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生活 | 该不该签订婚前协议

VOA英语听力  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-12-16 21:48


Do You Have a Business ?


Think about your jobs . If one of you owns their own business , it may be important to have a prenup in place to protect the business assets in case your marriage comes to an end . Shaolaine Loving , a principal attorney , says that a prenup can protect business efforts and interests .

想想你们的工作。如果你们之间有一个人有自己的公司,那签订婚前协议可能还是很重要的,因为万一离婚了,婚前协议还可以保护你的企业资产。首席律师 Shaolaine Loving 说道,婚前协议可以保护企业投入和利益。

" If one of you has or later forms a business , then laws can provide that your spouse deserves half of whatever income or assets were realized during the marriage , or that your spouse should receive half ownership interest . You can dictate in a prenup so that you keep your own business interests . Essentially , the prenup ensures you to control the outcome of a potential divorce ."


Do Either of You Have Debt ?


Be sure to have an open and honest money conversation with your spouse - to - be . Do they have any outstanding debt ? If so , how much ? Loving says that if debt is present , having a prenup can ensure each spouse's debt remains in their name .

请务必与您将来的配偶开诚布公的谈论财务状况。他们是不是欠下很多债?如果是这种情况,欠了多少? Loving 表示,如果存在欠债的情况,签订婚前协议可以确保某人欠的债应该还是由他/她自己来还。

" If your spouse takes out a credit card and racks up a bunch of charges on his / her own volition , then you can ensure you won't be liable for that spouse's reckless spending habits ."

"如果你的配偶拿出一张信用卡挥霍,欠下了一大笔债,那你就可以不用为他/她那挥霍无度的习惯而 ' 买单 ' 了。"

Do You Plan on Moving to a Different State ?


While you might be cozy living in the state that you're in right now , think about your future living situation . If you might be moving across state lines , it's important to know that laws are different based on where you live .


Elysa Greenblatt , a lawyer at Greenblatt Law LLC , said , " If you are going to move from a state such as New York , which is a 'separate property' state , to a state such as California , which is a 'community property' state , you should have a prenup . Different state laws could mean that assets you never thought would be divided in a divorce are subject to division . A prenup can protect those assets even if you move ."


Do You Have Complex Assets ?


Take inventory of what you have and own in your name only . Are those things you want to keep protected in case your relationship ends ? If so , you might want to draft up a prenup .

