Manages as Sales Supervisor/Team Lead, in full, usually through a number of subordinate supervisors, the activities of a small sales unit, or manages a small group of individual skilled sales specialists .
Has responsibility for results, including costs, methods and staffing. Receives assignments in the form of objectives with goals and the process by which to meet goals.
Provides direction to employees according to established policies and management guidance. Pre actively recommends changes to his sales unit policies.
Works on issues where analysis of situation or data requires review of relevant factors. Exercises judgment within defined procedures and policies to determine appropriate action.
Typically reports to senior management level incumbents. Frequently interacts with subordinate supervisors and functional peer groups.
Interaction normally requires the ability to gain cooperation of others, conducting presentations of technical information concerning specific projects or schedules. Is involved in budget preparation.
Typically requires a Bachelor’s degree and < 5 years of related experience in Sales.
Avent Tmall Assistant online Sales Manager
精通天猫平台的运营操作,能及时准确监督活动后台报名,获取免费资源。管理店铺日常运营,推动销售增长; 通过线上销售数据分析,客户需求分析,消费者习惯分析及推广活动效果分析等,制定有针对性的线上营销计划; 日常店铺运营的KPI跟踪,能及时发现存在问题,并制定有效的行动计划进行改善; 通过和市场部及TSM积极沟通,优化店铺资源,提升销售; 根据公司策略做好推广投放计划并管理及监控; 协助经销商管理专卖店及运营团队,人员效率最大化,提高团队稳定性;
该团队负责飞利浦母婴产品线Avent品牌在天猫渠道线上的销售。 您将向天猫高级销售经理汇报,并与其他多个团队有紧密的合作,这些团队或许与您在同一个办公楼,或者位于其他国家和地区。 与您合作的同事包括需求计划员、本地财务团队、市场部和电商营销专家。
学历:本科及以上; 工作经验:2年以上online相关运营工作; 熟练掌握excel,ppt等办公软件; 语言:大学英语4级以上
一个极具职业发展前途的机会。飞利浦全公司的线上渠道在不断地提高。 成功应聘这个在多元化环境中以市场开发为己任的职位,将让您在自己的长期职业生涯、飞利浦公司内部的其他领域甚至其他行业中获得众多发展机会。 作为雇主,我们也希望为您提供最好的待遇来回馈您的付出。 因此,我们为您提供有竞争力的健康福利,弹性工作时间,以及多种可提升个人生活品质的当地活动。
在飞利浦工作并不仅仅是从事一份工作,更是响应我们对健康生态的愿景,通过有意义的创新来打造更加健康的社会;飞利浦致力于在健康关护全程提供创新的解决方案,在2025年之前每年改善全球30亿人的生活。在这一旅程中,我们的员工不但能体验到许多惊喜的时刻,更能深刻感受到生活和工作的意义。欢迎观看视频 了解更多详情