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数可视  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-01-07 18:37


我是一颗新西兰的奇异果, 你知道我的祖先是从中国来的吗? 2800多年前, 我的祖先在中国的古籍中, 被叫做猕猴桃。

I am a kiwifruit from New Zealand. Did you know my ancestors came from China? 2,800 years ago, they were mentioned in ancient texts and known as “macaque peaches.

1904 年,新西兰的女教师 Isabell Frazer, 将一颗猕猴桃种子从中国带回国, 从此我在新西兰有了一个新名字--奇异果。

In 1904, a New Zealand teacher named Isabell Frazer took some seeds of the hairy little fruit home from China. Since then, I got a new name – kiwifruit.

全球贸易使我成为各国餐桌上的水果“明星” 新西兰9次拿走全球出口量冠军之位在2007年~2017年的10年中。

Thanks to global trade I’m now famous in fruit bowls around the world, New Zealand has been the king of kiwi exports for nine out of the 10 years from 2007-2017.

2017年, 新西兰、意大利和智利荣登全球出口排行榜前三, 中国是奇异果们的最主要目的地之一。

In 2017, New Zealand, Italy, and Chile were the world’s top three kiwifruit exporters, China is one of the top destinations of kiwifruit exports.

但路途遥远, 我的奇异果朋友们很难在回归家乡的路途中保持新鲜和健康。

But because of the long distance, it used to be hard for my kiwi friends to stay fresh and healthy on the journey back to their ancient homeland.

随着冷链物流的发展, 我能以更快的速度和更新鲜的体态回到中国, 因此, 猕猴桃的销量不断上涨。

Thanks to advances in cold-chain logistics, I can reach China faster and healthier. As a result, kiwifruit sales have been on a steady rise.

2017年, 我们从新西兰坐船回到中国需要14天。

In 2017, it would take us 14 days to travel from New Zealand to China by sea.

2018年3月30日, “克里普”冷藏船满载着奇异果, 从新西兰陶朗加港出发, 11天便抵达了上海。

In March this year, a shipment of kiwifruit was loaded onto refrigerated cargo ship Klipper Stream,at Tauranga, New Zealand. This time, it only took 11 days to reach Shanghai.


Today, tons of sweet, juicy kiwifruit regularly make the journey by sea to their native land,China.

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