昨天,Celltrion宣布收到FDA针对其两种BLA申请产品(CT-P10和CT-P6)的完整回应信(Complete Response Letters),CT-P10和CT-P6分别是在研的针对利妥昔单抗(
来源: biopharma-reporter
近期,FDA发布了关于韩国仁川的Celltrion的警告信(Warning Letter 320-18-28),FDA于2017年5月22日至6月2日对该公司进行了检查,发现其制剂生产存在严重违反CGMP的行为。
1. Your firm failed to establish and follow appropriate written procedures that are designedto prevent microbiological contamination of drug products purporting to besterile, and that include validation of all aseptic and sterilization processes(21 CFR 211.113(b)). 你们公司未能建立并遵守适当的书面程序,设计用以防止理应无菌的药品受到微生物污染,其中包括对所有无菌和灭菌工艺的验证(21 CFR211.113(b))。
Poor Aseptic Behavior 无菌行为太差
On May 23, 2017, ourinvestigator observed multiple poor aseptic practices during the set-up andfilling of (b)(4) batch(b)(4).
For example, during theaseptic filling of vials, an operator used restricted access barrier system(RABS) (b)(4) to remove a jammed stopper by reaching over exposedsterile stoppers in the stopper bowl. The RABS (b)(4) disrupted theunidirectional airflow over the stopper bowl, creating a risk for microbialcontamination. After the operator removed the jammed stopper, the filling linewas restarted, but the affected stoppers were not cleared.
例如,在西林瓶无菌灌装中,一名操作员使用RABS XX越过装塞子的钵子里暴露的无菌塞子来移除卡住的塞子。该RABS XX里塞子钵上方单向流被中断,带来微生物污染风险。在操作员移除了卡住的塞子后,灌装线重新启动,但受影响的塞子并未清出。
In your response, you includedrevised aseptic technique procedures for set-up and filling. However, yourresponse was inadequate because you did not perform a retrospectiveinvestigation and thorough risk assessment of the effect on your product. Inaddition, your revised procedure FF21024 permits contamination ofproduct-contact surfaces during set-up, followed by wiping with a disinfectant,instead of preventing sterile equipment contamination by improved design andprocedures.
Smoke Study Deficiencies 烟雾试验缺陷
Our investigator reviewed thesmoke studies for the RABS filling and (b)(4) loading areas, anddocumented deficiencies. The smoke studies conducted for these ISO 5 areaslacked sufficient evaluation of dynamic conditions, including set-up androutine aseptic manipulations. For example, you did not address criticalinterventions such as the removal of jammed stoppers, so it was not possible toevaluate the effects of such interventions on unidirectional airflow.
In your response, you statedthat you conducted two additional smoke studies. In response to this letter,provide a copy (e.g., an mpeg file) of your new smoke study recordings.
Media Fill Deficiencies 培养基灌装缺陷
Our investigator observedmultiple deficiencies related to the validation of your aseptic processes.
a. Our review of yourmedia fill batch records found that your firm rejected integral vials. Forexample, during simulation of a power failure at the capping station, your firmrejected integral vials filled and stoppered prior to the power outage. Thepractice is inappropriate and contrary to your firm’s media fill procedure (b)(4)2205 Media Fill Plan for Sterile Injectable Products.
Clear and specific SOPs forline clearance (i.e., intervention type and quantity of units removed) enableconsistent production practices and assessment of these practices during mediafills. Where procedures lack specificity, there is insufficient justificationfor exclusion of units from the media fill batch. You should not remove moreunits during a media fill intervention than would be cleared during aproduction run. To ensure a valid assessment, it is critical that media fillstudies accurately simulate these and other worst-case conditions encounteredduring commercial production.
b. Your procedure (b)(4)2205 did not specify that all personnel authorized to enter the asepticprocessing rooms during manufacturing should participate in a media fill atleast once a year.
c. You lacked adequateprocedures for training and qualifying personnel to examine media filled unitsfollowing incubation, and you did not specify how they are to conduct thisinspection. Furthermore, you did not keep adequate records that document whichpersonnel performed the examinations.
In your response, you includedrevised media fill procedures, and indicated that you performed an additionalmedia fill. However, you did not adequately address the vials that wereerroneously removed and the impact on the accuracy of past media fill results.You also failed to perform a full assessment of your media fill program. Forexample, you did not conduct a thorough assessment of the training andqualifications of personnel to determine whether they can reliably examinemedia fill units.
2. Your firmfailed to thoroughly investigate any unexplained discrepancy or failure of abatch or any of its components to meet any of its specifications, whether ornot the batch has already been distributed (21 CFR 211.192). 你们公司未能彻底调查已销售和未销售的所有产品及其成分未解释的与质量标准差异和不合格情况(21 CFR 211.192)。
Lack of (b)(4) in Vials西林瓶中缺少XX
Our investigator documentedthat, from October 2015 to May 2017, you received approximately 140 complaintsfor(b)(4) related to (b)(4) in the vials. A substantial numberof these critical complaints were for U.S. batches and were received after FDAapproved (b)(4) in (b)(4). Your investigation identified the rootcause as vial stoppers (b)(4) which caused (b)(4) stoppering.This allowed (b)(4) to replace the (b)(4) in the (b)(4).This defect can significantly affect multiple quality attributes of yourproduct over its shelf life.
Your SOP QA2002 Deviationand Corrective Action Preventive Action requires prompt investigation andresolution of deviations. However, you investigated recurring (b)(4) complaintswithout resolution for more than two years, as indicated from the firstdeviation report DE-P2-16-003 dated January 6, 2015, to the summary reportdated March 3, 2017.
你们的SOP QA2002偏差和纠正预防措施要求对偏差进行迅速调查和解决。但是,你们对重复发生的XX投诉调查超过2年都没有解决方案。首个偏差报告DE-P2-16-003日期为2015年1月6日,总结报告日期为2017年3月3日。
You failed to thoroughlyinvestigate the lack of (b)(4) in vials and to implement a timely andeffective CAPA.
In addition, you failed tosubmit a biological product deviation report for (b)(4) to FDA asrequired by 21 CFR 600.14(c).
另外,你们未按21 CFR 600.14(c)的要求提交一份XX的生物产品偏差报告给FDA。
In your response, you statedthat you applied (b)(4) on the surface of both of the (b)(4) andare now routinely using(b)(4) stoppers. You state that these changeshave reduced the (b)(4) between (b)(4) and stoppers. You havealso added a (b)(4) as a (b)(4) detector for in-process controltesting.