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默默维护 30 年,glibc 创始人兼维护者辞职

OSC开源社区  · 公众号  · 程序员  · 2017-07-11 08:30



GNU C library (glibc) 项目原作者兼维护者  Roland McGrath 宣布辞职和退出该项目,原因与家庭或其它问题无关,而是因为 30 年了该放手了。1980 年代,Roland 当时还是一名十多岁的青少年,他在为自由软件基金会工作期间开发了最早的  C 函数库。

他在邮件列表上表示,他过去几个月故意保持沉默,不回应任何邮件,看看这个项目还需不需要他这位维护者,结果证明 glibc 项目没有他仍然能继续前进,因此他决定辞职和不再直接参与 glibc。今年夏天将迎来 glibc 诞生三十周年的纪念。Roland 对所有帮助和参与 glibc 项目的人表示感谢,称有许多人对项目做出的贡献比他更大。( 稿源:solidot


Hello, friends!

You might have noticed that I haven't been present on the list or

perhaps answered your direct email in several months.  I'm sorry I've

been away so long without a word, but I'm not coming back any time soon.

There's no big news with me.  I've just found that I've drifted away and

today I'm acknowledging what's already happened.

This summer marks 30 years since I began writing the GNU C Library.

(That's two thirds of my lifespan so far.)  It's long enough.

So, I'm hereby declaring myself maintainer emeritus and withdrawing from

direct involvement in the project.  These past several months, if not

the last few years, have proven that you don't need me any more.

You'll make good decisions, as you've already made good decisions.

You'll actually get around to implementing some of the things I've been

suggesting or meaning to do (or saying I would do) for years, as you've

already made progress on some of those ideas in recent months.  If I

stayed around to give advice, you'd ignore my advice to be more paranoid

and more cautious, plow ahead anyway, ship it, and then have to redress

the problem when the practical issues manifested, as you've already done

and had to do. :-)  All in all, I have no doubt at all that the job

you're doing now and will do in the future maintaining glibc is better

than I ever did that job myself and at least as good as my presence in

the project might ever make it.

Over these 30 years, a few others have contributed individually more

than I did and the rest of you have contributed collectively far more

than I ever could have.  I'm eternally grateful to everyone who has been

or is now involved in nurturing, improving, shaping, and supporting this

creation.  I won't name any names since that would always give many more

short shrift.  But I'm especially grateful to the small handful of folks

who contributed in the early days when so much was so different than it

is today; to the diehard few who've hung on through all the changes and

tribulations over the many years; and to those, old and new, who have

come together in recent years to breathe new life into the project and

steer us towards becoming the vital community that the project and its

users have always deserved.  I'm proud of what we've been able to build

and deliver to our users.  But I'm more proud to have collaborated with
