When strange or different elements come together, we will have fresh perspectives and divergent ways of thinking, which inevitably give birth to inventiveness.
Cultural diversity has always been one of the most charming qualities of great cities, making it possible for people with different backgrounds to live side by side in harmony and to absorb the best of others.
It is striking that many of the social, economic and cultural breakthroughs that shape our life have emerged not from the mainstream elites but from the restless marginal groups, who expose themselves frequently to those who are different from themselves and thus benefit the most from intercultural innovation.
Perspective 观点
Divergent 相异的,分歧的
Inevitably 不可避免的
Striking 惊人的
Marginal groups 边缘团体
Expose 接触;置身于
For us, this means that evolution is over;the biological Utopia has arrived. Strangely, it has involved little physical change. No other species fills so many places in nature. But in the pass100,000 years -- even the pass 100 years -- our lives have been transformed but our bodies have not. We did not evolve, because machines and society did it for us.
The author argues that our bodies have stopped evolving because ________.
[A] life has been improved by technologicaladvance
[B] the number of female babies has beendeclining
[C] our species has reached the higheststage of evolution
[D] the difference between wealth andpoverty is disappearing