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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-20 11:21



The European Commission has started anexpiry review to determine whether to extend existing anti-dumping duties onChinese wire rod imports.

该税种于 2009 年首次征收,随后于 2015 年延长 5 年。现在,欧盟委员会将再次进行复审,以决定是否确认该措施再延长五年。最终决定将在 2021 10 月前做出。 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,在复审过程中,现有措施将继续执行。

The duties were first imposed in 2009 and then extended in 2015 for five years. Now the commission will review themarket again to decide whether to confirm the measure for a further period offive years. A final decision will be taken by October 2021. During the revisionprocess existing measures will remain in place, Kallanish notes.

“申请方 (Eurofer) 声称,从中国进口的产品有可能再次造成损害。在这方面,申请方已经提供了充分的证据,证明如果允许措施到期失效,目前从有关国家进口到欧盟的受审查产品的进口水平很可能会增加, 欧盟委员会表示。

The applicant (Eurofer)alleges the likelihood of recurrence of injury caused by imports from China. Inthis respect the applicant has provided sufficient evidence that, shouldmeasures be allowed to lapse, the current import level of the product underreview from the country concerned to the Union is likely to increase,” theCommission says.

这是由于中国出口生产企业存在未利用的产能和生产设施潜能;欧盟市场具有吸引力;以及欧盟以外的传统市场(特别是美国、印度尼西亚、印度、墨西哥、澳大利亚)对被审查产品采取贸易保护措施, 欧盟委员会补充称。

This is due to theexistence of unused capacity and the potential of the manufacturing facilitiesof the exporting producers in China; the attractiveness of the Union market;and trade defence measures against imports of the product under review in forceor in the process of being enforced in traditional markets other than the EU(inter alia the USA, Indonesia, India, Mexico, Australia),” the Commissionadds.

申请方称,如果反倾销措施到期失效,以倾销价格从有关国家大量进口的情况很可能再次发生 可能将导致欧盟产业再次受到损害。

Any recurrence of substantial importsat dumped prices from the country concerned – likely if measures lapse – wouldlikely lead to a recurrence of injury to EU industry, the petitioner claims.



Europe Steel Markets 2020 Nov. 24, 2020

The 5th Annual Kallanish Europe Steel Markets 2020 event will be held in Milan, Italy
