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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-11-19 05:25






翻译 |Zoey  

审核 |椰子 

小编 |毛毛



Making sex cells from body cells


An experiment on mice offers hope to infertile people


Oct 22nd 2016 | From the print edition



ISSUES of safety aside, the very idea of cloning people—of taking, say, a cell from the skin of a man or a woman and growing it into a new human being with exactly the same genes as its progenitor—is anathema to many. But what about taking such a cell and creating from it an egg or a sperm that can be used for in vitro fertilisation? That would enable infertile men and women, and gay couples, who wanted to raise children genetically related to both parents to do so, rather than relying on the assistance of an unrelated egg or sperm donor to start a family. 


Infertile :adj, 不孕不育的

In people, this is not yet possible. But Katsuhiko Hayashi and his colleagues at Kyushu University, in Fukuoka, Japan, have done the equivalent in mice. As they report this week in Nature, there are animals now scampering around cages in their laboratory whose maternal antecedents are egg cells derived not from the ovaries of their mothers, but from body cells (known as somatic cells), in this case from those mothers’ tails. Nor does it stop there. In the past, using a slightly different technique from the one that he describes this week, Dr Hayashi has bred mice using somatic-cell-derived sperm.

然而对人类来说,这个技术目前还不能实现。但是位于日本福冈的九州大学的Katsuhiko Hayashi教授和他的同事们已经在小鼠身上做了这样的实验。据他们这周发表在《自然》杂志上的文章所述,那些在他们实验室的笼子中奔跑的小鼠们的母体基因来自其母亲的体细胞(被称为体壁细胞)而不是卵巢卵细胞(这里采用的是母亲的尾巴上的细胞)。不止于此,Hayashi博士以前用过与这周技术稍微不同的技术,提取了自体细胞培育成精子,繁殖出了老鼠。

Maternal: adj, 母系的


Somatic: adj, 身体的

Both of these sorts of animals have gone on to breed successfully. So, not only are Dr Hayashi’s creations viable, they are fertile. Moreover, in principle—though he has not yet done so in practice—he could fertilise his somatic-cell-derived eggs with his somatic-cell-derived sperm to create an entirely somatic-cell-derived adult animal. He might even, if he so chose, be able to derive sperm and eggs from the same animal, for the processes do not require that the eggs be made from female cells and the sperm from those of males. That would create a mouse which had only one parent, yet was not a true clone of that parent because the sex cells which united to form it would both have undergone the internal genetic mixing that biologists call meiosis.


Breed:v, 繁殖

Fertile: adj, 有好的发展前景的

Meiosis:n, 减数分裂


One step back, two steps forward



Dr Hayashi and his colleagues do not create their eggs and sperm directly from somatic cells. First, those cells have to undergo an alchemical transformation to rejuvenate them into an ancestral form known as a pluripotent stem cell. Mature body cells (eggs and sperm included) derive from progenitors, known as stem cells, that have the power to divide, proliferate and eventually to turn into particular cellular components of a particular tissue. Pluripotent stem cells are, in turn, the ancestors of these tissue-forming stem cells.


Undergo:v, 经历

Alchemical:adj, 炼金术的

Rejuvenate:v, 恢复活力

Pluripotent:n, 多功能干细胞

Progenitors:n, 祖细胞

stem cells:n, 干细胞

Proliferate:v, 增殖


In nature, pluripotent cells are restricted to embryos. The first students of cloning and its related arts had therefore to “harvest” them for their experiments—which created ethical dilemmas when the embryos involved were human. Such harvesting is no longer necessary. Instead, for mice, men and many other species, pluripotent cells can be made to order by taking an ordinary body cell and adding to it active copies of the four genes which encode the genetic switches that cause pluripotency.


Embryos:n, 胚胎

Ethical:adj, 伦理学的,道德的

Dilemmas:n, 困境


It was such “induced” pluripotent cells that formed Dr Hayashi’s starting-point. As he had discovered in his experiments creating sperm, judicious application of a molecule called bone morphogenetic protein 4 turns pluripotent cells into primordial germ cells—the type of stem cell ancestral to both sperm and eggs. Which of these a primordial germ cell goes on to become depends on the sex of the tissue it finds itself in. In those earlier experiments Dr Hayashi injected them into the testes of newly born mice, thus persuading them to become sperm when they underwent meiosis. This time he used ovarian tissue extracted from mouse fetuses to induce egg-forming meiosis.


starting-point: 起点

Morphogenetic:adj, 有关形态发生的

To keep track of this process, and to avoid confusion, Dr Hayashi took the cells used to make the eggs from a dark-eyed mouse. He then fertilised the eggs he had created in vitro with sperm from a pink-eyed male, and also implanted the resulting embryos into pink-eyed females. To everyone’s delight the pups born of this arrangement had dark eyes (see picture)—caused by a gene that could have come only from the tail-derived eggs. Furthermore, as had happened before with the somatic-cell-derived sperm, these pups developed normally into adults and were themselves able to reproduce.

为了跟踪记录此过程,避免混乱,Hayashi 博士提取了曾用来培育卵细胞的黑色眼睛老鼠的细胞。接下来,拿这个卵细胞与粉色眼睛老鼠的精子在体外结合,并且将这个胚胎植入粉色眼睛的母鼠体内。让所有人振奋的是,这种结合下出生的幼崽拥有黑色眼睛(如图)——这是只有来自尾部细胞衍生的卵子的基因才能做到的。此外,正如之前体细胞培育的精子一样,这些幼崽都能成年并且能够进行繁殖。

All this is a long way from enabling scientists to perform the same trick with people. First and foremost, using human embryonic tissue in any part of the process is out of the question for ethical reasons. That means someone needs to work out exactly which of the chemicals in testes and ovaries tell primordial germ cells whether to become eggs or sperm. Second, at the moment the process is extremely inefficient. Only 3.5% of Dr Hayashi’s tail-derived embryos grew into pups, compared with about 60% of embryos from normal eggs. Third, though mice have proved useful models for examining many questions of human medicine, mere models is all they are. A lot more research will be needed before anyone (or, at least, anyone with any ethical sensibility) tries something similar on a human being. If and when that day comes, though, the unwillingly childless around the world will be watching with great interest.(读者试译)


This article appeared in the Print Edition with the headline: The ancestor’s tail




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Try to translate 

 If and when that day comes, though, the unwillingly childless around the world will be watching with great interest.

Put Chinese below









