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经济学人 | 意大利面为何能够成为最紧俏的囤货?

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-29 08:00





Stockpiling pasta boosts Italy’s foodmakers

A Italian staple is a pandemic favourite


Supermarket shelves stripped bare by stockpilers were familiar scenes as anxious shoppers loaded up with toilet rolls and pasta when lockdowns were first imposed. The taste for long-lasting dried food has been a boon for Italy, a country in deep recession.


Although Italians remain the biggest eaters of pasta worldwide, munching through 23kg per head annually, the country’s pasta-makers export 60% of their production, mostly to Europe and America.


While stuck at home far more cooks made plates of spaghetti, fettuccine and farfalle. According to ISTAT, the Italian statistics agency, exports of pasta increased by 30% in the first six months of the year compared with the same period in 2019.

由于被迫待在家中,越来越多的家庭厨师学会了做意大利细面、意大利宽面和意大利蝴蝶结面。据意大利统计机构 ISTAT 的数据,今年上半年意大利意大利面的出口量相比去年同期增长了30%。

Barilla, the world’s biggest pasta-maker with sales of €3.6bn ($4.2bn) last year, must keep up with increased demand for its core product. The 143-year-old family firm also owns Wasa, the world’s biggest maker of Swedish crisp bread, as well as a host of smaller snack brands.


The company’s high-tech headquarters in Parma operated at close to capacity, producing 1,000 tonnes a day, throughout Italy’s harsh lockdown in spring. Some other Barilla factories produced more pasta than ever, says Bastian Diegel of Barilla in Germany, albeit at significantly higher cost thanks to the additional safety measures. It continued to make all of its 120 varieties.


Maintaining supplies to Germany, one of Barilla’s most important markets, even required dedicated transport. Starting in March the job of providing 22% of the pasta and as much as 39% of the sauces eaten in Germany meant dispatching two trains a week from Parma to Ulm, its main warehouse in the country.


Each train has 16 wagons transporting 490 tonnes of pasta, 60 tonnes of sauces and 50 tonnes of pesto. From June the trains ran three times a week; soon they might make four journeys.


The question for Barilla and other pasta-makers is whether the boom will outlast the pandemic. Luigi Cristiano Laurenza of the International Pasta Organisation is confident. Pasta consumption worldwide increased from 7m tonnes in 1999 to 16m tonnes last year, even before it became a pandemic staple.

对于百味来以及其他意大利面生产商来说,最大的问题在于这种繁荣是否会持续至疫情之后。国际意大利面协会的 Luigi Cristiano Laurenza 对此持有乐观态度。意大利面的全球消费量已从1999年的700万吨增长至去年(彼时,新冠肺炎疫情尚未爆发)的1600万吨。

Italy may have lost its appetite a little in recent years but there is room for growth nearly everywhere else, in particular in Africa and Asia. Pasta is cheap, tasty and versatile , says Mr Laurenza, making it especially attractive for cash-strapped families battered by a pandemic.

近年来,意大利人可能对意大利面可能有点吃腻了,但在世界其他地方,意大利面都有着巨大的市场增长空间。Laurenza 说,意大利面价廉味美,并且可以用来制作多种菜肴,其对于因受疫情影响而在经济上陷入困境的家庭来说是个不错的选择。








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