专栏名称: 比尔盖茨
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)唯一官方公众号,分享他见过的人、读过的书和学到的功课,内容包括全球健康、能源创新、教育改革和读书笔记等。
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  比尔盖茨

我尼日利亚和埃塞俄比亚之行的亮点 | 盖茨原创

比尔盖茨  · 公众号  · 科技自媒体  · 2024-09-06 16:00




我想分享几张这周的照片。感谢所有与我分享时间和见解的人,包括埃塞俄比亚总理艾哈迈德、尼日利亚卫生部长穆罕默德·阿里·帕特(Muhammad Ali Pate),以及此次同行的特别嘉宾——杰出的音乐家乔恩·巴蒂斯特(Jon Batiste)。未来,基金会将与非洲的合作伙伴展开更多合作。根据我本周的见闻,我相信下次访问将同样鼓舞人心。





参观完家禽养殖场后,我与总理及另外三位政府领导共进了午餐:卫生部长梅克德斯·达巴(Mekdes Daba)博士、奥罗米亚地区主席西梅尔利斯·阿卜迪莎(Shimelis Abdisa),以及奥罗米亚卫生局局长门格斯图·贝克勒(Mengistu Bekele)博士。我们讨论了过去几年面临的重大挑战,包括新冠疫情和区域冲突,以及政府如何运用循证策略来克服这些挑战,并在消灭脊髓灰质炎、营养和疫苗接种等问题上取得进展。




我参加了一个名为Nutrivision的活动,该活动汇集了200名致力于其中一些创新的学生。ONE全球首席执行官恩迪迪·奥康库·努涅利(Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli)主持了一场精彩的问答环节——听年轻人分享他们的想法和工作总是很有趣。

在Nutrivision活动上,我很高兴见到了托拉尼·塔约·奥西科亚(Tolani Tayo-Osikoya),即尼日利亚网红、美食博主Chef T。Chef T拥有超过100万粉丝,她宣传良好的营养观念(还有一些出色的烹饪技巧)。我很钦佩她对食品安全的深入思考,以及她对投资创新解决方案的关注,以确保全国各地的儿童都能有一个健康的人生开端。


Highlights of my trip to Nigeria and Ethiopia

I’ve just wrapped up a busy five-day trip to Ethiopia and Nigeria. It’s the kind of trip that’s both tiring and energizing at the same time. Even though I stay in touch with a lot of partners in both countries—the Gates Foundation has been funding work in them for more than 15 years—there’s nothing quite like visiting to see the work in action.

Whenever I get home from a trip like this, friends are curious to hear how it went. Here’s what I’m telling them. From 2000 to 2019 or so, Ethiopia and Nigeria led the way on dramatic improvements in health and poverty that rippled across Sub-Saharan Africa. Since then, the pandemic, extreme weather, and political and economic instability have set both countries back, along with much of the rest of the continent. But as I saw on this trip, there’s great work going on in both places that makes me optimistic about their future, and Africa’s.

I want to share a few photos from the week. Thanks to everyone who shared their time and insights with me, including Prime Minister Ahmed of Ethiopia, Nigerian Health Minister Muhammad Ali Pate, and a special guest who came along for the trip: the amazing musician Jon Batiste. The foundation will be working with African partners even more in the future, and based on what I saw this week, my next visit will be just as inspiring.

I arrived in Addis Ababa on Sunday, and on Monday morning, I took a two-hour car ride with Prime Minister Ahmed to visit a cluster of wheat farms in Oromia region. On the way, we talked about a lot of different topics, including health care and the economy. But we probably spent the most time discussing the country’s amazing gains in agriculture, and the prime minister spoke with particular pride about one big accomplishment: Ethiopia no longer needs to import any wheat. It grows all its own.

The farm cluster we visited is a great example of how they’re doing it. Three years ago, the fields there weren’t farmed at all. Today, nearly 2,400 farmers there are working almost 100,000 acres of wheat, and they’re using innovative approaches to get the most out of the land. Among other things, they’ve adopted new varieties of wheat that resist disease and tolerate extreme weather. They’ve also created early warning systems that can detect and stop crop diseases before they spread too widely.

As a result of these reforms across the country, the average Ethiopian farmer now gets 70 percent more wheat per hectare than they did 15 years ago—a fantastic accomplishment that the foundation has been proud to support.

On the way back to Addis, we stopped at a poultry farm established by the Oromia government to help young people enter the poultry industry. They work there for two or three years, earn a salary and some start-up money, and then go off to start their own agriculture businesses. It was a noisy place—the farm has 20,000 chickens! But it was exciting to meet some aspiring farmers and businesspeople with big dreams.

After the poultry visit, I got to have lunch with the Prime Minister and three other government leaders: Dr. Mekdes Daba, the minister of health; Shimelis Abdisa, the President of Oromia region; and Dr. Mengistu Bekele, the head of the health bureau in Oromia. We discussed the major challenges of the past few years—including COVID and regional conflict—and how the government is using evidence-based strategies to overcome those challenges and make progress on polio, nutrition, immunization, and other issues.
