专栏名称: 魔都晨曦来临
Shanghai Morning Herald by Boarhead Club
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魔都晨曦来临  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-04-19 05:21


Dr. Boarhead’s Summary of Global Updates on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus: 18 April 2021

1. 社会科学研究网: 中国河北展开的一项随机性 I/II 期临床试验显示,CoronaVac 疫苗对 3 至 17 岁的儿童和青少年具有良好的耐受性,并激发出强烈的中和性抗体反应。 ( 4 月 6 日)

[关键信息] CoronaVac 经证实对儿童和青少年有效。

Social Science Research Network : According to a randomized phase 1/2 clinical trial in Hebei, China, CoronaVac was well tolerated and induced strong neutralizing antibody responses in children and adolescents aged 3–17. <6 Apr.>

[key info] CoronaVac was proved effective in children and adolescents.


2. medRxiv: 以色列研究人员检测近 400 人。这些人在接种至少一剂 BNT162b2 疫苗后,检测出新冠阳性。研究人员发现,接种两剂该疫苗的人群中,感染 B.1.351 变异株的比例是未接种人群的 8 倍。 ( 4 月 9 日)

[关键信息] B.1.351 比野生型毒株更能突破 BNT162b2 疫苗的防御。

medRxiv: Israeli researchers examined nearly 400 people who had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 after receiving at least one dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine. They found the prevalence of B.1.351 among patients who received two doses of the vaccine was about eight times higher than those who were unvaccinated. <9 Apr.>

[key info] B.1.351 is better able to break through the protection of the BNT162b2 vaccine than the wild-type virus.


3. 《新英格兰医学杂志》 在接种第一剂阿斯利康 ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 疫苗后,有五位接种者表现出静脉血栓与血小板减少症。研究指出,这些病例有着共同的病理生理学基础。此外,部分接种者会出现与自身免疫肝素诱导性血小板减少症类似的综合征。上述研究将血栓和免疫系统联系起来,进一步佐证接种阿斯利康疫苗可能诱发血栓。 ( 4 月 9 日)

[关键信息] 接种阿斯利康 ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 疫苗后出现的血栓与免疫系统有关。

New England Journal of Medicine : Findings indicate a shared pathophysiological basis of the condition in the five patients who presented with venous thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after receiving the first dose of AstraZeneca’s ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine. In addition, a syndrome similar to autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia may occur in some persons after vaccination. By providing a link between thrombosis and the immune system, these results strengthen the view that vaccination may have triggered the syndrome. <9 Apr.>

[key info] Thrombosis after the vaccination of AstraZeneca’s ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 is related to the immune system.


4. medRxiv 一项临床试验包含 4600 余人,年龄大于等于 65 岁,或大于等于 50 岁但患有并存疾病。受试者疑似感染新冠,发病不超过 14 日。试验结果表明,吸入式布地奈德可缩短康复期,缩短天数中位数为 3 天。 ( 4 月 10 日)

[关键信息] 吸入式布地奈德可能令老年疑似病例的康复期缩短三天。

medRxiv: A clinical trial of more than 4,600 people, aged ≥65 or ≥50 yet with comorbidities and unwell ≤14 days with suspected COVID-19, found that inhaled budesonide shortened time to recovery by a median of 3 days. <10 Apr.>

[key info] Inhaled budesonide may shorten time to recovery by 3 days in old suspected cases.


5. 社会科学研究网 在巴西开展的一项针对医护人员的 III 期临床试验表明,CoronaVac 疫苗安全性良好,对预防有症状新冠肺炎的主要有效性为 50.7% ,对预防中度和重度病例的次要有效性为 100% 。 ( 4 月 11 日)

[关键信息] 在巴西,CoronaVac 疫苗的有效性为 50.7% 。

Social Science Research Network : A phase 3 clinical trial conducted among healthcare professionals in Brazil demonstrated that CoronaVac had a good safety profile. The primary efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19 was 50.7%. The secondary efficacy against moderate and severe cases was 100%. <11 Apr.>

[key info] The efficacy of CoronaVac was 50.7% in Brazil.


6. 《美国医学会杂志》: 一项队列研究考察哺乳期女性时隔 21 天接种两剂辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗后的反应。结果显示,母乳中的抗体具有强烈的中和作用,或可保护婴儿免受感染。 ( 4 月 12 日)

[关键信息] 接种疫苗的哺乳期妇女或可将抵抗力传给婴儿。

Journal of the American Medical Association : A cohort of breastfeeding women was enrolled in a trial and received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine 21 days apart. Antibodies found in breast milk of these women showed strong neutralizing effects, suggesting a potential protective effect against infection in the infant. <12 Apr.>

[key info]
