳光晒干物件,并作为制作食物的方法,如制盐和晒咸鱼等。在化石燃料日趋减少的情况下,太阳能已成为人类使用能源的重要组成部分,并不断得到发展。太阳能的利用有光热转换和光电转换两种方式,太阳能发电是一种新兴的可再生能源。广义上的太阳能也包括地球上的风能、化学能、水能等。

How clean is solar power?


A new paper may have the answer


Dec 10th 2016


THAT solar panels do not emit greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide when they are generating electricity is without question. This is why they are beloved of many who worry about the climate-altering potential of such gases. Sceptics, though, observe that a lot of energy is needed to make a solar panel in the first place. In particular, melting and purifying the silicon that these panels employ to capture and transduce sunlight needs a lot of heat. Silicon’s melting point, 1,414°C, is only 124°C less than that of iron.


  • Transduce [trænz'djuːsə] 转换(能、信号等)

Silicon is melted in electric furnaces and, at the moment, most electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels. That does emit carbon dioxide. So, when a new solar panel is put to work it starts with a “carbon debt” that, from a greenhouse-gas-saving point of view, has to be paid back before that panel becomes part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. Observing this, some sceptics have gone so far as to suggest that if the motive for installing solar panels is environmental (which is often, though not always, the case), they are pretty-much useless.


  • Furnace  ['fɜːnɪs]  炉

Wilfried van Sark, of Utrecht University in the Netherlands, and his colleagues have therefore tried to put some numbers into the argument. As they report in Nature Communications, they have calculated the energy required to make all of the solar panels installed around the world between 1975 and 2015, and the carbon-dioxide emissions associated with producing that energy. They also looked at the energy these panels have produced since their installation and the corresponding amount of carbon dioxide they have prevented from being spewed into the atmosphere. Others have done life-cycle assessments for solar power in the past. None, though, has accounted for the fact that the process of making the panels has become more efficient over the course of time. Dr Van Sark’s study factors this in.

因此荷兰乌得勒支大学的Wilfried van Sark和他的同事尝试用具体数据来支撑他们的论点。正如他们在《自然-通讯》上的报道:他们计算出了1975至2015年间世界各地所有太阳能板安装所需的能量及生产这些能量所排放二氧化碳的量。他们也研究了这些太阳能板自安装以来所产生的能量及它们所阻止的排放到大气中二氧化碳的量。其他研究者评估了太阳能电板的生命周期。然而这些数据没有说明制作技术随时间推移变得更加高效。Van Sark博士的研究也支持这一说法。

  • Spew  [spjuː] 放出,喷出

注:《自然-通讯》:2010年,自然出版集团又发行了第17本子刊《自然-通讯》(Nature Communications)。与以往的子刊相比,新子刊《自然-通讯》有所不同,其覆盖多种学科。《自然-通讯》的目的不在于与已有的《自然》系列期刊竞争,而在于发布严谨而颇具综合性并代表某一领域重大进展的研究论文。除此以外,还欢迎来自目前没有被《自然》旗下某一期刊聚焦的领域的论文,如发育生物学、植物学、微生物学、生态演化学、古生物学、天文学、高能物理学等。

To estimate the number of solar panels installed around the world, Dr Van Sark and his team used data from the International Energy Agency, an autonomous intergovernmental body. They gleaned information on the amount of energy required to make panels from dozens of published studies. Exactly how much carbon dioxide was emitted during the manufacture of a panel will depend on where it was made, as well as when. How much emitted gas it has saved will depend on where it is installed. A panel made in China, for example, costs nearly double the greenhouse-gas emissions of one made in Europe. That is because China relies more on fossil fuels for generating power. Conversely, the environmental benefits of installing solar panels will be greater in China than in Europe, as the clean power they produce replaces electricity that would otherwise be generated largely by burning coal or gas.

为了估计全球安装的太阳能板的数量,Van Sark和他的团队查阅了国际能源机构(一个独立的政府间的机构)的数据。他们从多篇发表的研究报告中收集到了关于生产太阳能电板所需能量的信息。在不同的地区和不同的时期,生产太阳能电板所排放的二氧化碳量有所不同。而它减少二氧化碳排放量的多少则取决于电板安装的地区。举个例子,在中国生产一块电板所排放的二氧化碳量接近欧洲的两倍。这是因为中国更多地依赖化石燃料发电。因为太阳能板代替了燃烧煤或气来发电,所以相反地在中国安装太阳能电板所带来的环境效益比欧洲大。

  • Autonomous [ɔː'tɒnəməs] 独立自主的

  • Glean [gliːn] 收集(资料)

Once the team accounted for all this, they found that solar panels made today are responsible, on average, for around 20 grams of carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour of energy they produce over their lifetime (estimated as 30 years, regardless of when a panel was manufactured). That is down from 400-500 grams in 1975. Likewise, the amount of time needed for a solar panel to produce as much energy as was involved in its creation has fallen from about 20 years to two years or less. As more panels are made, the manufacturing process becomes more efficient. The team found that for every doubling of the world’s solar capacity, the energy required to make a panel fell by around 12% and associated carbon-dioxide emissions by 17-24%.


  • Capacity  [kə'pæsɪtɪ] 生产量

The consequence of all this number-crunching is not as clear-cut as environmentalists might hope. Depending on the numbers fed into the model, global break-even could have come as early as 1997, or might still not have arrived. But if it has not, then under even the most pessimistic assumptions possible it will do so in 2018. After that, solar energy’s environmental credentials really will be spotless.


  • number-crunching [krʌn(t)ʃ] 数字运算,数字处理

  • clear-cut 清楚的,明确的

  • spotless ['spɒtlɪs] 无可挑剔

  • credential [krɪ'denʃ(ə)l] 成绩

翻译 ▍栏目二第三组

审核 ▍椰子

编辑 ▍璃儿

Try to translate 

So, when a new solar panel is put to work it starts with a “carbon debt” that, from a greenhouse-gas-saving point of view, has to be paid back before that panel becomes part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. 

Put Chinese below






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