专栏名称: 唯链VeChainFoundation
唯链基金会(VeChain Foundation)官方平台,推送日常的开发进度、技术分享及商业落地案例。
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唯链VeChainFoundation  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-10-24 16:15



(16/10/2017 – 20/10/2017)

Blockchain and IoT (Internet of Things) are the two trending cutting-edge topics in the technology industry.They frequently appeared in government instructions regarding governmentpolicies, principles and developmental schemes. One of the VeChain’s primedirection is to establish the deep connection and the optimization of blockchainand IoT technologies by complementing the advantages and avoiding thedisadvantages to each other.

On the one hand, as one of thetechnologies that provide online trust service, although blockchain technology canguarantee the authenticity of the data operated on the blockchain network, IoTis the key to secure the authenticity of data source.

On the other hand, IoT technologyhelps to establish the corresponding relation between the real physical worldand the world of blockchain. IoT technology can greatly reduce the factors ofhuman intervention and manipulation by the source of data collection and thusensure the authenticity of all data involved.

Under the leadership of CTO Jianliang Gu, most team members ofVeChain have more than 10 years of professional experience in power,electronics and telecommunication technology industries. Before joining inVeChain, Mr. Gu was employed as the technical director of TCL MobileCommunication Co., Ltd. and had accumulated around 18 years of experience inrelevant industries like mobile telecommunication and IoT. Apart from his richexperience in relevant industries, Mr. Gu also holds more than 100 relevantpatents.

VeChain will keepa deep connection between IoT and VeChain blockchain regarding the threeaspects below:

1)     The development ofdigital chip tag technology

2)    The identificationand data security of IoT sensors

3)    NB-IoT securityand authorization module

After two monthsof intense work on digital chip design, algorithm patterns establishment,usability tests and digital chip security tests, VeChain technical team hasupgraded the chip layer of traditional equipment by embedding unique equipmentID and the Asymmetric Encryption Algorithm for verifying the authentication andauthorization of the equipment. They eventually finished the digital chips likeRFID, NFC, QRCode that targeted at different industries and applicationscenarios.

NFC digital chip foralcoholic products

1)     The first type ofNFC digital chip is suitable for the alcoholic products with bottle caps madeby aluminum-foil like red wine and sparkling wine, etc.

Frontside of the tag

Backsideof the tag

This type of NFCdigital chip is designed with a high level encryption and can effectively avoidthe influence of metal on NFC antenna. The base of the chip is made of fragilecoated paper material, which can be teared easily and effectively prevents fromrepetition of use.

2)     The second type of NFC chip is suitable for the alcoholic products with plastic bottle caps

Frontside of the tag

Backside of the tag

This type of NFC digital chip enhances the performance of inner antennasthrough ingenious design. The type of chips provides customers with asmooth scanning experience and also tears easily for theprevention of repeated use.

Dual frequency digital chip of NFC + RFID for the application on the luxury goods.

Tag sample 1

This type of NFC+RFID dual frequency digital chip is sewn into the inner layer ofluxury bags for the convenience of management regarding production andlogistic links and the fulfillment of customer requests regarding counterfeitingissues. This type of the chip is encrypted with NFC technology with higher datasecurity level. In addition, the RFID superfrequency technology can improve the management efficiency inproduction and logistic links.

NFC digital chip for the application of artwares and jewelleries

Tag Sample 2

This type of ringshaped fragile digital chip is designed to extend through the holes (gaps) aroundthe product and attach together to form a ring structure. The chip also tearseasily for the prevention of repeated use.

Apart from that, VeChain has also designed RFIDtags and waterproof tags specifically for clothing products. The RFID tags withsuper frequency technology are either printed on the inside of the tags or sewninto the inner layer of the clothing products. This can improve the checkingefficiency of production and logistic links and the settlement efficiencyduring the sales links. Meanwhile, this type of RFID tag also helps VeChain blockchainplatform to track the source of the goods for the prevention of anyanti-channel conflicts.

VeChain team has also independently developed the read-write equipment forautomatic digital chips to improve the reading, writing and testing efficiency ofthe digital chips. In addition, the design and testing of the hardware as wellas the coding, testing and implementation of the software programs are allindependently accomplished by VeChain team. The read-write equipment greatlyimproves production capacity of the chip to fulfil the growing demands of varioustypes of digital chips for VeChain.

Part of the read-write code that written independently by VeChain
