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计量经济学服务中心  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-09 19:32



命令清单-按字母排序   2024.11.09

命令清单-按时间排序   2024.11.09

如下命令为根据时间排序,由于篇幅限制,这里只列出部分链接,完整列表点击底部【阅读原文】 ,或者扫描如下二维码


  1. ICC2: Stata module to compute Intraclass correlation coefficients based on crossed mixed regression

  2. LOGITGRAPH: Stata module to produce Graph of the Probabilities from a Logistic Regression Model

  3. CISETS: Stata module for for confidence interval sets

  4. USORT: Stata module to perform locale-based ascending and descending sort that supports conditional statements, observation ranges, and user-defined handling of substrings and missing values

  5. SUMDOCX: Stata module to generate comprehensive summary statistics and comparison tables

  6. GENCPR: Stata module for users of Danish CPR numbers

  7. ABRSQOL: Stata module providing Quality-of-life solver for "Measuring quality of life under spatial frictions"

  8. CORRELATIONCHORDS: Stata module to produce a circular chord diagram of correlations

  9. CSUMCHART: Stata module to compute cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts for monitoring clinical performance

  10. GRAPHFUNCTIONS: Stata module providing a suite of programs to support visualization customizations

  11. MI_IMPUTE_FROM: Stata module to impute using an external imputation model

  12. CSUM: Stata module to compute cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts for monitoring clinical performance

  13. FRAMED_BAR: Stata module for framed bar charts

  14. ENWEI: Stata module to implement the entropy method

  15. TERNARY: Stata module for trivariate plots

  16. TRIMAP: Stata module for trivariate maps

  17. DYNAMIC_EST: Stata module to visualize dynamic effects in TWFE models

  18. NMF: Stata module to perform matrix decomposition using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)

  19. SIDE_HISTOGRAM: Stata module to plot side by side histograms

  20. XTDPDSERIAL: Stata module to perform panel data serial correlation tests

  21. VREVERSE9: Stata module to reverse existing categorical variable

  22. OPENDF: Stata module to work with Open Data Format files in Stata

  23. XTGPS: Stata module to estimate Hoechle, Schmid, and Zimmermann's (2024) GPS regression model for analyzing asset returns

  24. WINSOR4: Stata module to winsorize a variable based on outliers defined by either percentiles or interquartile range

  25. QBPLOT: Stata module for quantile plot with box flavour

  26. FREDUSEX: Stata module to import FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Database) data

  27. _GDISTINCT: Stata module providing egen function to count distinct values

  28. LE8: Stata module to compute cardiovascular health score based on the American Heart Association’s Life’s Essential 8 metrics

  29. GRC1LEG2: Stata module to combine multiple graphs with a single common legend

  30. COEFOUT: Stata module to keep the beta-coefficients for specified variables and labelnames from a regression

  31. CROSSVALIDATE2: Stata module to implement Cross-Validation in Stata

  32. ECOLLAPSE: Stata module to extend collapse to string variables

  33. MATDROP: Stata module to delete multiple row and/or column using labels from matrix

  34. HALFNORM_DIST: Stata module for computing half-normal distribution functions

  35. SDID_EVENT: Stata module providing Synthetic Difference-in-Differences (SDID) event-study estimators

  36. WORDCLOUD: Stata module for drawing word cloud figure based on echarts developed by Baidu

  37. EVSTUDYDD: Stata module to estimate event studies in D-i-D settings

  38. DID_MULTIPLEGT_STAT: Stata module for heterogeneity-robust difference-in differences (DID) estimators

  39. PYRAMID_CHART: Stata module to generate a population pyramid chart

  40. STUTE_TEST: Stata module to compute Stute (1997) linearity test

  41. CC_XD_DIDTEXTBOOK: Stata module to provide do-files and datafiles for textbook

  42. DIFF_PLOT: Stata module to visualize classic difference-in-differences model

  43. TIMEUSE: Stata module to transform an episode file into a diary-level file containing basic time use information

  44. R2_NAKAGAWA: Stata module for computing Nakagawa's R-squared statistic for multilevel mixed-effects linear regression

  45. NUMBER_EXPORTING: Stata module to format a numeric value and export in LaTeX format

  46. PREVENT: Stata module for computing AHA 10-year and 30-year risk of cardiovascular disease--atherosclerotic and heart failure

  47. STATA_SAGE: Stata module to answer your research questions

  48. DID_MULTIPLEGT_OLD: Stata module to estimate sharp Difference-in-Difference designs with multiple groups and periods

  49. MYWEEKS: Stata module for generating numbered weeks from daily date variables

  50. MATSTAT: Stata module to format tabstat, assembling of results in one matrix

  51. MSWTABLE: Stata module to provide wrapper for putdocx table

  52. LOGITJACK: Stata module to provide cluster robust inference for logit models

  53. CORESCORE: Stata module to produce Comorbid Operative Risk Evaluation (CORE) Score macro

  54. STFFORM: Stata module to provide Functional form test for Cox Models

  55. MIXLELAST: Stata module to compute mixed logit sample elasticities and marginal effects

  56. STACKDID: Stata module to estimate Stacked Difference-in-Differences Regression

  57. XT2TREATMENTS: Stata module to estimate event studies with two treatments

  58. DID_HAD: Stata module to estimate the effect of a treatment on an outcome in a heterogeneous adoption design with no stayers but some quasi stayers

  59. POLARSPIKE: Stata module for polar spike graphs

  60. SPLINEFIT: Stata module for smooth connected line plots

  61. ALLCATPLOT: Stata module to ensure that all predefined response categories for a variable, including those that are not present in the dataset are included in a graph

  62. TRIM_VARS: Stata module to trim blanks in a varlist

  63. SCCSDTA: Stata module to generate a dataset for the self-controlled case series method (SCCS)

  64. NNLS: Stata module to compute non-negative least squares

  65. HEALTHEQUAL: Stata module to calculate summary measures of health inequality

  66. MAPSM: Stata module to perform multiple arms propensity score matching

  67. BAP: Stata module to generate a Bland-Altman plot

  68. XTNONDYNTHRESHSFA: Stata module to estimate Threshold Effects in Non-Dynamic Panel Data Stochastic Frontier Models

  69. RENLABV: Stata module to rename (all) value labels to match the names of the assigned variables

  70. USOS: Stata module for computing the unweighted sum of squares test for global goodness of fit after logistic model

  71. OPL: Stata module for optimal policy learning

  72. GE_GRAVITY2: Stata module to solve a gravity model within the universal gravity class

  73. EXITMA: Stata module to define the exit status of a meta-analysis

  74. ROSNER: Stata module implementing Rosner's generalized extreme studentized deviate (ESD) procedure to detect multiple outliers

  75. YATCHEW_TEST: Stata module to perform Yatchew (1997), de Chaisemartin, D'Haultfoeuille & Gurgand (2024) linearity test

  76. GARBAGE_MIXL: Stata module to perform Bayesian garbage class mixed logit model estimation

  77. RATIO_PLOT: Stata module to plot ratios and confidence intervals of specified variables

  78. TWOWAY__WHISTOGRAM_GEN: Stata module for generating histogram variables using aweights or iweights

  79. WEAKIVTEST2: Stata module to compute Robust Test for Weak Instruments with Multiple Endogenous Regressors

  80. ADODOWN: Stata module making Stata packages easier to develop and document using modern tools

  81. GET_PWMSE: Stata module to execute PWMSE-based model evaluation

  82. MEAN_CI_PLOT: Stata module to plot means and confidence intervals

  83. STOCDOM: Stata module to compute bounds assuming stochastic dominance

  84. BMTEST: Stata module for computing the independent two-sample Brunner-Munzel test

  85. LISTREG: Stata module for the analysis of list experiments using linear regression

  86. ECONSIG: Stata module to quickly calculate six types of economic significance to simplify your empirical process

  87. ABRS: Stata module to provide Toolkit for counterfactuals based on a spatial equilibrium framework with heterogenous preferences by Ahlfeldt, Bald, Roth, Seidel: “Measuring quality of life under spatial frictions"

  88. XTTEIFECI: Stata module to provide Estimation and Inference of Treatment Effects through a Factor-Based Approach

  89. AB2022: Stata module to provide Gradient Solver for Ahlfeldt & Barr (2022): The economics of skyscrapers

  90. ISOGINI: Stata module to estimate isogini measures at

different percentiles

  1. DLTABLE: Stata module to produce regression tables for Randomized Controlled Trials Using Double LASSO
  2. HKPRLINK: Stata module to obtain and download disclosure reports from 1999-04-01 onward on the official website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
  3. XTREVU: Stata module to reverse the order of values of time series and panel data variables
  4. MVFILTER: Stata module to compute multivariate time-series filter
  5. TMPINVI: Stata module providing an iterated (multistep) Transaction Matrix (TM)-specific implementation of the LPLS estimator
  6. VCE_MCOV: Stata module to compute the Leave-Cluster-Out-Crossfit (LCOC) variance estimates for user-chosen coefficients in a linear regression model
  7. ODK_VALIDATE: Stata module to validdate ODK survey forms
  8. COMPREG: Stata module to estimate a compositional regression with isometric log-ratio (ILR) transformation of the components
  9. ILR: Stata module to compute a isometric log-ratio (ILR) transformation of a set of variables
  10. NOPO: Stata module to perform Nopo (2008) matching decompositions

