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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组:
1. 国际商务研究中对多重共线性的误解:识别,后果及修正
Collinearity between independent variables is a recurrent problem in quantitative empirical research in International Business (IB). We explore insufficient and inappropriate treatment of collinearity and use simulations to illustrate the potential impact on results. We also show how IB researchers doing quantitative work can avoid collinearity issues that lead to spurious and unstable results. Our six principal insights are the following: first, multicollinearity does not introduce bias. It is not an econometric problem in the sense that it would violate assumptions necessary for regression models to work. Second, variance inflation factors are indicators of standard errors that are too large, not too small. Third, coefficient instability is not a consequence of multicollinearity. Fourth, in the presence of a higher partial correlation between the variables, it can paradoxically become more problematic to omit one of these variables. Fifth, ignoring clusters in data can lead to spurious results. Sixth, accounting for country clusters does not pick up all country-level variation.
原文: Thomas Lindner, Jonas Puck and Alain Verbeke. Misconceptions about multicollinearity in international business research: Identification, consequences, and remedies. Journal of International Business Studies (2020) 51, 283–298.
2. 国际军事冲突如何影响跨境并购有关的市场反应?
Our work examines the impact of country-dyadic military conflicts on market reaction to cross-border acquisitions (CBAs). Building on intergroup relations research, we theorize that country-dyadic military conflicts, weighted by their severity, trigger intergroup conflicts between the merging firms and, in so doing, hamper market reaction to CBA. Drawing on a sample that comprises 7321 CBAs between 1988 and 2011, we find that country-dyadic military conflicts reduce acquirer returns following CBA announcements and that cultural similarity between acquirer and target countries weakens the relationship between military conflicts and market reaction to CBA while colonial ties between the countries, the target country’s national pride, and the target’s firm size reinforce the relationship. Our study contributes to an emerging body of work that examines the role of international politics/relations in international business.
原文:Chengguang Li, Ilgaz Arikan, Oded Shenkar and Asli Arikan. The impact of country-dyadic military conflicts on market reaction to cross-border acquisitions. Journal of International Business Studies (2020) 51, 299–325.
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We investigate the role of high distance in trust erosion between small partners. High distance is known to hinder the formation of trust between potential partners, but its role in trust erosion in established partnerships is less understood by international business scholars. Through a qualitative longitudinal study, we extend current theory of how high distance affects the trust dynamics between cross-border partners. Specifically, we unearth three interrelated mechanisms that together explain how and why trust can erode due to high distance. We show that, before a partnership is formed, high distance can lead partners to erroneously attribute cues to a potential partner’s high quality, leading to over-expectations of partner performance. Once the partnership is operational, high distance hinders actors’ ability to understand situational factors associated with disappointing outcomes, and so they are attributed to failings of the partner. At the same time, distance-related challenges of bounded reliability render partners reluctant to discuss partnership outcomes. This can result in a vicious cycle of inertia as partners strive to protect goodwill while abandoning efforts to produce partnership outcomes because of doubts of the other’s quality. Thus, our theoretical model illustrates the limitations of trust and explains how, paradoxically, high distance can facilitate both trust formation and trust erosion.
原文:Carole Couper, A. Rebecca Reuber and Shameen Prashantham. Lost that lovin’ feeling: The erosion of trust between small, high-distance partners. Journal of International Business Studies (2020) 51, 326–352.
4. 跨社会文化的高绩效工作系统和组织绩效
This paper assesses whether societal culture moderates the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and organizational performance. Drawing on matched employer–employee data from 387 organizations and 7187 employees in 14 countries, our findings show a positive relationship between HRM practices combined in High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS) and organizational performance across societal cultures. Three dimensions of societal culture assessed (power distance, in-group collectivism, and institutional collectivism) did not moderate this relationship. Drawing on the Ability-Motivation-Opportunity (AMO) model, we further consider the effectiveness of three bundles of HRM practices (skill-enhancing, motivation-enhancing, and opportunity-enhancing practices). This analysis shows opportunity-enhancing practices (e.g., participative work design and decision-making) are less effective in high-power-distance cultures. Nevertheless, in markedly different countries we find combinations of complementary HPWS and bundles of AMO practices appear to outweigh the influence of societal culture and enhance organizational performance.
原文:Ali Dastmalchian et al. High-performance work systems and organizational performance across societal cultures. Journal of International Business Studies (2020) 51, 353–388
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当前研究越来越重视跨国企业(MNE)中,知识转化(knowledge transformation)的微观基础。已有研究发现了大量的转化行为(translation of practices)中的促进因素和障碍因素,但对跨国公司总部向外国子公司进行的转化行为却鲜有探讨。本文采用斯堪的纳维亚的制度主义方法,研究企业社会责任报告体系的转化——一种企业总部发起的行为实践,是如何转移(并影响)到英国总部所属的五个外国子公司去的。基于现有研究的框架,从微观角度扩展了已有的转化行为的研究框架。结合理论探究了行为转化的微观流程的顺序,确定其发生的条件,结合三种类型的转化,深刻理解从总部转移到子公司时这种转化(扩散)的微观基础。本文表明,转化是一种不断演进的现象,空间和时间重要性不可忽视的。本文也表明在各种(转化双方)的制度距离下,个人经验也会对转化产生影响。
Recent research has increasingly emphasized the micro-foundations of knowledge transformation in multi-national enterprises (MNEs). Although the literature has provided ample evidence of the enablers of and barriers to the translation of practices, less is known about the activities and efforts of translators that lead to specific types of translation in the context of the transfer of practices initiated at a MNE’s headquarters (HQ) to foreign subsidiaries. We apply a Scandinavian institutionalist approach to examine the translation of corporate social responsibility reporting, an HQ-initiated practice that is transferred to five foreign subsidiaries of a UK-based MNE. Our paper builds from a preliminary framework based on extant research to develop an extended framework of the micro-processes of translation. By theorizing the sequence of the micro-processes undertaken by translators, identifying the conditions under which they occur, and connecting them to the three types of translation, we provide a deep understanding of the micro-foundations of translation when transferring practices from HQ to subsidiaries. Our paper shows that translation is an evolving phenomenon and illuminates the importance of attending to the social, spatial, and temporal situatedness of translators. It also brings insights into the individual experience of institutional distance and its effects on translation.
Note:translation refers to how ideas change as they travel from one context to another.
原文:Gabriela Gutierrez-Huerter O, Jeremy Moon, Stefan Gold and Wendy Chapple. Micro-processes of translation in the transfer of practices from MNE headquarters to foreign subsidiaries: The role of subsidiary translators. Journal of International Business Studies (2020) 51, 389–413.
已有研究表明,对于来自发达经济体的跨国公司而言,子公司所在的新兴市场(东道国)的腐败程度越高,总部越可能关闭该子公司。本文从组织角度和一体化的响应范式来探讨腐败程度的影响,并提出以一体化导向的战略(integration-oriented strategies)会削弱(东道国的)腐败程度与关闭子公司(可能性)的正向关系,尤其在高腐败的环境下。本文从股权策略及外派人员策略的角度来检验上述关系的作用机制。研究发现,腐败与退出该市场关系的重要机制是其间的不确定性,跨国公司可以通过制定子公司的投资战略的选择来减少这种不确定性。跨国公司对子公司股权占比越高,越会弱化腐败程度与关闭新兴市场的子公司的(正向)关系,尤其在当地腐败程度较高时;但边际效应检验不支持外派人员战略假设。本文的实践启示在于,发达国家的跨国企业在制定新兴市场的发展战略时,应关注当地腐败程度这一要素。
Extant research has found that more pronounced levels of corruption in foreign host emerging markets increase the likelihood that subsidiaries established by multinational enterprises (MNEs) from developed countries will exit. We synthesize insights from the organizational perspective of corruption and the integration-responsiveness paradigm to propose that integration-oriented strategies will weaken the positive relationship between corruption and the likelihood of exit at high levels of host market corruption. We develop and test hypotheses pertaining to the main effect of corruption on the likelihood of subsidiary exit, as well as the moderating impacts of a firm’s equity ownership strategy and its expatriate staffing strategy upon this relationship. We theorize that uncertainty operates as the mechanism that underpins the corruption-market exit relationship, and that an MNE’s strategic choices with respect to its subsidiary investments contribute to reducing this uncertainty. We find that an increase in the foreign-investing MNE’s equity ownership share negatively moderates the positive relationship between corruption and the likelihood that foreign subsidiaries established by developed market MNEs will exit host emerging markets when corruption is high. However, the marginal effects results do not support the expatriate staffing strategy hypothesis. Our work provides guidance to developed country MNEs that seek insights with respect to the utility of strategies that might be implemented in host emerging markets characterized by more pronounced levels of corruption.
原文:Michael A. Sartor and Paul W. Beamish. Integration-oriented strategies, host market corruption and the likelihood of foreign subsidiary exit from emerging markets. Journal of International Business Studies (2020) 51, 414–431.
7. 评估全球价值链中的公司异质性
The growing interest in global value chains (GVCs) has been paired with a greater appreciation of the need for better measurement methods, as reflected by recent initiatives from academia and leading international organizations. This research note focuses on one method to measure GVCs that has been recommended in recent scholarly work, namely input–output models, but goes beyond the industry level of analysis by introducing intra-industry firm heterogeneity. Our illustrative application to multinational enterprises (MNEs) versus domestic firms’ participation in GVCs enhances our understanding of their specific role in GVCs and how such engagement varies across countries and industries. While showing that MNEs’ contribution to value-added exports is considerably smaller than what is suggested by traditional trade statistics, our findings also, interestingly, document that the higher import content of exports of MNEs can go hand in hand with the creation of local backward linkages as a function of their much higher specialization in only parts of the production process vis-a`-vis domestic firms. By answering relevant questions on MNEs’ engagement in GVCs that have hitherto been impossible to address comprehensibly and in a cross-country comparative setting, this application illustrates how the methodology has great potential for international business research.
原文:Fabienne Fortanier, Guannan Miao, Ans Kolk and Niccolo Pisani. Accounting for firm heterogeneity in global value chains. Journal of International Business Studies (2020) 51, 432–453.