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【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference (2019-12-30)

外交部发言人办公室  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2019-12-31 10:34




Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's
Regular Press Conference on December 30, 2019



At the invitation of Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council, Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith will pay an official visit to China from January 5 to 9.

中老互为社会主义友邻,传统友谊源远流长。 2019年4月,习近平总书记、国家主席同老挝人民革命党中央总书记、国家主席本扬共同签署关于构建中老命运共同体行动计划,为双边关系长远发展提供指引和遵循,开启了中老关系的新时代。

China and the Laos are friendly socialist neighbors with time-honored traditional friendship. In April 2019, General Secretary and President Xi Jinping and Lao President and General Secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee Bounnhang Vorachit signed an action plan to build the China-Laos community with a shared future, which ushers in a new era for China-Laos relations and serves as a guidance for the long-term development of bilateral relations.

通伦总理访华期间,国家主席习近平、国务院总理李克强、全国人大常委会委员长栗战书将分别同他会见会谈,就中老关系和共同关心的问题交换意见。 除北京外,通伦总理还将赴陕西访问。

President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and Chairman Li Zhanshu of  the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will meet and hold talks with Prime Minister Thongloun separately to exchange views on China-Laos relations and other issues of mutual interest. Besides Beijing, Prime Minister Thongloun will also visit Shaanxi.


We believe that Prime Minister Thongloun's visit will further consolidate political mutual trust, deepen practical cooperation and promote the building of the China-Laos community with a shared future.


At the invitation of State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif of the Islamic Republic of Iran will pay an official visit to China on December 31.


问: 据报道,联合国安理会今天晚些时候将就中国和俄罗斯联合提出的政治解决朝鲜半岛问题决议草案进行讨论,你能否提供更多细节?中方是否就草案内容,包括撤销部分对朝制裁同朝方进行协调?

Q: Discussions are due later today at the UN Security Council on the proposal by China and Russia to ease the sanctions on North Korea. Can you give us any details on these discussions? Has China been coordinating with North Korea on the content of this proposed resolution, including the sanctions that you are suggesting be lifted?
A: Recently China and Russia jointly proposed a draft resolution to the UN Security Council regarding political settlement of the Peninsula issue, and I talked about our considerations in this room. The purpose for China and Russia's draft resolution is to maintain peace and stability on the Peninsula, stick to resolution through dialogue and consultation, and advance the establishment of a permanent peace mechanism and complete denuclearization on the Peninsula in parallel. Our proposal to adjust some of the sanctions on the DPRK is to meet the reasonable humanitarian and livelihood needs of the DPRK people in support of the process of political dialogue.

目前,中俄正同安理会成员和半岛问题有关方面就决议草案内容保持沟通。 中方期待安理会成员在半岛问题上承担起责任,采取积极行动支持政治解决、鼓励对话协商、维护半岛的和平稳定。
China and Russia are now in contact with other Security Council members and relevant parties of the Peninsula issue on the content of the draft resolution. We expect members of the Security Council to shoulder their responsibility and take active moves to support political settlement, encourage talks and safeguard peace and stability on the Peninsula.

问: 美国国务卿蓬佩奥29日发推特称,从西藏到新疆,中共的镇压运动并非为打击恐怖主义,而是试图消除本国公民的信仰和文化。 美国国务院同日也发布了类似推文。 中方对此有何回应?

Q: US Secretary of State Pompeo tweeted on December 29 that from Tibet to Xinjiang, the Chinese Communist Party's repressive campaigns are not about combating terrorism but attempting to erase citizens' faiths and cultures. The US State Department tweeted something similar on the same day. I wonder if you could comment on their tweets?


A: What the US said is pure rumor and slander. It is completely inconsistent with the facts and ill-intentioned. We are firmly opposed to that.

当前,新疆经济持续发展,社会和谐稳定,民生不断改善,文化空前繁荣,宗教和睦和顺。 新疆维吾尔自治区的维吾尔族人口已经增长到1165万,约占自治区总人口的46.8%。 新疆伊斯兰教清真寺有2.4万多座,平均每530名穆斯林就拥有一座清真寺。
Xinjiang is enjoying sustained economic development, social stability, better living standards, unprecedented cultural vivacity and a harmonious coexistence of religions. Uyghur population in Xinjiang has reached 11.65 million or 46.8 percent of the total. There are over 24,000 mosques in Xinjiang, which means there is a mosque for every 530 Muslims on average.

西藏和平解放60多年来,经济蓬勃发展,社会和谐稳定,文化传统得到保护和弘扬。 藏文成为中国第一个具有国际标准的少数民族文字。 西藏现有1700多处各类宗教活动场所,住寺僧尼约4.6万余人。 每年到拉萨朝佛信教群众达百万人次。
In the past 60 years or so after its peaceful liberation, Tibet has enjoyed economic vitality, social harmony and stability. Its culture and tradition have been protected and promoted. The Tibetan language was China's first minority written language with international standard. There are more than 1,700 sites for religious activities in Tibet, and over 46,000 resident monks and nuns. Millions of pilgrimages to Lhasa are made every year.

美方罔顾事实,一遍又一遍地重复谎言,留给自己的是一次又一次的道德赤字、信誉赤字和形象赤字。 中国新疆、西藏政治稳定、经济发展、民族团结、社会和谐的事实,是对美方诋毁抹黑言论最有力的回击。
By repeatedly telling lies, the US will only find itself in mounting deficit in morality, credibility and reputation. Political stability, economic growth, ethnic solidarity and social harmony in Xinjiang and Tibet are our best response to slanders from the US side.

我在这里顺便说一句,根据我刚刚看到的美联社、《今日美国报》和美国东北大学联合发布的数据,2019年美国发生41起死者达4人以上的大规模杀戮事件,其中33起为大规模枪击事件,共造成211人死亡,创上世纪70年代以来新高。 2019年全年,美国与枪支有关的案件共造成1.48万人失去生命。 校园枪杀案和公共场所枪杀案等大规模暴力事件的频繁发生,使得美国普通民众长期生活在对枪支暴力的恐惧之中。
By the way, I just saw some data jointly published by the Associated Press, USA TODAY and Northeastern University of the United States. In 2019 there were 41 mass killings in the US, defined as when four or more people are killed. Of those, 33 were mass shootings. More than 211 lives were lost, the highest since the 1970s. Throughout the year 2019, gun-related cases took 14,800 lives. Frequent violent crimes, including shootings on campus and in public places, have long been shadowing Americans with fear of gun violence.

我们奉劝美方还是要管好自己的事,把注意力放在解决自己长期存在的顽症和痼疾上,至少确保本国人民享有“免于恐惧的自由”,而不是动辄就伸长手臂去干涉他国内部事务。 我提醒他们一句,手伸得太长,容易闪着腰
We urge the US to put its own house in order and fix its deep-seated problems first, at least ensuring the "freedom from fear" for its people, rather than arbitrarily stretch its arms into other countries' domestic affairs. A word of advice to the US: If you stretch your arms too much, you might end up hurting your back.

问: 据报道,针对菲律宾参议员德利马被菲政府监禁一事,美国会在近期出台的2020年预算案中,授权美行政当局禁止菲律宾相关官员入境。27日,菲总统发言人就此表示,菲律宾已禁止提出上述条款的美国参议员入境。如美方继续干涉菲律宾主权,菲律宾不会坐视不管。中方对此有何评论?

Q: The US Congress approved a 2020 budget that contains a provision that authorized the denial of entry to Philippine officials who are involved in the incarceration of Philippine Senator Leila de Lima. On December 27, President Rodrigo Duterte's spokesperson said that the Philippines has banned those US lawmakers who introduced the provision from visiting, and that they will not sit idly if the US continues to interfere with its processes as a sovereign state. I wonder if you have any comment on that?

答: 中方一贯主张国与国之间的交往应建立在相互尊重、互不干涉内政原则基础上,反对以任何借口干涉他国内政。 我们支持有关方面维护国家主权和尊严的努力。

A: China believes state-to-state relations should be based on mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs. We oppose foreign interference under whatever pretext, and we support efforts to safeguard a country's national sovereignty and dignity.


问: 美方近期对在伊拉克、叙利亚境内支持伊朗的武装力量发动空袭,中方对此有何评论?

Q: Does China have any response to the recent US air strikes in Iraq and Syria against pro-Iran forces?

答: 中方一贯反对在国际关系中使用武力,主张各方应切实遵守《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则以及国际关系基本准则。 伊拉克和叙利亚的主权、独立和领土完整应当得到切实尊重和维护。 我们呼吁有关各方保持冷静、克制,避免紧张局势升级。
