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首发 . Ryan Leidner Architecture 诗意住宅

始室  · 公众号  · 建筑设计  · 2024-10-02 10:20






Home Tour | High Desert House by Ryan Leidner Architecture

由 Ryan Leidner Architecture 设计的高地沙漠之家坐落在原始广袤的约书亚树下,是对周围环境的一种深思熟虑的回应,为画家 Heather Day 和创意总监 Chase McBride 提供了一个既能哺育他们的艺术又能满足日常生活需要的空间。

高地沙漠之家的设计兼顾了周围崎岖的地形和这对夫妇对简约的追求,与沙漠环境浑然一体。紧凑的外形和裸露的横梁结构遵循了中世纪的原则,而简洁的线条和深思熟虑的克制则从日本和斯堪的纳维亚现代主义中汲取了灵感。"Ryan Leidner 说:"我们认为有必要尊重景观,设计既要保持紧凑的占地面积,又要有开阔感。

Set against the raw expanse of Joshua Tree, High Desert House by Ryan Leidner Architecture is a thoughtful response to its environment, providing painter Heather Day and creative director Chase McBride a space that nurtures both their art and daily life.

Designed to balance the ruggedness of the surrounding landscape with the couple’s desire for simplicity, High Desert House integrates seamlessly into its desert setting. The compact form and exposed-beam structure nod to mid-century principles, while the clean lines and thoughtful restraint draw inspiration from Japanese and Scandinavian modernism. “We felt the need to respect the landscape with a design that maintained a compact footprint while still enjoying a sense of expansiveness,” says Ryan Leidner.

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The house is constructed with wood framing and plaster stucco, materials chosen for their durability against the harsh desert climate.

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The design draws heavily from the stark beauty of the desert itself. Large windows frame views of the endless horizon, allowing shifting light to animate the interiors throughout the day. An open-plan living area transitions fluidly onto a deck, extending the interior into the vast outdoors. This design blurs the boundaries between shelter and wilderness, aligning with the couple’s vision of a home that both grounds and liberates.

The house is constructed with wood framing and plaster stucco, materials chosen for their durability against the harsh desert climate. A white exterior contrasts against the muted tones of the landscape, ensuring the structure stands out without overpowering its surroundings. “We initially explored a neutral tone for the exterior plaster to blend with the landscape but realised that a stronger contrast highlighted the architectur

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工作室内部强调灵活性和自然采光。工作室为 Heather 提供了充足的绘画空间,墙面宽阔,阳光透过落地窗照射进来。更多的私密空间与之相辅相成,平衡了共享空间和私人空间,为希瑟和切斯的创作追求提供了支持。


Inside, the emphasis is on flexibility and natural light. The studio provides Heather with ample space to paint, with expansive walls and sunlight streaming through floor-to-ceiling windows. This is complemented by more intimate areas, balancing shared and private spaces that support both Heather and Chase’s creative pursuits.

A sense of calm pervades the home, facilitated by a minimalist approach to furnishings and decor. The use of natural materials, from the raw timber beams to the concrete floors, grounds the space in its environment, allowing the inhabitants and their artworks to become the true focal points. Each element, carefully chosen, underscores the intention to create a dwelling that is both functional and poetic.

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设计 : Ryan Leidner Architecture
摄影 : Joe Fletcher


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