专栏名称: 络绎科学
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络绎科学  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-13 10:49



密歇根大学安娜堡分校 令狐昌洋 课题组招收博士后研究员(postdoc fellow)。课题组的研究方向是神经科学和生物技术,通过开发和使用开创性的新技术来观察和解码大脑中的瞬态信号和计算、长时程变化以及多模态动态。课题组在 Cell Nature Biotechnology Neuron Nature Communications 等期刊上发表多篇论文。课题组隶属世界顶尖的密歇根大学医学院、神经科学研究所、生命科学计划和工学院,以多学科交叉的优势和尖端的科研设施和新技术来探究脑计算、学习和记忆的原理。课题组全方位培养学术能力,学院提供完善的职业规划和职业发展项目,共同帮助课题组成员取得学术界独立教职及工业界职位。欢迎具有相关专业背景的申请人加入。课题组成员将开发或应用突破性技术来观察和解码活体大脑中细胞群的瞬态信号、长时程变化或多模态动态。 课题组成员还将与密歇根大学安娜堡分校的神经科学、分子与细胞生物学、脑成像、以及生物工程等领域的顶尖科学家和工程师在多学科合作的环境中进行科研。申请人请提交简历及 2-3 位推荐人的联系方式(本次招聘课题组将优先考虑有 *小鼠活体实验* 的科研经验的申请者)。


Postdoc fellow opening in Spatial Biodynamics Lab at University of Michigan

The Spatial Biodynamics Lab (spatialbiodynamics.org) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, is actively looking for postdoc fellows to join our exciting journey to observe and decode transient signaling and computation, long-term changes, and multimodal dynamics in the living brain via technological breakthroughs. We are at the intersection of the Medical School, Neuroscience Institute, Biomedical Engineering, and Biosciences Initiative at the University of Michigan, and provide a unique and world's top interdisciplinary research and training environment. We offer excellent professional development programs for transitions to career independence.

The successful applicant will develop and/or apply groundbreaking technologies to observe and decode transient signaling, long-term changes, or multimodal dynamics in cell populations in the living brain. The successful applicant will also work in a multidisciplinary and collaborative setting with scientists and engineers at the University of Michigan.

*For this specific postdoc position, prior experience in mouse in vivo experiments is preferred.


Dr. Changyang Linghu is an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan Medical School and faculty member of the Michigan Neuroscience Institute, Single Cell Spatial Analysis Program in the Biosciences Initiative, and the Department of Biomedical Engineering at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He obtained a Bachelor of Engineering from Tsinghua University and received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology working with Dr. Ed Boyden. He leads the Spatial Biodynamics Lab (spatialbiodynamics.org). The lab is on a mission to understand the principles of how molecular dynamics and cellular activities drive fundamental brain functions, such as computation, learning, and memory, via the development and application of novel technologies to monitor and interrogate cell physiology in the living brain.

His recent works are published in Cell, Nature Biotechnology, Neuron, and Nature Communications . He is the recipient of MIT Technology Review's Global 35 Innovators Under 35 (TR35) (2024), Glenn and AFAR Junior Faculty Grant (2024), Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Award (2024), Whitehall Foundation Three-Year Research Grant (2024), GenScript Life Science Research Grant (2024), Bioengineering in Brain Cancer Challenge Seed Fund Award from UMich (2024), Spatial Analytics of Cancer Challenge Seed Fund Award from UMich (2023), Biological Sciences Scholar (BSSP) from UMich (2022), MIT Spot Award (for community service) (2022), MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35 China (TR35 China) (2021), Bioengineering Rising Star Speaker from Princeton University (2021), J. Douglas Tan Postdoctoral Fellow (2020), McGovern Graduate Fellow (2018), and MIT Presidential Fellow (supported by Irwin Mark Jacobs and Joan Klein Jacobs) (2013). He enjoys brewing coffee, hiking, music, and science!


Changyang Linghu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Michigan Neuroscience Institute
Single Cell Spatial Analysis Program, Biosciences Initiative
Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

投递简历请选择: 密歇根 大学安娜堡分校令狐昌洋课题组
