专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-20 09:02


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,东南亚盘条和螺纹钢市场似乎已经见顶。在最近几周强劲上涨之后,有可能跟随中国国内市场走势向下调整。

The markets for wire rod and rebar imports appear to have peaked in Southeast Asia, Kallanish notes.They could be correcting downwards, following China's domestic market,after rising strongly in recent weeks.

由于年底销售淡季临近,盘条报价已经下降,购买意向正在减弱。在菲律宾市场上,中国盘条报价已下降 5 美元 / 吨至 490-495 美元 / cfr 马尼拉。目前马来西亚盘条主流报价为 480 美元 / cfr ,低于一周前的 480-485 美元 / cfr

Offer prices for wire rod have fallen and buying interest is waning due to the approach of the seasonal year-end lull. In the Philippines, Chinese wire rod offers have fallen by $5/tonne to $490-495/t cfr Manila. Offers for Malaysian wire rod are now prevailing at $480/t cfr, down from $480-485/t cfr a week ago.


“The marketappears to be softer,” a Manila trader says. He has heard of recent orders forMalaysian wire rod but thinks that demand is thinning out. “This week is unofficiallythe last working week for the year,” he says. Market players in the Philippines will take their long year-end holiday from next week.

印度原产的盘条报价为 490-495 美元 / cfr 马尼拉,但与从中国和马来西亚进口的盘条相比,印度产品面临 1% 的进口关税劣势。

Indian-originwire rod is being offered at $490-495/t cfr Manila but, compared to imports from China and Malaysia, Indian material faces a 1% import duty disadvantage.

Kallanish SAE 1008 6.5mm 直径网用盘条估价周环比上涨 2.5 美元至 480 美元 / cfr 东南亚。

Kallanish raised its SAE 1008 6.5mm diameter mesh-grade wire rod assessment by $2.5on week to $480/t cfr SE Asia.

新加坡方面,螺纹钢市场低迷,但报价坚挺。卡塔尔原产的螺纹钢报价为 448-450 美元 / cfr 理重。一宗卡塔尔螺纹钢上周以 445 美元 / cfr 新加坡成交。

In Singapore, the rebar market is sluggish while offers are holding firm. Offers for Qatar-origin rebar are heard at $448-450/t cfr the oretical weight basis. Acargo of rebar from Qatar was ordered at $445/t cfr Singapore last week.

中国螺纹钢报价仍为 490 美元 / cfr 新加坡,与前一周持平。一位新加坡贸易商表示,在新加坡市场上,土耳其螺纹钢的价格已不再具有竞争力。但另一名贸易商听说,土耳其螺纹钢目前报价为 475 美元 / cfr 新加坡。

Chinese rebar is still offered at $490/t cfr Singapore, unchanged from the week before.While a Singapore trader says that Turkish rebar is no longer competitively priced for the Singapore market, another heard Turkish rebar is currently offered at $475/t cfr Singapore.


The rebarmarket is quiet because Singapore importers have already purchased a lot of cargoes, trading sources say.

周四 Kallanish BS4449 500B 10-40mm 直径螺纹钢每周估价维持在 445 美元 / cfr 新加坡理重。
