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限时领丨 清明节主题中英素材超全!学习中国传统文化和兴趣英语好用了!

超级数学建模  · 公众号  · 数学  · 2025-03-21 22:28


今天给大家带来的是 清明节主题学习素材 ,含中英版,PPT课件、介绍视频、绘本、闪卡、小报、拓展阅读等, 内容丰富,是学习中国传统文化知识和提高语言学习的兴趣好素材!



Cold Food Festival    寒食节

Day of sacrifice    祭祀节日

Condolence    哀悼之情

Hell note/Joss paper    纸钱

Mourning ceremony    哀悼仪式

Offer sacrifices to ancestors    祭祖/上供

Funeral supplies/products    殡葬用品

Funeral services    殡葬服务业

Mortician    殡仪业者

Burn incense    焚香

Tomb-sweeping    扫墓

Tomb sweeper    扫墓的人

Monument       纪念碑

Online funeral     网上葬礼

Online tribute    网上悼念

Cremation urn    骨灰盒

Inhumation    土葬

Cremation    火葬

Sea burial    海葬

Tree burial    树葬

Celestial burial    天葬

Boat-coffin burial    船棺葬

National mourning    全 国哀悼

National mourning day    全 国哀悼日

Willow branches inserted on each gate  门旁插柳

Filial piety   孝顺;孝心

Commemorate   缅怀、纪念

In memory/remembrance of 以纪念,以缅怀

In memory/remembrance of 以纪念,以缅怀

Mourn for   悼念、哀悼

Honour the memory of   缅怀

Sweep the tomb   扫墓

burn joss paper   烧纸钱

visit the cemetery   去墓园

pay respect to remember them   追思故人

Respect your parents   孝顺父母

Honor your parents   尊敬父母,重视父母

Be big on family   重视家庭

Family guys   把家庭看的很重的人(一般指男性)

We need burn joss paper and sweep the tomb on the Tomb-sweeping Day.   清明节的时候需要烧纸钱和扫墓。


Qingming Festival, or the Tomb-Sweeping Day is one of the Chinese Twenty-four Solar Terms. It is on April 4th or 5th of the Gregorian calendar. It is the crucial time for plowing and sowing in the spring. From that date, the temperatures begin to rise and rainfall increases.


清明节来源 The Origin of Qingming Festival

It is said that the Qingming Festival was originally held to commemorate Jie Zitui, a loyal man who lived during the Spring and Autumn Period. Jie cut a piece of meat from his own leg in order to save his hungry lord who was forced to flee from his own country.

据说,清明节一开始是为了纪念春秋时期的一个忠臣介子推。介子推从自己腿上割下一块肉,救了被迫逃离自己国 家的饥饿的晋国公子重耳。

Later, when the lord regained his position, he forgot about Jie Zitui’s sacrifice. However, after being reminded, he felt ashamed and decided to reward the loyal man, but Jie had hidden in a mountain with his mother. In order to find Jie, the lord ordered that the mountain be set on fire.


Unfortunately, Jie was found dead with his mother. In order to commemorate the day of his death, the lord declared the date to be Hanshi (Cold Food) Festival — the day that only cold food can be eaten.


A year later, when the lord went to the mountain to commemorate Jie’s death, he found the burned willows had revived, so he gave instructions that the day after Hanshi Festival was to be Qingming Festival. Eventually, the two festivals were combined into one.


清明节习俗 (The Customs of Qingming Festival)

Tomb Sweeping   扫墓

Cleaning the tombs and paying respect to the dead with offerings are the two important practices to remember late relatives. Weeds around the tomb are cleared away and fresh soil is added to show care for the dead. The dead person's favorite food, wine and chopsticks are offered on their tombs, along with paper money.

扫墓和献上供品对逝者表示敬意,是两种纪念逝去亲友的重要习俗。为表示对逝者的关怀,墓边的杂草被清 除并盖上新鲜的土壤。逝者喜欢的食物、酒和筷子连同纸钱一起被供奉在墓边。

Spring Outing踏青

Not only is it a day for commemorating the dead, but it is also a time for people to enjoy themselves.


As trees turn green, flowers blossom, and the sun shines brightly, everything returns to life. It is a fine time to appreciate the beauty of nature. This custom can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period (770 – 476BC) and Warring States Period (475 – 221BC) .

树木变绿,花儿绽放,阳光明媚,万物复苏。这是欣赏大自然之美的好时机。这个习俗可以追溯到春秋时期 (公元前770 - 476年) 和战国时期 (公元前475 - 221年)

Flying Kites 放风筝
