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Tier 1 GE内容再度更新!毕业后,你是否有资格申请留英创业?

最英国  · 公众号  · 英国  · 2017-07-01 21:20


又到1年毕业季,想留英的同学们想必都注意到了毕业生企业 家签Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa。

作为英国政府为留住高技术毕业人才在英创业而特设的签证, 申请 Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa需要哪些条件呢?

  • 英国本科/硕士/博士 应届毕业/往届毕业生

  • 来自欧洲经济区(E EA)和瑞士以外的国家或地区

  • 商业计划获得HEI授权的英国大学认可

  • 获得国际贸易部( DIT )的认可

虽说万事开头难,可之后的路也不容易。因为,英国政府留给国际毕业生创业者的 签证时间最长为2年

在此时间内,满足条件的毕业生创业者可以 转申T1企业家签证成功留英

今年6月14号,Home Office 再次更新HEI授权的英国大学名单,来看看你的毕业院校是否属于下列名单:

A ut horisedendorsi n g bodies

Anglia Ruskin University

Arts University Bournemouth

Ashridge (Bonar Law Memorial) Trust

Aston University

Bangor University

Birmingham City University

Bishop Grosseteste University

Bournemouth University

BPP University Limited

Brunel University

Cardiff University

City University London

Coventry University

Cranfield University

De Montfort University

Edinburgh Napier University

Glasgow Caledonian University

Goldsmiths University of London

Heriot-Watt University

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine

King's College London

Kingston University

Lancaster University

Leeds Beckett University

Liverpool Hope University

Liverpool John Moores University

London Business School

London Metropolitan University

London School of Economics and Political Science

London South Bank University

Loughborough University

Middlesex University

Newcastle University

Northumbria University Newcastle

Norwich University of the Arts

Nottingham Trent University

Oxford Brookes University

Plymouth University

Queen Mary University of London

Queen’s University of Belfast

Regent's University London

Royal Academy of Music

Royal Agricultural University

Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Royal College of Art

Sheffield Hallam University

SOAS, University of London

Southampton Solent University

Swansea University

Teesside University

University College London

University for the Creative Arts

University of Aberdeen

University of Bath

University of Birmingham

University of Brighton

University of Bristol

University of Buckingham

University of Cambridge

University of Derby

University of Dundee

University of East Anglia

University of East London

University of Edinburgh

University of Essex

University of Exeter

University of Glasgow

University of Greenwich

University of Hertfordshire

University of Huddersfield

University of Hull

University of Kent

University of Leeds

University of Leicester

University of Lincoln

University of Liverpool

University of Manchester

University of Northampton

University of Nottingham

University of Oxford

University of Portsmouth

University of Reading

University of Roehampton

University of Salford

University Of Sheffield

University of South Wales

University of Southampton

University of St Andrews

University of Stirling

University of Strathclyde

University of Sunderland

University of Surrey

University of Sussex

University of the Arts London

University of the West of England

University of the West of Scotland

University of Warwick
