专栏名称: 群邑智库
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2021 China Media Scene – Brand Marketing

群邑智库  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-06-30 18:00


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Here we present you the part two of 2021 China Media Scene key observation. In this issue, we mainly discuss brand marketing. With the dual benefits of restored consumer confidence and media actively seeking commercialization, advertisers will accelerate the resumption of investment in advertising and marketing, to achieve the goals of enhancing brand power and conversion efficiency.

The key takeaways are as below:
  • Consumption stratification activates the innovation in brand market, hence all the brands, either old or new, are now competing for digital and content marketing resources: Traditional brands accelerate in going digital, building a network that  integrates marketing, operation and sales all together; Newly emerging brands focus more on brand image and enhancing their influence by leveraging mainstream media and big events.
  • Cross-platform marketing is a must for brand marketing, while brands are paying attention to every stage in marketing campaigns: Cross-platform marketing implies that brands are making use of the connections between media, content and people more efficiently; Brands also began to measure marketing effective from the perspective of Awareness, Interest, Purchase, Loyalty and Advocate.
  • Brand marketing’s focus is leaning to the back-end of marketing path, including shortening the path as well as emphasizing on conversion: In the post epidemic era, those brands who used to attach more importance to branding are now paying attention to conversion as well; Brands are investing more on social media and e-commerce, highlighting traceability and ROI conversion of marketing campaigns.

Tips for Brands:
  • Structure media portfolio to amplify the effects of marketing-operation-sales integration
  • Comprehend features and values of various media, structure the media portfolio appropriately around marketing goals by allocating reasonable amount of investment to each medium, and have in-depth communication and interaction with consumers
  • Reach a good balance between the coverage and precision of reach, strengthen the ability to occupy consumers’ mind, and increase the conversion of marketing to realize marketing-operation-sales integration
  • Strengthen the management of brand equity within social media and private pools and communicate closely with consumers to in turn benefit marketing in public domain
  • The ecosystem and monetization mode of private traffic pools gradually evolve, providing must-have tools for brands to operate their own traffic pools
  • Social media entrance and redirecting content on various platforms provide an anchor point for brands to engage in private traffic management; brands need to strengthen the control on social media and content
  • Manage advertising content in a refined way
  • In respond to the complicated media environment, brands need to collaborate with content creators/KOLs to develop effective content in various touchpoints to reach audiences of different culture circles quickly
  • Brands should also strengthen the labeling of content to respond to the demands of consumers quickly with effective matching and distribution

Consumption stratification activates the innovation in brand market, hence all the brands, either old or new, are now competing for digital and content marketing resources
Traditional brands accelerate in going digital, building a network that  integrates marketing, operation and sales all together; Newly emerging brands focus more on brand image and enhancing their influence by leveraging mainstream media and big events.
The traditional brands are represented by time-honored luxury brands who layout in social media, e-commerce and mini-programs. And the newly emerging brands are represented by Genki Forest and Perfect Diary, who expand influence through IP and big channels.

Cross-platform marketing is a must for brand marketing, while brands are paying attention to every stage in marketing campaigns
Cross-platform marketing implies that brands are making use of the connections between media, content and people more efficiently; Brands also began to measure marketing effective from the perspective of AIPLA - A wareness, I nterest, P urchase, L oyalty and A dvocate.
We will take social and KOL marketing as an example, and this is because KOLs are born for social media and can also work cross platforms when they remain consistent to some extent. How KOL marketing being carried out on different platforms is also varied, enabling KOLs to play different roles in marketing campaigns. Brands are increasing their spending on KOL marketing while the budget leans towards strong entertainment platforms (Douyin, Kuaishou and Weibo) and platforms which have cultural circles (Bilibili, RED and Zhihu).
KOL marketing acts according to circumstances: On WeChat and Weibo, brands leverage the traffic of key social media and influence of KOLs to improve brand’s influence and conversion; On RED and Zhihu, brands leverage KOLs and topics of interest in content-oriented community to realize conversion through recommendations; As for video platforms, Douyin KOL marketing aims at conversion into purchase, while Bilibili KOL marketing aims at branding. As KOL marketing strategy gets mature, marketing campaigns containing KOL matrix may better help brands to realize conversion and improve ROI.

Brand marketing’s focus is leaning to the back-end of marketing path, including shortening the path as well as emphasizing on conversion
In the post epidemic era, those brands who used to attach more importance to branding are now paying attention to conversion as well; Brands are investing more on social media and e-commerce, highlighting traceability and ROI conversion of marketing campaigns.
Brands have developed mini programs on multiple platforms to achieve conversion via the integration of marketing, operation and sales: Mini Programs have become brands’ major means to build private pools on internet platforms, while they helps to shorten the path to conversion and accumulate user data.
Search and Feeds constitute the cornerstone of commercialization in information service industry: search and feeds are gradually integrated with each other to provide diverse approaches for integrated marketing
The pace of consumption moving online has accelerated and advertisers prefer advertising forms that have short path to conversion or high conversion efficiency: Pandemic has been a catalyst accelerating the speed of consumption shifting online. Against this backdrop, e-commerce platforms have tried to attract more users and boost usage time with means such as personalized recommendation, combination of short video + live streaming, shopping festivals and special offers. Adopting effect-oriented marketing strategies, advertisers prefer advertising forms that facilitate conversion and boost sales. The ad spend and market share of e-commerce advertising have thus increased.
The e-commerce live streaming fad continued in the post-pandemic period and its user number enjoyed significant growth. E-commerce livestreaming is now more than an expedient but becomes a conventional approach to be carried out by brands on e-commerce, social and short video platforms.

Tips for Brands:
  • Structure media portfolio to amplify the effects of marketing-operation-sales integration
  • Strengthen the management of brand equity within social media and private pools and communicate closely with consumers to in turn benefit marketing in public domain
  • Manage advertising content in a refined way

Data Source:
WBY, Miaozhen Systems, A La Ding Research, Quest Mobile, Ocean Engine, CNNIC, Ali Research, Public information
