What is a split-second decision you made that changed your life?
Andrew Karam, Scientist, Consultant, Writer at Freelancing (2006-present)
Answered Tue
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Change one thing, change everything.
At a party in Chicago I went to help a friend avoid a fight.
As a result, the other guy tackled me and broke my ankle.
As a result, the house-painting company I was working for would not hire me back.
As a result, I couldn't pay for college (and didn't want to take a loan).
As a result, I joined the Navy as an enlisted man and went into nuclear power on submarines.
As a result the rest of my life changed - friends, career, education, confidence, spouse, outlook, and everything else.
Who would imagine that going to a party would affect so much?
split-second:adj. 极快的、瞬间发生的、刹那间发生的;
freelance:vi. 当自由职业者;
freelance work:自由职业;
freelance writer:自由撰稿人;
tackle:n. 滑轮或滑轮组、用具、器械(fishing-tackle);vt. 应对、处理;
n. act of tackling in or as in football, etc (如橄榄球等中的)擒抱、擒拿:
(in Rugby football) seize and stop (an opponent holding the ball) (橄榄球)擒抱(对方持球队员)。
drastically:adv. 大大地、彻底地;
Karan Balwani:
This answer reminds me of the Butterfly Effect - how a minor change in occurrence of an event can drastically alter the events that follow. Thank you for your answer.