The 3November presidential election is unlikely to directly shake up steel marketsin the near-term. Reverberations from the election, however, may be felt in theindustry in the weeks and months to come, market sources tell
“Nothing political will have a direct impact on our markets for many, many months, nomatter who wins,” says one Midwest service centre executive. “Only worry isprotests over the results and Covid closures.”
A source atone top-tier mill says stability - more so than any particular candidate -should be the desired result for the US steel industry.
“The countryfunctions better when there is clarity and direction, regardless of how youthink the direction is,” he says. “A prolonged undetermined election outcome would be the worst outcome in my mind.”
A West Coastsheet buyer says a peaceful transfer of power is the main thing he’s pullingfor.
“While Ipersonally would like to see an administration change, I hope whatever happensit will be done in a civil manner,” he says. “I survived four years with thisadministration. While some might argue he supported steel, I wonder if he did.Trump took a page out of the Democrats’ playbook and became more protectionist,and steel prices still crashed prior to Covid. Maybe increasing manufacturinginput costs to the highest in the world might choke off demand?”