专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-07 11:43


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,越南热轧卷进口市场价格进一步上涨。供应商依然看涨,在价格获得认可后继续快速提高报价。

The Vietnamese hot rolled coilimport market has registered further price gains, Kallanish notes.Suppliers remain bullish and continue to hike offers quickly aftergaining price acceptance.

大多数中国钢厂对 2-3mm 厚度的 SAE 1006 热轧卷报价为 625-630 美元 / cfr 越南, 3 月船期。市场供不应求,尤其是 1 月船期货物。

Most Chinese mills areoffering 2-3mm thickness SAE 1006 HRC for March shipment at$625-630/tonne cfr Vietnam. The market is in short supply especially forJanuary shipments.

12 3 日,一家中国钢厂以 635 美元 / cfr 胡志明市的价格售出 1 万吨 1 月船期的 SAE 1006 热轧卷。听说买家是一位本地贸易商 / 库存商。一些越南贸易商认为该价格偏高。一位贸易商解释说,这位买家可能需要 1 月船期货物,因为一些货物可能会被推迟,并补充说之前 1 月船期的交易价格较低。

A Chinese mill sold 10,000 tonnes ofSAE 1006 HRC for January shipment at $635/t cfr Ho Chi Minh City on 3 December.The buyer is heard to be a local trader/stockist. Some Vietnamese tradersdeemed the booking price as high. A trader rationalises that the buyer mayneed January-shipment material because some cargoes could be delayed, addingthat bookings for January shipments were done earlier at low prices.

该贸易商听闻,这位贸易商 / 库存商目前对本地 SAE 1006 热轧卷的报价相当于 585 美元 / cfr 。但另一位贸易商表示,他不认为成交价太高。他指出,贸易商通常会最先接受更高的价格。

The trader/stockist is currentlyoffering local SAE 1006 HRC at the equivalent of $585/t cfr, the trader hears.But another trader says he does not believe the transaction price is too high.A trader is usually the first to accept a higher price, he notes.

一位越南贸易商称,上述中国钢厂计划在 12 7 日开始的一周内将报价上调至 650 美元 / cfr

The abovementioned Chinese millplans to hike offers to $650/t cfr during the week beginning 7 December, aVietnamese trader says.

12 2 日,主要再轧商和贸易商以 627 美元 / cfr 越南的价格从一家中国一线钢厂订购了 6 万吨热轧卷,而一家日本一线钢厂则以 635 美元 / cfr 的价格达成一宗 2-3 万吨的交易。这两批货物均为 100% 2mm 厚度的 SAE 1006 热轧卷, 3 10 日前船期,但目标是 2 月份发货。

On 2 December, leading re-rollersand traders ordered 60,000t of HRC from a Chinese Tier 1 mill at $627/t cfrVietnam, while a Japanese Tier 1 mill closed a deal for 20,000-30,000t at$635/t cfr. Both cargoes were for 100% 2mm thickness SAE 1006 HRC and due forshipment by 10 March; however, they are targeting a February departure.

河内一位贸易商称,印度 SAE 1006 热轧卷报价在 640-650 美元 / cfr 。但一位印度贸易商称,印度热轧卷在其他地方能卖出更好的价格。他听说有一宗 5,000 吨的热轧卷销往欧洲,价格为 725 美元 / cfr ,相当于 680 美元 / fob 印度。他说:“印度在一段时间内不会关注越南市场。”

Indian SAE 1006 HRC offers are at$640-650/t cfr, a trader in Hanoi says. But an Indian trader says that IndianHRC can fetch better prices elsewhere. He has heard of a HRC salefor 5,000t to Europe at $725/t cfr, which works out to $680/t fob India.“Indian will not look at Vietnam for some time,” he says.

上周五, Kallanish 2-2.7mm SAE1006 热轧卷的估价为 620-635 美元 / cfr
