△街角的灯塔——南回头村民文化中心 ©直译建筑摄影
“平常普通的乡村如何更新?低造价的设计怎么最大程度上给村落带来变化?如何保留乡村有价值的场地记忆又实现创新?介入日照市五莲县的南回头村改造之初,如上三连问不断冲击设计思考。”△文化中心西立面 ©直译建筑摄影
此次改造的是村子的南部的村委大院。村委大院弃用的老村委平房保留下来闲置着,新建两层并无特色的楼房作为新村委会大楼使用,其周边被移植过来的所谓徽派风格建筑包围,这也是大多乡村改造的无奈——用简单的符号移植来表达对未来的憧憬。老村委大院废弃遗留下来的一排老建筑为90年代统一的简单土木结构,木檩条已有腐烂,层高比周围民房高出一截。另有一个简陋的村集体制茶厂房。面对低成本的要求,简约的设计成为准则。保留老村委建筑格局的基础上,根据新的功能需求,重新建造和植入功能体块。通过对场地内每栋建筑质量进行仔细的评估,与场地同岁的苦楝树和承载村民集体记忆的老村院墙得到保留,并在院子里新增餐厅,作为村民中心的盈利项目。村头增设街角美术馆,成为村民公共活动与美育的场所。Located on a plain at the end of a mountain range, Nanhuaitou Village is one of many unremarkable northern Chinese villages. It underwent a standardized planning process in the 1990s, where rows of single-story red-tiled houses aligned along rigorously organized streets. The current renovation project focuses on the southern part of the village's administrative compound.
The old administrative building, a disused single-story structure, was left idle while a new two-story, The abandoned old village committee office, a modest timber-and-masonry structure from the 1990s, had rotting wooden beams and a height exceeding the surrounding homes. Additionally, there was a basic tea factory for collective production. Faced with budget constraints, simplicity became the guiding design principle. The old administrative building layout was retained, while new functional volumes were introduced and reconstructed according to programmatic requirements.
△南回头村民文化中心夜景鸟瞰 ©直译建筑摄影
在乡村,三尺巷的故事流传甚广,邻里之间不争分毫的谦逊与退让成就了街坊格局的收放。老村委建筑正处于建筑平齐的十字街口,我们的改造设计在老建筑面向十字街道的地方裁掉一段,给街角退让出空间,让原本单调而紧张的村落十字街道变得宽松而丰富。退让出来的空间,做成一个完全开放的小型美术馆,展出村民们的文创和美术作品。三层高的街角美术馆占据乡村中心高地,成为一个小小的灯塔式建筑,也是村子中心的小小地标。建筑简约的白,在一片红瓦的乡村建筑环境中展现出一种诗意。街角美术馆在很小的用地范围内,通过转折的交通空间实现紧凑的展线。建筑整体顶部采光,通过截面控制阳光的入射角,将纯粹的自然光引入室内,实现展厅内漫反射的匀质光环境。夜晚美术馆的灯光透过玻璃,点染安静单调的乡村夜晚。退让之后的十字街口“灯塔”照亮村子也点燃了希望,些许高调也不失为一种积极的谦逊。In rural areas, the story of "the three-foot alley" is widely shared, embodying the humility and mutual concessions that shape community spaces. The old administrative building is situated at the intersection of two village streets. Our design intervention removed a portion of the structure at the corner, creating a setback that transformed the once-cramped intersection into a more open and engaging space.
The three-story Corner Art Gallery rises prominently, becoming a symbolic "lighthouse" and a modest landmark at the village’s center. Its minimalistic white façade introduces a poetic presence amidst the red-tiled surroundings. The gallery achieves compact exhibition routes through carefully designed circulation within its limited footprint. Natural light enters from the roof, with sectional control of the sunlight angle, creating a soft, diffused lighting environment in the gallery. At night, light from the gallery filters through its glass façade, enlivening the tranquil rural evenings.
△街角美术馆西立面 ©直译建筑摄影
△街角美术馆夜景 ©直译建筑摄影
建筑面向村民和所有的来访者完全开放,成为所有人的美术馆。这也是我们工作室在乡村做建筑设计的一贯原则:每个村都应该选择适当的建筑向所有人开放,让其拥有真正的公共和开放性,承载村民的集体生活和共同记忆。这种理念在古老的东西方乡村公共建筑中都有体现,正是这些可以自由进入的建筑,容纳了活泼好动的孩子,接待了颐养天年的老人,欢迎每个到访村子的陌生人,沉淀了乡村迎来送往的故事和记忆,也让乡愁有了深沉的魅力和载体。Fully open to villagers and visitors, the gallery embodies our studio’s rural design philosophy: every village deserves accessible, open public architecture that fosters community life and collective memory. Such buildings, historically present in both Eastern and Western rural traditions, have served as gathering spaces for idle children, resting spots for the elderly, and welcoming shelters for strangers. They anchor the village’s stories and nostalgia, imbuing it with profound charm and significance.
△街角美术馆夜景 ©直译建筑摄影
△街角美术馆夜景 ©直译建筑摄影
A robust chinaberry tree, as old as the site itself, stands within the compound. Its gnarled branches and deep hues reveal their pure beauty during the leafless autumn and winter seasons. Known locally as "liantzao," this native species blooms with dense, violet flowers in spring and produces golden, abundant fruit in autumn. The new restaurant was designed to embrace this tree, with the structure arranged around it. Utilizing lightweight steel construction, the building interacts delicately with the tree. Exposed structural joints, inspired by the tree’s intricate branches, achieve an industrial aesthetic while addressing cost efficiency. The building’s simplicity, characterized by its clean white exterior, avoids overshadowing the tree, allowing the chinaberry to remain the focal point.农村生活乐趣之一便是登上自家或者别人家的平房屋顶,在炎热的夏日傍晚吹一吹风。爬墙上屋是农村人喜爱的独有游戏。我们在餐厅北部,毗邻街角美术馆和村委老屋的位置做了上人屋面,为老村民的爱好保留一处可施展的平台。并设置一小小的屋顶天台咖啡馆,为年轻村民提供更年轻的生活方式和可能。通体的白盒子从街道尺度看,又是呼应街角美术馆的重要建筑。One of rural life’s unique joys lies in climbing onto rooftops, whether your own or a neighbor’s, to catch a breeze on hot summer evenings. Inspired by this fond tradition, a rooftop platform was added to the restaurant’s northern section, near the Corner Art Gallery and the old administrative building. This rooftop café provides older villagers with a nostalgic setting while offering younger residents a contemporary social space. From a street-level perspective, the white, cubic building complements the Corner Art Gallery, creating a cohesive architectural dialogue.
△在乡村“红屋顶”序列中的屋顶咖啡馆 ©直译建筑摄影△屋顶咖啡馆鸟瞰 ©直译建筑摄影
△屋顶咖啡馆西立面 ©直译建筑摄影
老村委建筑东西向长条状,经结构评估,保留了原土墙,老墙体内主体结构重新加固。新的钢结构支撑起坡屋顶,造型上与村里的建筑保持一致风貌。建筑高度整体加高,沿南北和东三个方向拓展。立面依旧采用简约的设计手法,不做多余的装饰,建筑整体成为横向的风景线。二层横向长窗,压低向外的视线,在不经意的眺望中可窥老村风貌。长条状的透明玻璃恰若一线天,通过颜色和虚实的对比,让黑色的斜屋顶有了漂乎于空的轻盈。改造后的建筑成为乡村图书馆,图书室、阅读室、茶室和开放的阶梯空间一应俱全,除了图书借阅共享、小型会议团建功能,也附文创展示和售卖之用,给村集体带来一定收益。The old administrative building, a long east-west structure, retained its original earthen walls after structural evaluation. The walls were reinforced with new steel supports, and a pitched roof, consistent with the village’s architectural vernacular, was added. The building’s overall height was increased, and its footprint expanded southward, northward, and eastward. The façade retained a minimalist approach, avoiding excessive decoration. The horizontal design creates a linear visual experience resembling a “slit of sky.”A horizontal strip window on the second floor provides framed views of the village, subtly inviting contemplation of its charm. The long glass strip, juxtaposed with the black sloping roof, imparts a sense of lightness and suspension. The transformed building now serves as a rural library, offering reading spaces, tea rooms, and flexible areas for exhibitions, workshops, and small-scale gatherings. It also accommodates cultural product displays and sales, generating revenue for the village collective.△图书馆兼具阅读和小型舞台及会场功能 ©直译建筑摄影
小小的苔花也是一花一世界,再平常的乡村也有资格拥有自己的美好未来。在有限资金投入的乡村改造中,需要求变创新,也要在低调谦逊中呵护乡愁,营造诗意。简约的结构和朴素的白色,水平的线条和退让的方体,是一份去雕饰的真实。灯塔和苦楝树,既保留了场地的记忆和悠远的乡愁,又增添了一份新的优雅和诗意。Even the smallest of flowers contain entire worlds, and even the most ordinary of villages deserve their own beautiful future. In rural transformations constrained by limited budgets, innovation and change must be paired with humility and care for nostalgia, crafting poetic spaces. With simple structures and modest white surfaces, horizontal lines, and recessed volumes, this project reflects authenticity stripped of ornamentation. The "lighthouse" and chinaberry tree preserve the site’s memory and nostalgia while adding elegance and poetry to the village’s renewal.
△文化中心与街巷的关系 ©直译建筑摄影
△文化中心入口 ©直译建筑摄影
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