专栏名称: 三思行研
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三思行研  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-15 10:17


Are there limits to a country’s’ debt and debt growth?
What will happen to interest rates and all that they affect if government debt growth isn’t slowed?
Can a big, important country that has a major reserve currency like the US go broke—and, if so, what would that look like?
Is there such a thing as a “Big Debt Cycle” that we can track that will tell us when to worry about debt and what to do about it?
These aren’t just academic questions for academic economists. They are questions that investors, policy makers, and most everyone must answer because the answers will have huge effects on all our well-beings and what we should do. But definitive answers don’t currently exist.
At this time, some people believe that there isn't any limit to government debt and debt growth, especially if a country has a reserve currency. That’s because they believe that the central bank of a reserve currency country that has its money widely accepted around the world can always print the money to service its debts. Others believe that the high levels of debt and rapid debt growth are harbingers of a big debt crisis on the horizon, but they do not know exactly how and when the crisis will come—or what its impacts will be.
And what about the big, long-term debt cycle? While the “business cycle” is widely acknowledged and some people recognize that it is driven by a short-term debt cycle, that is not true for the big, long-term debt cycle. Nobody acknowledges it or talks about it. I couldn’t find any good studies or descriptions of it in textbooks, and even the world’s leading economists—including those who are now running, or in the past ran, central banks and government Treasuries—didn’t have much to say about this critically important subject when I explored it with them. That is why I did this study and am passing it along.
Before I get into all that, I should begin by explaining where I’m coming from. I don’t come to this subject as an economist. I come as a global macro investor who for over 50 years has been through many debt cycles in many countries and has had to navigate and understand them well enough to bet on how they would go. I have carefully studied all the big debt cycles over the last 100 years, and superficially studied many more from the past 500 years, so I believe that I understand how to navigate them. Because I am now deeply concerned, I feel a responsibility to pass along this study for others to assess for themselves.
To gain my understanding, I look at many cases like a doctor studies many cases, examining the mechanics behind them to understand the cause/effect relationships that drive their progressions. I also learn from being in these experiences, reflecting on what I learn, writing it up, and having smart people read and challenge it. Then I build systems to place my bets on what I learned and have new experiences. I do that over and over and will do it until I die because I love it. Because my game has been to bet on the markets and because the debt markets drive just about everything, I have been obsessed with studying debt dynamics for decades. I believe that if you understand these dynamics, you can do very well as an investor, businessperson, or policy maker, and if you don’t, you ultimately will be hurt by them.
Through my research, I discovered that there are big, long-term debt cycles that have unfailingly led to big debt bubbles and busts. I saw that only about 20% of the roughly 750 currency/debt markets that have existed since 1700 remain and that all these remaining ones have been severely devalued through the mechanistic process I am going to describe in this study. I saw how this big, long-term debt cycle was described in the Old Testament, how it repeatedly played out in Chinese dynasties over thousands of years, and how time and again it has foreshadowed the fall of empires, countries, and provinces.
These Big Debt Cycles have always worked in timeless and universally consistent ways that are not well understood but should be. In this study, I hope to explain how they work with such clarity that my description will serve as a template that can be used to see what is going on with, and what is likely to happen to, money and debt. While I recognize that the Big Debt Cycle template I will describe has not previously been vetted, I am confident it exists because I have made a lot of money using it to bet on how things would go. I am passing it along because I am now at a stage of life in which I want to share what I have learned that I have found of value. You can do what you like with it.
Why do I think I understand something that others don’t? I theorize that this is for a few reasons. First, this dynamic is not widely understood because big, long-term debt cycles typically last about one lifetime—roughly 80 years (give or take 25 years)—so we don’t get to learn about them through experience. Second, because we focus so much on what is happening to us at the time it is happening, people overlook the big picture. I also think there are biases against being concerned about too much debt because most people like the spending ability that credit gives them, and it is also true that there have been many warnings about pending debt crises that never happened. Memories of big debt crises like the 2008 global financial crisis and the European debt crisis of the PIIGS countries (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain) have faded, and since we have gotten past them, many people assume that policy makers learned how to manage them rather than view these cases as early warnings of bigger crises on the horizon. But whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter exactly why these dynamics are overlooked. I am going to paint a picture of what happens and why, and if there is enough interest in what I’m saying, my template will be assessed and will live or die on its merits.
That leads me to a principle:
If we don’t agree on how things work, we won’t be able to agree on what’s happening or what is likely to happen. For that reason, I need to lay out my picture of how the machine works and try to triangulate with you and other knowledgeable people about it before moving on to look at what’s happening and what might happen.
At a time when government debt is large and increasing rapidly, it seems to me dangerously negligent to assume that this time will be different from other times without first studying how other cases transpired. It would be like assuming that we will never have a civil war or world war again because they haven’t happened before in our lifetimes without studying the mechanics that brought them about in the past. (By the way, I believe that both the civil war and world war dynamics are also going on today.) As in my other books,[1] I will create a description of the archetypical dynamic and then look at how and why different cases transpired differently so that one can track current cases relative to the template and put into context what’s happening and what’s likely to happen. In that way, you will both see many cases of this happening and get a peek into the future. Comparing what is happening with that template leads me to believe that we are heading into one of those cases in which central governments and central banks will “go broke” in the ways that have happened hundreds of times before and have had big political and geopolitical consequences.
This brings me to an important point. The Big Debt Cycle is just one of several interrelated forces that together make up what I call the overall Big Cycle. For example, 1) Big Debt Cycles influence and are affected by largely coinciding 2) big cycles of political and social harmony and conflict within countries that are both affected by and affect 3) big cycles of geopolitical harmony and conflict between countries. These cycles in turn are affected by both 4) big acts of nature, like droughts, floods, and pandemics and 5) developments of big new technologies. Combined, these five forces make up the overall Big Cycle of peace and prosperity and conflict and depression. Because these forces affect each other and practically everything, they must be thought of together. How these forces have worked and interacted and are working and interacting now is covered in much greater detail in my book and video titled Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order and to a lesser extent in Chapter 17 of this study, which is the concluding chapter. In this study, I will be mostly focusing on the Big Debt Cycle, though we will see many references to the ways in which the Big Debt Cycle interacts with the other forces to create the path that we are on.
This study consists of four parts and 17 chapters. Part 1 describes the Big Debt Cycle, at first very simply, then in a more complete and mechanical way, and then with some equations that show the mechanics and help with making projections of what is likely to happen. Part 2 shows what has actually happened across 35 Big Debt Cycle cases, laying out in a detailed template the typical sequence of events that signifies how a cycle is transpiring and shows symptoms that can help identify how far the cycle has progressed. Part 3 reviews the most recent Big Debt Cycle, which started when the new monetary and world orders began in 1944 at the end of World War II and brings it up to the present. In that part, in addition to looking at the Big Debt Cycle and the overall Big Cycle with a focus on the US (because it has been the world’s major reserve currency country and the world’s leading power, thus making it the world’s leading shaper of what one might call the American world order since 1944), I also very briefly describe the Big Cycles of both China and Japan, showing them from the 1860s until now. This will give you a more complete picture of what has happened in the world since 1944 and provide two other Big Debt Cycle cases to look at. Finally, in Part 4, I will peek into the future, looking at what my calculations say about what is required for the US to manage its debt burden, and how the five big forces might unfold in the years ahead.
Because I recognize that there are different readers who have different levels of expertise and want to give different amounts of time to this and I want to help you get what you want out of this, I put the most important points in bold so you can read just the most essential stuff and optionally dive into the details that interest you. I put what I believe are timeless and universal principles in italics. If you are a professional or aspiring professional who is really into economics and markets, I recommend that you read the whole thing because I believe that it will give you a unique perspective that you will enjoy and will help you to be successful in your job. If you are not, I recommend that you just read what is in bold. Also, because I’d love to have a two-way conversation with you to try to get in sync about what’s true and what to do about it, I am working on a few new technologies for doing that, which I will tell you about later.
In the next chapter, I will describe the Big Debt Cycle in just seven pages. If you want to stop there, that’s perfectly fine.
I hope that you will find the study’s analysis helpful.

Part 1: Overview of the Big Debt Cycle
Chapter 1: The Big Debt Cycle in a Tiny Nutshell
My goal for this chapter is to convey in seven pages a very brief but complete description of the mechanics of a typical Big Debt Cycle.
How the Machine Works

Credit is the primary vehicle for funding spending and it can easily be created.[2] Because one person’s spending is another’s earnings, when there is a lot of credit creation, people spend and earn more, most asset prices go up, and most everyone loves it. Paying back debt is much less enjoyable. As a result, central governments and central banks have a bias toward creating a lot of credit. Credit also creates debt that has to be paid back, which has the opposite effect—i.e., when debts have to be paid back, it creates less spending, lower incomes, and lower asset prices, which people don’t like. In other words, when someone (a borrower-debtor) borrows money (called principal) at a cost (an interest rate), the borrower-debtor can spend more money than they have in earnings and savings over the near term. But over the long term, this requires them to pay back (the principal + interest) and when they have to pay it back, it requires them to spend less money than they have. This dynamic is why the credit/spending/debt-paying-back dynamic is inherently cyclical.
The Short-Term Debt Cycle
Everyone who has been around long enough to be affected by it several times should be well-acquainted with the short-term debt cycle. It starts with money and credit being provided readily when economic activity and inflation are lower than desired, and when interest rates are low relative to inflation rates and low in relation to the rates of return on other investments. Those conditions encourage borrowing to spend and invest, which causes asset prices, economic activity, and inflation to pick up until they are higher than desired, at which time money and credit are restrained, and interest rates become relatively high in relation to inflation rates and rates of return on other investments. This leads to less borrowing to spend and invest, which leads to lower asset prices, a slowing of economic activity, and lower inflation, which leads interest rates to come down, money and credit to become easier, and the cycle to begin again. These cycles have typically lasted about six years, give or take three years.
Short-Term Debt Cycles Add up to Big, Long-Term Debt Cycles
What isn’t paid enough attention is the way in which these short-term debt cycles add up to big, long-term debt cycles. Because credit is a stimulant that creates a high, people want more of it, so there is a bias toward creating it. This leads debt to rise over time, which typically leads to most of the short-term cyclical highs and lows in debt to be higher than the ones before. These add up to create the long-term debt cycle, which ends when it becomes unsustainable. The capacity to take on more debt is different early in the Big Debt Cycle when debt burdens are lower and there is more potential for credit/debt to be able to fund highly profitable endeavors than it is later in the cycle when debt burdens are higher, and lenders have fewer productive options.
In that early part, it is easy to borrow—even to borrow a lot—and pay it back. These early short-term cycles are primarily driven by the previously described availability and economics of borrowing and spending, and also a lingering cautiousness brought about by memories of the pain of the most recent time when money was tight.[3] Early in the Big Debt Cycle, when debts and total debt service are relatively low in relation to incomes and other assets, increases and decreases in credit, spending, debt, and debt service are primarily determined by the previously described incentives with less risk. But late in the Big Debt Cycle, when debts and debt service costs get high relative to income and the value of other assets that can be used to meet one’s debt service obligations, the risks of default are higher. Also, late in the Big Debt Cycle, when there are a lot of debt assets and liabilities relative to income, the balancing act of trying to keep interest rates high enough to satisfy lender-creditors without having them too high for borrower-debtors becomes more challenging. That’s because one person’s debts are another’s assets and both must be satisfied. So, while short-term debt cycles end because of the previously described economic considerations, long-term debt cycles end because the debt burdens are too great to be sustained. Said differently, because it is more enjoyable to borrow and spend, if one isn’t careful, debt and debt service can grow like a cancer, eating up one’s buying power and squeezing out other consumption. This is what makes the long-term Big Debt Cycle.
Throughout the millennia and across countries, what has driven the Big Debt Cycle and has created the big market and economic problems that go along with it is the creation of unsustainably large amounts of debt assets and debt liabilities relative to the amounts of money, goods, services, and investment assets in existence.
Said more simply, a debt is a promise to deliver money. A debt crisis occurs when there have been more promises made than there is money to deliver on them. When that happens, the central bank is forced to choose between a) printing a lot of money and devaluing it or b) not printing a lot of money and having a big debt default crisis. In the end, they always print and devalue. Either way—via default or devaluation—the creation of too much debt eventually causes debt assets (e.g., bonds) to be worth less.
While there are variations in how each of these cases plays out, the most important factor is whether the debt is denominated in a currency that the central bank can “print”. But no matter the variation we almost always see that it becomes relatively undesirable to hold the debt assets (i.e., bonds) relative to holding the productive capacity of the economy (i.e., equities) and/or owning other, more stable forms of money (e.g., gold).
To me it is interesting and inappropriate that, when credit rating agencies rate the credit of a central government, they don’t rate the riskiness of its debt losing value. They only rate the risk of default on the debt, which gives the misimpression that all higher-rated debt is a safe storehold of value. Said differently, because central banks can bail out central governments, the riskiness of central governments’ debts are hidden. Creditors would be better served if the rating agencies rated the riskiness of the debt losing value through both default and devaluation. After all, these bonds are supposed to be storeholds of wealth and should be rated as such. As you will see in this study, that is how I look at bonds. For countries with debts denominated in their own currencies (i.e., in a currency they can print), I rate central governments’ debts separately from their central banks to show how risky they are, and I rate the risks of central banks’ debts by considering the risk of the devaluation of money to be as, if not more, probable than a default on government debt.
Default or devaluation, I don’t care. What I care about is losing my storehold of wealth, which inevitably will happen one way or another.
Following the Debt Cycle’s Progression
The main difference between a short-term debt cycle and a long-term (big) debt cycle has to do with the central bank’s ability to turn them around. For the short-term debt cycle, its contraction phase can be reversed with a heavy dose of money and credit that brings the economy up from a depressed disinflationary state because the economy has the capacity to produce another phase of noninflationary growth. But the long-term debt cycle’s contraction phase cannot be reversed by producing more money and credit because existing levels of debt growth and debt assets are unsustainable and holders of debt assets want to get out of them because they believe that, one way or another, they will be poor storeholds of wealth.
Think of the Big Debt Cycle’s progression like the progression of a disease or a life cycle through stages that exhibit different symptoms. By identifying these symptoms one can identify approximately where the cycle is in its progression with some expectations of how it is likely to progress from there. Described most simply, the Big Debt Cycle moves from sound/hard money and credit to increasingly loose money and credit to a debt bust that leads to a return to sound/hard money and credit brought about by necessity. More specifically, at first there is heathy borrowing by the private sector that can be paid back; then the private sector overborrows, has losses, and has problems paying it back; then the government sector tries to help, overborrows, has losses, and has problems paying it back; then the central bank tries to help by “printing money” and buying the government debt, and has problems paying it back, which leads it to monetize a lot more debt if it can (i.e., if the debt is denominated in the currency that it can print). Though not all cases progress in exactly the same way, most cases progress through the following five stages:
1)      The Sound Money Stage: When net debt levels are low, money is sound, the country is competitive, and debt growth fuels productivity growth, which creates incomes that are more than enough to pay back the debts. This leads to increases in financial wealth and confidence.
1)Sound Money舞台:当净债务水平较低时,货币是健全的,国家是有竞争力的,债务增长会促进生产力的增长,从而创造出足以偿还债务的收入。这会增加金融财富和信心。
Credit is the promise to deliver money. Unlike credit which requires a payment of money at a later date, money settles transactions—i.e., if money is given the transaction is complete, whereas if credit is given money is owed. It’s easy to create credit. Anyone can create credit but not anyone can create money. For example, I can create credit by accepting your promise to pay me money even if you don’t have the money. As a result, credit easily grows so there is much more credit than there is money. The most effective money is both a medium of exchange and a storehold of wealth that is widely accepted around the world. At the early stage of the Big Debt Cycle money is “hard,” which means that it is a medium of exchange that is also a storehold of wealth that can’t easily be increased in supply, such as gold, sterling silver, and Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin is now emerging as an accepted hard currency because it is a currency that is widely accepted around the world and is limited in supply. The biggest, most common risk to money becoming an ineffective storehold of wealth is the risk that a lot of it will be created. Imagine having the ability to create money; who wouldn’t be tempted to do a lot of that? Those who can always are. That creates the Big Debt Cycle. In the early part of the Big Debt Cycle, a) money is typically hard—e.g., gold—and the paper money that circulates like money is convertible into the “hard money” at a fixed price and b) there isn’t a lot of paper money and debt (which is the promise to pay money) outstanding. The Big Debt Cycle consists of the building up of a) “paper money” and debt assets/liabilities relative to b) “hard money” and real assets (e.g., goods and services) and relative to the income that is required to service the debt. Basically, the Big Debt Cycle works like a Ponzi scheme or musical chairs with investors holding an increasing amount of debt assets in the belief that they can convert them into money that will have buying power to get real things, yet as the amount of the debt assets that are held up by that faith increases relative to the real things, that conversion becomes more obviously impossible until that is realized and the process of selling the debt to get the hard money and real assets begins.
At the early stage of the debt cycle, private and government debt and debt service ratios are 1) low relative to incomes and/or 2) low relative to liquid assets. For example, government debt and debt service are low relative to government tax revenue and/or low relative to government liquid assets (e.g., reserves and other savings such as sovereign wealth assets) that can easily be converted into money. For example, when the Big Debt Cycle that we are in began in 1944, the ratios of a) US government debt and b) US money supply divided by the amount of gold the US government had were equal to a) 7x and b) 1.3x respectively, whereas now these ratios are a) 37x and b) 6x respectively.
