专栏名称: 中国人民银行
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中国人民银行  · 公众号  · 银行  · 2025-03-07 18:42


2025年3月4日至5日,中国人民银行副行长陆磊与哈萨克斯坦国家银行副行长莫尔达别科娃共同主持了中哈合作委员会金融合作分委会第十三次会议。会议主要就双边本币合作、支付领域合作、贸易和项目融资合作等议题进行讨论,并达成广泛共识。 会上,双方签署了《中哈金融合作分委会第十三次会议纪要》。
The People’s Bank of China and the National Bank of Kazakhstan held the 13 th Meeting of the Financial Cooperation Sub-Committee of the China-Kazakhstan Cooperation Committee

During March 4-5, 2025, Deputy Governor Lu Lei of the People’s Bank of China, and Deputy Governor Aliya Moldabekova of the National Bank of Kazakhstan co-chaired the 13 th meeting of the Sub-Committee on Financial Cooperation of the China-Kazakhstan Cooperation Committee. The meeting mainly discussed topics such as bilateral local currency cooperation, payment cooperation, and trade and project financing, and reached broad consensus. At the meeting, the two parties signed the “Minutes of the 13th Meeting of the China-Kazakhstan Financial Cooperation Sub-Committee”.
