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carola vannini丨现代设计下的优雅

设计诗designer  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2025-03-19 09:00


本文是关于建筑师Carola Vannini的介绍,包括其教育背景、工作经历以及设计作品。文章详细描述了其在建筑和室内设计方面的才华,特别是在大型顶层公寓设计项目中的独特设计和思考过程。


关键观点1: Carola Vannini的背景与经历

Carola Vannini出生于罗马,毕业于罗马la Sapienza学院的建筑学专业。曾去巴黎和纽约学习和工作,积累了丰富的经验。回到意大利后,在他的律师事务所卡罗瓦尼建筑公司负责设计和室内设计。

关键观点2: Carola Vannini的设计作品特点

Carola Vannini的设计作品从客厅到厨房的每个方面都经过研究和个性化设计。特别是在大型顶层公寓的设计中,他通过独特的创新使空间从根本上发生了变化。

关键观点3: 设计细节的处理

Carola Vannini注重设计细节的处理,如楼梯的设计,通过深色木材的选择来增强它的存在感,并与空间的其余部分形成对比。他还通过石材的使用,让厨房与客厅的景观相互呼应,提升了整体的视觉效果。

关键观点4: 空间功能的布局

在起居室和睡眠区之间的过渡区域,Carola Vannini巧妙地设计了通往楼上的楼梯,以及一个包含健身房、办公室和浴室的空间布局,实现了空间的高效利用。


carola vannini

Carola Vannini出生于罗马,1973年毕业于罗马la Sapienza学院的建筑学专业。他的培训包括在巴黎学习和工作的重要经验;在纽约做了两年的室内设计师和建筑师。回到意大利,在他的律师事务所,卡罗瓦尼建筑公司,负责设计和室内设计。
Carola Vannini was born in Rome and graduated in architecture from La Sapienza Academy in Rome in 1973. His training included significant experience studying and working in Paris; Worked as an interior designer and architect in New York for two years. Back in Italy, he was responsible for design and interior design at his law firm, Karovani Architecture.

Every aspect has been studied and personalized, from the living room furnishings, to the coffee tables, to the fireplace, to the kitchen.

The large penthouse, set on two levels and surrounded by large perimeter terraces, has been the subject of a complete renovation which has radically transformed it from both a distributional and formal point of view.

The staircase was conceived as an element that breaks with the absolute rigor of the dominant architectural lines. In order to enhance it, the color of the wood that covers it was chosen dark, so as to bring out the sinuous parapet and create a contrast with the rest of the flooring.

The numerous openings towards the terrace frame colorful views where seats, armchairs, sofas and a large outdoor kitchen alternate in mutual exaltation.
