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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-09-01 22:19




译者: 谢晓羽

校对: 武守晗

策划:刘   璠

本文选自 BBC | 取经号原创翻译

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Game of Thrones: Who is the true heir?


Westeros and Great Britain may have more in common than you think


The seventh season of fantasy TV drama Game of Thrones is hurtling to a close, and the burning question for fans right now is: "Who will inherit the Iron Throne?"


The world of Westeros may be fictional, but its origins are far from imaginary. "Medieval Britain has played an enormous impact on the series," creator George RR Martin once said.


What better way to determine the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms than by using the rules that govern the British monarchy?


Who will win the Game of Thrones?


We've compiled a list of contenders for the coveted Iron Throne and enlisted royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams and medieval academics Prof Sarah Peverley and Dr Gordon McKelvie to weigh in on each candidate's chances.

本文列出了角逐铁王座的 候选人 并邀请王室评论员理查德•菲茨威廉,以及研究中世纪历史的萨拉•皮沃利教授和戈登•麦凯尔维博士一起分析各位候选人的获胜几率。

contender [kən'tendər] n.a person who takes part in a competition or tries to win sth竞争者;角逐者;争夺者

Cersei Lannister and Queen Margaret have quite a lot in common


Candidate 1: Cersei Lannister


Born and bred in Westeros, Cersei is a devoted mother who married into royalty. Her late husband Robert Baratheon led a bloody rebellion and overthrew the ruling Targaryen dynasty.


Her children came from an incestuous relationship with her brother Jamie (both their sons became young kings).While plotting the deaths of her rivals, Cersei lost her three children but ascended to the throne.

但她的几个孩子都是与弟弟詹米 乱伦 所生,两个儿子先后登上了王位。瑟曦在密谋消除对手的同时,她的三个孩子都死于非命,最后她自己坐上了铁王座。

incestuous [ɪn'sestʃuəs] adj.involving sex between two people in a family who are very closely related乱伦的

Incest has always been taboo - the Lannisters' incestuous relationship would be frowned upon


Richard Fitzwilliams says: In Britain, an heir is determined by descent and parliamentary statute. Succession is also determined by the sequence of royal family members.


Cersei declared herself queen without any legitimacy . Her claim rests on two things: being Robert Baratheon's widow and the mother of two dead kings.

瑟曦称后毫无 法律 ,而只是依赖于两个事实:她是国王劳伯•拜拉席恩的遗孀和两位已故国王的母亲。

legitimacy [lə'dʒɪtəməsi] n.the fact that something is legal合法性;正统;正统性;嫡系

She resembles the villainous Margaret of Anjou, queen by marriage to the feeble King Henry VI. Margaret was also ruthless and highly influential.


Sarah Peverley says: Inheritance in the Seven Kingdoms is based on real medieval laws, often prone to contradictory interpretations.


Generally speaking, the law of primogeniture seems to govern the Iron Throne, which females can claim in the event of no male heir. Or they can act until a young king comes of age, as Cersei attempted to do. But her current claim rests solely on the power she wields.


Gordon McKelvie says: There have been plenty of unpopular queens with too much influence and power. Cersei seems to share their qualities.


I can't think of any historical example where a king (with no children) dies and passes the crown to his mother. No one in medieval England made such a dramatic grab for power like Cersei did.


Her desire for the Iron Throne is well known, but is the dragon queen entitled to it?


Candidate 2: Daenerys Targaryen


The dragon queen's journey has been impressive, starting out as the daughter of Aerys Targaryen, the "Mad King" who was overthrown by Robert Baratheon. She went on to become an assertive ruler with a formidable army and dragons.


Her ambition earned her the loyalty of many aides and allies. She fought to abolish slavery and now has her sights set on the Iron Throne, where she plans to end the vicious cycle of power politics.


Like any monarch, Daenerys isn't short of titles. "First of Her Name" and "Queen of the Andals" are some names she goes by.


Will she be able to avenge her family's name?


Game of Thrones was inspired by the Wars of the Roses, a civil war that wreaked great havoc in England


Richard Fitzwilliams says: The Targaryens were the rightful rulers of Westeros before their dynasty was usurped . In this respect, Daenerys's claims certainly have validity, being in exile would not alter this.

理查德•菲茨威廉:在坦格利安王朝 推翻 之前,坦格利安家族是维斯特洛的法定统治者,就这一点而言,丹妮莉丝称后是有法律依据的,即使她被流放在外也无法改变。

usurp [ju'zɜrp] vt to take sb's position and/or power without having the right to do this篡夺;侵权

For centuries, monarchy has favoured the precedence of males over females. In 2015, an act known as Succession to the Crown Bill came into force and this meant the eldest living child of a monarch succeeds, regardless of sex.


This would have been good news for Daenerys, were it not for the possibility that her deceased older brother may have had a legitimate son.


Daenerys has the support of her dragon children. The dragon we have in the UK rests on the Welsh flag, first used by Henry Tudor at the 1485 Battle of Bosworth which saw the defeat of Richard III and ended the Wars of the Roses.


The flag of Wales: Parallels with House Targaryen?


Sarah Peverley says: Any house that previously ruled can make a relevant claim to the Iron Throne. However, the problem in Westeros is that nobody follows pre-determined laws.


Daenerys's ancestor Aegon I was a conqueror. In turn, his descendants were overthrown during a rebellion incited by Robert Baratheon. If we apply these precedents, anyone able to conquer lands and hold them possesses the right to rule.


In Daenerys's case, she has a legitimate ancestral claim. She also has an army, dragons and is beloved by those she liberates.


This combination gives her a superior claim over others as she has the interests of the people at heart, rather than her own ambitions.


Will military assets and dragons win the hearts of the common people?


Gordon McKelvie says: She is the last Targaryen, or at least everyone thinks she is.


This means a Targaryen restoration was an option, though not necessarily a popular one.


It was important for any monarch to be popular with their nobility as the crown needs to have people willing to fight for it in times of war.

对一名君主来说,赢得 贵族 的支持是至关重要的,因为战时需要他们勤王。

nobility [noʊ'bɪləti] n. people of high social position who have titles such as that of duke or duchess贵族

Lord Randyll Tarly's dislike for Daenerys as a foreign invader was a sentiment that would be shared by many throughout British history.


Like any respected ruler, Jon Snow has led troops onto the field and fought with them in battle


Candidate 3: Jon Snow


Now a celebrated Northern leader, Jon Snow has come a long way from being outcast as Ned Stark's bastard child.Illegitimate no more, he is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen (Daenerys's brother), rightful heir to the Iron Throne. The prince was believed to have legally wed Jon's mother Lyanna Stark in a secret ceremony.


Blood from two of Westeros's most powerful houses signals one of the strongest claims to the throne. But would the monarchy have favoured this revelation?


Many rooting for Jon think he will make an excellent (but reluctant) Westeros king


Richard Fitzwilliams says: If his father was Rhaegar, Jon obviously has a very strong claim.


He would be more entitled to the throne than Daenerys.


Sarah Peverley says: Being labelled the "rightful heir" isn't quite as clear-cut as it sounds. The Targaryens were a dynasty that ruled by right of conquest. So did the Baratheons.


As Daenerys believes she is the only living Targaryen heir, we can't know for sure how she would respond to Jon's lineage. It is entirely possible that she would follow "tradition" and defer to him, following the lines of primogeniture .

由于丹妮莉丝自认为是最后的坦格利安人,她会怎样看待琼恩的身世,我们不得而知。当然,她遵循“传统”,按照 长子优先继承法 ,向他俯首称臣,亦是完全有可能。

primogeniture [.praɪmoʊ'dʒenətʃər] n. the system in which the oldest son in a family receives all the property when his father dies长子继承权
