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每日外刊丨0406 - 国际布克奖入围名单以28岁的处女作领跑

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2020-04-06 07:03



当地时间4月2日,国际布克奖短名单在伦敦正式公布,共有6本书入围。值得关注的是,继去年之后,国际布克奖短名单再次被女性统治。入围的6部作品中有4部由女作家所作,在去年,这个比例是5/6。国际布克奖可以说是世界上最重要的英译文学奖之一,每年评选一次,评选对象是全球翻译为英语的优秀小说,奖金高达5万英镑,由获奖的作家和译者平分。发掘年轻作家不仅是一种欲望,也是专业文学评委们的一项任务。去年的布克奖曾创造多项新的记录——第一次有图像小说入围,第一次将侦探小说列入长名单,27岁的黛西·约翰逊和28岁的萨莉·鲁尼成为布克奖新星。这些都显示出文学奖项想要自我革新的欲望。而在今年公布的国际布克奖短名单中,28岁的荷兰作家玛丽·卢卡斯·里耶维尔德(Marieke Lucas Rijneveld)成为令人瞩目的焦点。


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Happiness is always around us if we put our hearts into life.


International Booker prize shortlist led by 28-year-old’s debut

Dutch author Marieke Lucas Rijneveld has become one of the youngest writers to be shortlisted for a Booker prize, after their debut novel made the final line-up for the International Booker. Rijneveld, a rising star in Dutch literature, is 28 – slightly older than British author Daisy Johnson was when she was shortlisted for the Booker prize in 2018, age 27.

The author, who identifies as male and uses the pronouns they/them, was shortlisted after a six-hour virtual judging meeting for the £50,000 prize, which is shared equally between writer and translator, for The Discomfort of Evening, translated by Michele Hutchison. The novel, tells of a girl whose brother dies in a skating accident and draws from Rijneveld’s own experiences: when they were three, their 12-year-old brother was knocked over and killed by a bus.

“Rijneveld’s language renders the world anew, revealing the shocks and violence of early youth through the prism of a Dutch dairy farm. The strangeness of a child looking at the strangeness of the world,” said judges of the work. The Discomfort of Evening is one of six novels in the running for the International Booker, each of which, said chair of judges Ted Hodgkinson, “restlessly reinvents received narratives, from foundational myths to family folklore, plunging us into discomfiting and elating encounters with selves in a state of transition”.

文本选自:The Guardian(卫报)
作者:Alison Flood
原文标题:International Booker prize shortlist led by 28-year-old’s debut
原文发布时间:02 Apr. 2020



英 [ˈʃɔːtlɪst]         美 [ˈʃɔːrtlɪst]                         

  • n. 入围名单

  • v. 把…列入入围名单


英 [ˈdeɪbjuː]         美 [deɪˈbjuː]                             

  • n. (演员、运动员)首次亮相;初次登台(或上场)

  • v. 初次表演;初次登台


英 [rɪˈviːl]       美 [rɪˈviːl]

  • v. 揭示;显示;透露;显出;露出;展示


英 [ˈprɪzəm]        美 [ˈprɪzəm]           

  • n. 棱柱体;棱柱;棱镜;三棱镜



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