Michael Rovner
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Herbal Supplement Has Some New Yorkers Talking, Instead of Coughing
本文选自 The Washington Post | 取经号原创翻译
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Some claim success with Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, but experts warn of the risks of taking such products
If there’s one thing New Yorkers love more than discovering a new secret remedy, it’s telling other New Yorkers about it.
“I’d been super sick for a week and half and couldn’t stop coughing,” said Alex Schweder, an architect and professor of design at Pratt Institute.
建筑设计师,普瑞特艺术学院设计教授Alex Schweder说:“我病的很重,整整一周半,一直在咳嗽。”
That’s when his girlfriend gave him a bottle of Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, an “herbal dietary supplement with honey and loquat,” according to the label.
“This started working in 15 minutes,” said Mr. Schweder. “I’ve probably gotten about five people to try it, but I’ve told many more.”
Alex Schweder说:“服药后,15分钟内就开始有效果了。我可能已经成功说服五个人尝试这款药了,我还把这款药’安利’给了更多人。”
Mr. Schweder’s girlfriend, Oberon Sinclair, owner of a creative agency, first learned about the herbal supplement nearly 30 years ago when she was living in Hong Kong.
Alex Schweder的女朋友Oberon Sinclair是一家创意公司的老板。她第一次知道这款药是在大约30年前,那时她还住在香港。
The remedy, often referred to simply as Pei Pa Koa, is sold both in cough-drop form and more commonly in 10-ounce bottles in Chinese markets and Chinese pharmacies for approximately $7 as well as online through third parties for up to $70.
Taking herbal supplements can involve health risks, including when they are used with medicines, consumed in excess or taken instead of prescription medication, said Dr. Keith Brenner, specialist in pulmonary medicine at Columbia University Medical Center at the New York Presbyterian Hospital.
纽约长老会医院哥伦比亚大学医学中心的肺科专家Keith Brenner博士表示,服用草药补给可能会存在一些健康风险,特别是在一下情况下:和药剂一起服用,或服用过量,或取代处方药来服用。
“I think people that use these things may not even disclose them to the physician, and it’s a problem,” he said. “There’s been well-established interactions between herbal and prescription, and the doctor can pick up on it if the patient discloses it.”
The Food and Drug Administration advises consumers to speak to a health-care provider before taking a supplement and to be wary of any product claims that sound too good to be true. The agency doesn’t have the authority to review dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness.
Herbal remedies with loquat have been produced in China for hundreds of years. The Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory began producing Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa in Hong Kong in 1946. The Chinese characters on the bottle translate to “Beijing, in memory of my mother loquat thick paste.” The company began marketing it to mainland China, North America, and Europe in the 1980s. Competing loquat syrup remedies are still produced in Hong Kong, but they remain less popular.
“All of a sudden, everybody is talking about it,” said Ching Weh Chen, owner of Pearl River, a Chinese market in New York City where the syrup is sold for $7.80. “Chinese people have known about it for a long, long time. It goes back to Qing dynasty, but now it’s
customers coming in and asking for it.”
纽约一家名叫Pearl River超市的店主,Ching Weh Chen说:“突然之间,每个人都在谈论念慈庵枇杷膏。中国人在很久很久以前就知道这款药了。它可以追述到清朝,但是,现在
/kɔ:ˈkeɪziən; kɔ:ˈkeɪʒn/ noun a member of any of the races of people who have pale skin 白种人;高加索人
Sue Decottis, a physician in internal medicine at New York University Langone Medical Center who also has a private practice, says herbals can have some value and she will, on occasion, recommend them to her patients. She hasn’t prescribed Pei Pa Koa. “There’s also the
placebo effect
with anything like that, but there’s no real money behind it to do big studies,” Dr. Decottis said.
纽约大学兰贡医学中心的内科医生Sue Decottis表示,草药有一定的药用价值,有时她会像病人推荐草药。她自己经营着一家诊所,但她并没有给病人开过枇杷膏。她说:“像这样的药剂,可能会给病人产生
o effect
[N-COUNT 可数名词] 指用安慰剂治疗后病人病情好转的安慰剂效果;The placebo effect is the fact that some patients' health improves after taking what they believe is an effective drug but which is in fact only a placebo. [usu the N in sing]
“I got a bottle of it in the height of my flu which seemed to hang about this year for two months deep in my chest and not let go,” said Matthew Modine, the actor currently starring in Netflix’s “Stranger Things.” Mr. Modine bought the product on Amazon and paid about $30.
最近,在Netflix出品的美剧《怪奇物语》中出演角色的Matthew Modine说:“今年我得过非常严重的流感,持续了两个月,怎么也好不了,于是我买了一瓶枇杷膏。”他在亚马逊上花了30美金。
“My only
was that it was coming from a country with different standards,” said Mr. Modine, who was familiar with loquat from his childhood in Los Angeles. “They’d fall off a tree and we’d pick them up and throw them at cars.”
/ˌtrepɪˈdeɪʃn/ noun [U] (formal) great worry or fear about sth unpleasant that may happen 惊恐;恐惧;惊惶;不安
“With respect to influenza, the most critical time to get attention is when the virus hits because antivirals like Tamiflu need to be administered within the first 48 hours if they’re going to be effective,” said Dr. Brenner. “If herbals are the first line of defense, we’d lose that window, especially if someone has other medical problems, and there’s a higher risk the flu virus will lead to hospitalization or even death.”
New York State Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker urged everyone to get a flu shot and said anyone with flu symptoms should see their health-care provider.
纽约州卫生专员Howard Zucker提醒,每一个人都要注射流感疫苗,而且每个有流感症状的人都要去咨询自己的健康顾问。
Poet Max Blagg, who learned about Pei Pa Koa from an
in Chinatown, said: “I was a little
. If you look on the label, there’s a thousand herbs you’ve never heard of.”
诗人Max Blagg从自己在唐人街的