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译言  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-03-31 13:08


Airbnb,是一个让大众分享住宿,提供旅行者短期出租房屋或者房间的网站,bnb,则是Bed & Breakfast的简称,非常形象的说明提供住宿和早餐这种温馨的住宿方式,与民宿的概念也很相似。它最开始成立于2008年的美国加利福尼亚,经过几年的发展和募资,目前Airbnb在192个国家、33,000个城市中共有超过500,000笔出租数据。Airbnb提倡“去旅行、去生活,融入当地文化”,但是我们发现,中国Airbnb的优质房源并不多,它基本上变成了房屋租赁平台,甚至曾经出现一些不尊重屋主房屋的恶性事件。



Why Airbnb won't find a home in China anytime soon


It's never easy for American businesses to make it in China. Cultural differences, government interference and the sheer cost of competing in a market that dwarfs the US have frustrated companies ranging from Wal-Mart to Uber.


Those stumbles aren't dissuading Airbnb, however. This week the home-sharing pioneer announced that it's changing its local brand name in China and doubling its investment there.但美国房屋共享租赁平台Airbnb并没有因此而打退堂鼓。本周,这家房屋共享业务的开创者宣布修改自己在中国的品牌名,并在中国加大投资。

By any measure, the opportunity is immense. In 2015, Chinese travellers spent nearly $US500 billion, and the government expects that number to more than double by 2020 as the country's middle class expands. But capturing a major piece of that market will require Airbnb to navigate a far more tangled thicket of cultural issues than what confronted Uber and other tech companies in China. And judging by its efforts so far, it probably won't be up to the task.


In theory, China should be one of the world's biggest and best markets for home-sharing. Chinese travellers took 2.2 billion domestic trips in just the first half of 2016, up nearly 10.5 per cent year-on-year. Yet China has only 4 hotel rooms for every 1,000 people, compared to 20 in the US And thanks to China's housing boom, about 50 million empty homes are scattered across the country just waiting (in theory) for paying visitors.



源自日本的 Minshuku,提供住宿与免费早餐的家庭旅馆。

Bed and breakfast

住宿加早餐酒店(英文:Bed and breakfast,缩写:B&B),是一种酒店及旅店的类型,与民宿相似;主要提供床予客人过夜及早餐供应,亦不包括早餐外的其他膳食。B&B多由普通住家的其中一两间客房列作出租用途。顾客对象主要为公路过客、司机及背包客等。



But that doesn't mean Chinese will jump on the opportunity to rent out their properties or stay in someone else's home. The biggest barrier is establishing trust between owners and renters. In recent years, Chinese consumers have been confronted by scandals ranging from tainted fast food to dodgy pharmaceuticals. They chronically complain of poor-quality goods and misleading marketing or labelling. And they're highly suspicious of small vendors. So renting a room from a stranger advertising on the internet won't come naturally.


现在,因为Airbnb,有可能在伦敦住上设计师Tom Dixon的水塔

Homeowners, meanwhile, have their own concerns. Many of China's vacant properties are purchased as investments, and most affluent homeowners - especially those with desirable vacation rentals - will hesitate to open their doors to poorer tourists, who constitute most Chinese travellers these days and who would be the most likely to forgo a hotel. That reluctance is only heightened by the near-constant stream of news reports about misbehaviour among Chinese travellers at home and abroad.



Bridging this gap in trust will be difficult. But there's some evidence that local companies - which are more familiar with local customs and concerns - are figuring it out. For example, Tujia.com, China's biggest home-sharing site, takes the ambitious approach of managing each of the 400,000 properties on its site (or hiring a third party to do so).


That includes hotel-like services, such as housekeeping, as well as conducting due diligence to confirm that listings are accurate. That doesn't just improve the experience for renters; it also expands the number of properties available by giving owners - many of whom live far away from their investments - less upkeep to worry about and more peace of mind.


Airbnb, with its paltry 80,000 listings in China, hasn't made any such effort, focusing instead on self-starting younger travellers. Where Tujia arranges for home cleaners, Airbnb's new investments are focused on curated 'experiences,' such as tours of local landmarks, that can be purchased alongside a room. That kind of thing won't be enough to overcome the cultural barriers inhibiting home-sharing in China. And so far, there's little evidence that Airbnb is savvy enough to come up with a more appealing approach.


On Wednesday, shortly after the company announced its new Chinese brand name - Aibiying - social media users were widely mocking it as nonsensical and hard to pronounce.


It's not all bad news for Airbnb. China's growing tourism market means that even a niche player focused on adventurous young travellers has a big opportunity. Equally important, outbound travel is growing, and Airbnb's 3 million global listings will remain the best home-sharing option for Chinese who want one, a fact conceded even by its Chinese competitors.


When it comes to winning China's local home-sharing market, however, Airbnb should probably check out early.



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