Topic: Study in Montana
下午 18:00-19:30
Date and Time: Oct.24, 2019 (Thursday), 18:00 -19:30
蒙大拿州,美利坚之宝藏,地处西陲,山川壮美雄奇,天高云淡,无愧最佳去处(The Last Best Place).去大草原的湖边安静读书,在宝藏之州开启新的人生旅程。EducationUSA此次讲座邀请到了来自University of Montana的国际招生代表BRIGITTA LEE,来与大家分享蒙大拿州独特的西部风情与教育机会。
Event Details:
Montana is a land of stunning natural beauty, friendly people, and diverse opportunities for higher education. In this lecture, BRIGITTA LEE, a representative from University of Montana, will walk you into Montana State. The presentation will cover the unique western culture and higher education opportunities of Montana State.
This session will be conducted in English.
NOTE: This event is open to the general public free of charge. Audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted. Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.
You must bring a valid photo ID and your registration confirmation email in order to get into the Beijing American Center (BAC). Large bags and laptops will not be allowed into the program area of BAC.
You must arrive at the Embassy BAC entrance no later than half an hour of the program starting time for check in. You will NOT be admitted if you arrive half an hour after the program has started.