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唧唧堂:JF 金融学期刊2019年6月论文解析

唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-15 20:14


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂经济金融写作小组: EUPHONY ;审校编辑 | 悠悠

1. 大型机构订单时点附近的高频交易


Liquidity suppliers lean against the wind. We analyze whether high-frequency traders (HFTs) lean against large institutional orders that execute through a series of child orders. The alternative is HFTs trading with the wind, that is, in the same direction. We find that HFTs initially lean against these orders but eventually change direction and take positions in the same direction for the most informed institutional orders. Our empirical findings are consistent with investors trading strategically on their information. When deciding trade intensity, they seem to trade off higher speculative profits against higher risk of being detected and preyed on by HFTs.

参考文献:VINCENT VAN KERVEL ALBERT J. MENKVELD (14 February 2019).High‐Frequency Trading around Large Institutional Orders. Journal of Finance June 2019.

2. 流动性风险和套利资本的动力学


We develop a continuous‐time model of liquidity provision in which hedgers can trade multiple risky assets with arbitrageurs. Arbitrageurs have constant relative risk‐aversion (CRRA) utility, while hedgers' asset demand is independent of wealth. An increase in hedgers' risk aversion can make arbitrageurs endogenously more risk‐averse. Because arbitrageurs generate endogenous risk, an increase in their wealth or a reduction in their CRRA coefficient can raise risk premia despite Sharpe ratios declining. Arbitrageur wealth is a priced risk factor because assets held by arbitrageurs offer high expected returns but suffer the most when wealth drops. Aggregate illiquidity, which declines in wealth, captures that factor.

参考文献:PÉTER KONDOR DIMITRI VAYANOS (14 February 2019).Liquidity Risk and the Dynamics of Arbitrage Capital. Journal of Finance June 2019.

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3. 雇员股票期权执行和公司的成本


We develop an empirical model of employee stock option exercise that is suitable for valuation and allows for behavioral channels. We estimate exercise rates as functions of option, stock, and employee characteristics using all employee exercises at 88 public firms, 27 of them in the S&P 500. Increasing vesting frequency from annual to monthly reduces option value by 11% to 16%. Men exercise faster, reducing value by 2% to 4%, while top employees exercise slower, increasing value by 2% to 7%. Finally, we develop an analytic valuation approximation that is more accurate than methods used in practice.

参考文献:JENNIFER N. CARPENTER RICHARD STANTON NANCY WALLACE (14 February 2019).Employee Stock Option Exercise and Firm Cost. Journal of Finance June 2019.

4. 中间商和散户投资人:冲突的利益和被控制的产品

我在研究中间商怎样扭曲了家庭投资的决定。使用崭新的债券数据,我发现消费者通常购买被控制的债券 ---- 它们便宜,而其它的更贵 ---- 相似的债券在市场上共生。中间商被激励去销售被控制的债券,通常能通过销售这种债券获得比原来多两倍的费率。我开发并估计了一个中间商作为中介的搜索模型来理性解释这种行为。估计表明这种需要成本的搜索是金融市场的主要摩擦,而搜索成本的效果在当中间商被激励去引导消费者搜索高费用的劣等产品时被放大。

I study how brokers distort household investment decisions. Using a novel convertible bond data set, I find that consumers often purchase dominated bonds—cheap and expensive otherwise‐identical bonds coexist in the market. Brokers are incentivized to sell the dominated bonds, typically earning two times greater fees for selling them. I develop and estimate a broker‐intermediated search model that rationalizes this behavior. The estimates indicate that costly search is a key friction in financial markets, but the effects of search costs are compounded when brokers are incentivized to direct the search of consumers toward high‐fee inferior products.

参考文献:MARK EGAN (14 February 2019).Brokers versus Retail Investors: Conflicting Interests and Dominated Products. Journal of Finance June 2019.

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5. 风险资本和资本分配

我发现风险资本家建立名声的动机可以对一级市场有有益的效果,减少信息摩擦并且帮助公司上市。因为没有信息的名声导向的风险资本家想要展现出自己有信息,他们会偏误地反对支持公司 ---- 通过不支持公司,他们避免了带领低价值的公司到市场,从而最终展现出他们缺少信息。在均衡里,名声导向的风险资本家支持相对较少的差公司,从而创造出一种认证效果,这种效果减少了信息摩擦。然而,他们同样支持相对较少的好公司,从而,名声动机减少了好公司景气或者利润高带来的福利。

I show that venture capitalists' motivation to build reputation can have beneficial effects in the primary market, mitigating information frictions and helping firms go public. Because uninformed reputation‐motivated venture capitalists want to appear informed, they are biased against backing firms—by not backing firms, they avoid taking low‐value firms to market, which would ultimately reveal their lack of information. In equilibrium, reputation‐motivated venture capitalists back relatively few bad firms, creating a certification effect that mitigates information frictions. However, they also back relatively few good firms, and thus, reputation motivation decreases welfare when good firms are abundant or profitable.

参考文献:GIORGIA PIACENTINO (14 February 2019).Venture Capital and Capital Allocation. Journal of Finance June 2019.



I uncover an economic source of exposure to global risk that drives international asset prices. Countries that are more central in the global trade network have lower interest rates and currency risk premia. To explain these findings, I present a general equilibrium model in which central countries' consumption growth is more exposed to global consumption growth shocks. This causes the currencies of central countries to appreciate in bad times, resulting in lower interest rates and currency risk premia. Empirically, central countries' consumption growth covaries more with world consumption growth, further validating the proposed mechanism.

参考文献:ROBERT J. RICHMOND (14 February 2019).Trade Network Centrality and Currency Risk Premia. Journal of Finance June 2019.

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A risk‐averse entrepreneur with access to a profitable venture needs to raise funds from investors. She cannot indefinitely commit her human capital to the venture, which limits the firm's debt capacity, distorts investment and compensation, and constrains the entrepreneur's risk sharing. This puts dynamic liquidity and state‐contingent risk allocation at the center of corporate financial management. The firm balances mean‐variance investment efficiency and the preservation of financial slack. We show that in general the entrepreneur's net worth is overexposed to idiosyncratic risk and underexposed to systematic risk. These distortions are greater the closer the firm is to exhausting its debt capacity.

参考文献:PATRICK BOLTON NENG WANG JINQIANG YANG(14 February 2019).Optimal Contracting, Corporate Finance, and Valuation with Inalienable Human Capital. Journal of Finance June 2019.

8. 杠杆和横截面股票回报


Building on theoretical asset pricing literature, we examine the role of market risk and the size, book‐to‐market (BTM), and volatility anomalies in the cross‐section of unlevered equity returns. Compared with levered (stock) returns, unlevered market beta plays a more important role in explaining the cross‐section of unlevered equity returns, even after controlling for size and BTM. The size effect is weakened, while the value premium and the volatility puzzle virtually disappear for unlevered returns. We show that leverage induces heteroskedasticity in returns. Unlevering returns removes this pattern, which is otherwise difficult to address by controlling for leverage in regressions.

参考文献:HITESH DOSHI KRIS JACOBS PRAVEEN KUMAR RAMON RABINOVITCH (14 February 2019).Leverage and the Cross‐Section of Equity Returns. Journal of Finance June 2019.

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We use a labor‐search model to explain why the worst employment slumps often follow expansions of household debt. We find that households protected by limited liability suffer from a household‐debt‐overhang problem that leads them to require high wages to work. Firms respond by posting high wages but few vacancies. This vacancy posting effect implies that high household debt leads to high unemployment. Even though households borrow from banks via bilaterally optimal contracts, the equilibrium level of household debt is inefficiently high due to a household‐debt externality. We analyze the role that a financial regulator can play in mitigating this externality.

参考文献:JASON RODERICK DONALDSON GIORGIA PIACENTINO ANJAN THAKOR (14 February 2019).Household Debt Overhang and Unemployment. Journal of Finance June 2019.
