专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
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每日外刊丨1012 - 雪纺面罩和链甲式头套:不同寻常的巴黎时装周的怪诞产物

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2020-10-12 07:00



用梦幻来形容巴黎时装周毫不为过。1973年,第一届巴黎时装周在法国巴黎的凡尔赛宫拉开帷幕。这是一场借时装展示之名,为凡尔赛宫筹集翻修资金的慈善活动。为了吸引更多人注意、筹得更多善款,时任馆长 Gerald Van der Kemp 联合美国时尚界的公关高手 Eleanor Lambert 共同策划,使巴黎时装周一开始就拥有无与伦比的国际视野和多元理念,它既为公众造梦,又为设计师圆梦。即便是二战期间,法国时装协会也没有停止巴黎时装周的进程。但是受疫情影响,原定于6月和7月举行的2020年巴黎时装周取消。此次以线下发布形式回归的2021春夏巴黎时装周,作为疫情之后第一场时装周,在特殊时期也有着更深远的特殊意义,但期间很多不同寻常的怪诞产物纷纷出现……


BGM:Alyssa Reid,JRDN - Last Chance


There is always conceit and negligence behind miscount.


Chiffon face masks and chainmail balaclavas: an eerie end to a peculiar Paris fashion week

It is the standout look from Paris fashion week so far. A willowy brunette stands under the red awning of one of the city’s famous pavement cafes, a coffee and a basket of buttery croissants at her side. Her clothes are in chic shades of grey, her sunglasses are Wintour-sized, her hand-on-hip hauteur is pure Richard Avedon. But Balenciaga’s vision of Parisian chic this season has a couple of crucial updates. She is wearing tracksuit bottoms under her elegantly oversized coat, and her sweater features a built-in mask so that it rises to the bridge of her nose, under her shades, and is embellished at each cheekbone with a cascade of diamante, like chandelier earrings.

The absence of anything to dress up for – and the mandatory wearing of face masks where a pout painted in Chanel Rouge Allure should have been – had most of the global fashion industry on the back foot for months. But that was before Paris fashion week, where dressing up does not stop for no pandemic. In a city where a return to lockdown is looming, designers realise that if the industry is to survive, they may not have the luxury of sitting another season out.

Fashion needs to opt in to reality if it is to stay relevant. Even with few proper catwalk shows, Balenciaga, Rick Owens, Marine Serre and Paco Rabanne all engaged with the idea of how clothes may bring a bit of joy, beauty or just newness into our current groundhog day existence.

文本选自:The Guardian(卫报)
作者:Jess Cartner-Morley
原文标题:Chiffon face masks and chainmail balaclavas: an eerie end to a peculiar Paris fashion week
原文发布时间:08 Oct. 2020


早起卡 ☞  在不幸的背后,总是有着奢侈与怠慢。


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