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How can you get 7 in IELTS?

Quora精选  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-08-15 17:56


老外眼中雅思7分的10个Key Points?

1. Choose a realistic and achievable goal

To obtain a satisfactory IELTS Band Score, it is necessary to berealistic. If the goal is to reach a certain level of English proficiency,success can only be achieved with much practice. It is important to know whatan IELTS score in any of the Sub-tests means before you set yourself a goal.

2.  Follow a regular study plan

Set aside the maximum number of hours you can spare each day to practise English for all four Subtests. Do not concentrate only on your weakest areas.Be regular in your practice, and give yourself a rest between tasks. The secret of success is to work towards your goal slowly, steadily and regularly.Take every opportunity to listen to English whenever and wherever you can. Watch TV programmes and films, listen to radio programmes and English language tapes -even songs in English on tape.Have as many conversations with native English speakers as you can, and practise in English as often as possible with your non-native English-speaking friends.Try to read texts in English at least once every day.

3. Increase your personal speed

In the IELTS test, time is your enemy. Candidates who have taken the testand did not perform as well as they had hoped often complain that they wereunable to give all the answers in the Listening Test because the tape was toofast, and that they ran out of time in the Reading Test. To begin with, do notworry if you do not finish the tests. Your personal speed is not something which changes a great deal from day-to-day, but does change considerably over a longer period of time, as a direct result of practice inworking with the English language. The more effort you put in, the faster your personal speed will be on the day.

4. increase your sentence-reading speed

The faster and more accurately you read, the more questions you will be able to answer. In all the tests, the instructions,the example, and the questions themselves need to be read quickly, and must be well understood in order for you to have more time to find the answers. It pays to increase your overall reading speed.

5. Develop a memory for English

In the Reading Test, it pays to remember as much asyou can of what you have just read, but at least the words can be read again.However, in the Listening Test you cannot go back, and the tape is only playedonce. If the answer comes before the keyword/phrase, your memory of what youhave just heard is even more important. Nevertheless, the answer usuallyfollows the key words / phrases that you hear, and is close in time to the main key word / phrase you are listening for.

6. Manage your time carefully

The Listening Sub-test. The tape is heard onceonly, and the questions are answered as you listen.

The Reading Sub-test. An advised period of time is usually given in which to complete each of the three sections of the test. Keep an eye on the time as you progress through the Reading Sub-test, and as you complete each question group.

Remember that you are in charge of managing yourtime in the Reading Sub-test.

7. The Golden Rule of IELTS

The Golden Rule is "Always give the monkey exactly what he wants". If a monkey asks for a banana, you must give him a banana and not an apple. In other words,your answer to a question must be exactly what is required. You must be quite sure of the type of information you are asked to give as an answer, and what you must do with that information to give an accurate answer.

8. Read the instructions carefully
