专栏名称: 北京大学光华管理学院
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北大光华面向全球招聘学术菁英 | Faculty Position Openings

北京大学光华管理学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-21 18:23




We invite academics around the globe to join us as we continue to build a first-class business school.



Full-time Faculty


Post-doctoral Recruitment



As the first national comprehensive university in China, Peking University reflects the essence of China's traditional culture and has upheld the principle of free and inclusive thinking. The University has played a pivotal role throughout China's history and has helped promote the country's modernization.


Rooted in the 120-year history of Peking University, the Guanghua School of Management strives to fulfill its mission "creating management knowledge, cultivating business leaders and promoting social progress". Under the leadership of the founding Dean, famous Chinese economist Professor Li Yining and those who came after him, Guanghua has become a top business school in Asia through its more than 30 years of development. As a pioneer in Chinese business education, Guanghua has created strong academic atmosphere and taken on its own unique character, emphasizing applications of international research methods to develop novel solutions on global business challenges, especially as they pertain to China.


Guanghua engages in teaching and research across a wide array of academic disciplines, has attracted a first-class team of faculty, and created an effective teaching system. The faculty team includes 110 full-time professors, more than 75% of whom obtained their Ph.D. degrees abroad. Among our faculty are 9 Changjiang Scholars and 10 New Century Excellent Talents, designations awarded by the Ministry of Education, as well as 11 award recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.


Guanghua is home to 7 academic departments, including Applied Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management Science and Information Systems, Business Statistics and Econometrics, Marketing, and Organization and Strategic Management. Applied Economics and Business and Management have already been designated "Double First-Class Disciplines". In the 2019 QS World University Rankings by Subject, Peking University's Accounting & Finance, Business & Management, and Economics & Econometrics subject areas, were all ranked #1 in mainland China, and Guanghua was the primary contributor in these areas.


Guanghua offers a comprehensive range of academic programs, including undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D degree programs, MBA, MPAcc, EMBA, and Executive Education, among others. In China's first professional degree assessment in 2018, Peking University's professional degrees in business administration (MBA, EMBA) and accounting (MPAcc) were awarded A+ ratings, making it the only university in China granted an A+ rating for its degree programs in economic management disciplines.


The essence of Peking University has been described,"The lake bestows wisdom upon us, while the tower lifts our spirit". This spirit of Peking University has been passed down for more than one hundred years, and it is in this spirit that Guanghua has remained committed to pursuit of knowledge, allowing it to become a thriving and vibrant place for scholars from all over the world to congregate. We invite academics from around the globe to join us as we continue to build a first-class business school.



Full-time Faculty


Assistant Professor (not tenured)


Associate Professor (not tenured)


Professor (tenured)

任职要求 Qualifications

1、 具有相关专业博士学位和优秀的教育或工作背景;

A Ph.D. degree in related field with an outstanding educational or working background.

2、 突出的科研能力,具有成为学科带头人或学术骨干的潜力;

Excellent research capacity and the potential to become a leader in your field.

3、 流畅的中、英文表达能力,可以胜任中、英文教学。

Capable of teaching in both English and Chinese.

相关待遇 Compensation and Benefits

1、 提供具有竞争力的薪酬待遇;

A globally competitive salary package;


Housing allowance;


Faculty who meet national and school-level requirements can apply for an apartment rental or purchase subsidized school housing;


Research seed funding;

5、 国际学术会议经费;

International academic seminar funding;


Incentives for publishing research papers;


Financial support for projects launched through the "GuanghuaThought Leadership Platform" or social-science/natural-science projects;

8、 根据应聘条件,可推荐为“光华青年学者”或“光华研究学者”并给予丰厚的研究经费;

Recommendation to the "Guanghua Young Scholar" or "Guanghua Researcher" programs and generous research grants (depending on qualifications);

9、 休假、带薪学术假;

Annual vacation leave and paid academic leave;

10、 子女入学教育:包括北大附属幼儿园、小学和初中;

Access to quality education for children, including Peking University's Affiliated Kindergarten, Affiliated Primary School and Affiliated Middle School;

11、 独立办公室、办公设备、餐饮服务及必要的行政支持。

Fully-furnished private office, catering service and administrative support.

申请材料 Application materials


CV (including a list of publications together with teaching and research experience);

2、应聘附函 ;

Cover Letter;


Full-text of at least three (3) representative research publications;


Three (3) letters of reference;


Other evidence of research and teaching experience (including awards).

申请方式Application Process


To apply, please send your application materials to


Post-doctoral Recruitment

招聘职位 Positions


Applicants can apply for full-time post-doctoral positions in the fields of economics, finance, accounting, business statistics and econometrics, organizational behavior and human resource management, strategic management, marketing, management science and engineering, and information systems.

任职要求 Qualifications


Have obtained a Ph.D.degree from a well-recognized and highly-regarded university in China or abroad within the past 3 years and be under 35 years old;


Have strong research potential and be able to guarantee availability for full-time scientific research work;


Priority will be given to recent Ph.D. graduates and Ph.D. graduates who graduated from one of the world's top 50 universities ( according to the latest ranking published by Times Higher Education).

相关待遇Compensation and Benefits
