This is Stanford Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law podcast. We are studying why governments fail. We are going to talk about economic and political development at home and around the world.
Today we are listening to Francis Fukuyama, the Mosbacher Director of the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law at the Freeman Spogli institute of Stanford University. Welcome to the CDDRL democracy world.
The second problem with my 1992 formulation is closely related and has to do with the fragility of modern states. Modern states can develop out of less developed ones, but they can also decay, that is modern political orders can regress to something less modern. The central problem with modern state is that it is in some sense very unnatural: the modern state is premised on impersonality and merit. The official you select to run the government should not be your friend or your cousin, but someone who’s qualified for the job. Human sociability works differently to favor friends and family. So there’s a constant temptation to erode the impersonal character of the state or we otherwise called political corruption. The temptation is particularly strong for elites who try to translate their wealth and power into private advantages through their capture of the state. This process I labeled with a very long word “repatrimonialization” in my Political Order series and it has unfolded in every political system that tried to create a modern state. It happened at the end of Han Dynasty in China. It happened to the Ottoman system of slave soldiers and under the old regime in France which created the practice of venal office holding. Something similar is going on in the United States today where variety of elites are taking advantage of the US check and balance political system to veto policies that hurt their interest, leading to overall political paralysis.
The third challenge to my end of history theory is partly related to the problem of political decay. There is a broad perception in many contemporary liberal democracies that existing elites have gamed systems to their own advantage and are so deeply entrenched that ordinary democratic politics is not sufficient to dislodge them. The resulting political stasis or gridlock then leads to demands for a strong leader who can challenge these elites, even if it means undermining the institutional framework that has defined liberal democracy. Political stasis has become linked to the economic distress of the old middle or working class that had secure employment during the decades immediately following World War II but who in recent decades has seen their incomes and social status is slipping. This has led to a wave of new anti-establishment populist movement throughout the democratic world. Viktor Orbán and Jarosław Kaczyński in Hungary and Poland, to Marine Le Pen in France and Brexit fears in the UK, and of course, to Donald Trump in the United States.
The fourth challenge to my 1992 hypothesis is the one raised by Huntington himself in his book The Clash of Civilizations in which he argued that liberal democracy is the product of western culture, and not an inevitable part of a universal modernization process.
Here CN is far and away the biggest challenge to the end of history narrative. Of all the illiberal nondemocratic challengers, I have from the beginning maintain that CN is the most serious. Islamism is often raised as another competitor. But I’m reasonably certain that no society governed as Islamic theocracy will ever be able to reach the levels of economic and technological modernity necessary to sustain it as a successful society. Chief evidence for this is that none has come close to doing so yet. The only economically successful places in the Middle East are tiny outposts like Dubai and Qatar that have adopted liberal autocratic political systems. Iran, which led the region into Islamic fundamentalism, is seething on the inside as a new generation of well-educated, young people, longed for a more open and genuinely democratic society. CN is different. CN remains an illiberal autocracy that has successfully maintaining high levels of growth and is proving that it can master a wide range of technologies necessary to sustain growth into the future. For a while, people question whether such a society can truly innovate as opposed to copying and catching up with the world’s leading economies. But CN with its huge and expanding tech sector is out competing its western rivals on a number of fronts. The question then is how sustainable the CN model is. No society can be judged by its performance over the short run and there are reasons for thinking that CN has serious challenges in the decades ahead. The high levels of growth in recent years have been sustained using extremely high levels of debt. The country has a huge savings rate, its net debt position is not sustainable. Its growth model is based on high levels of infrastructure investment. And that has come to a halt whether this can be exported abroad through the Belt and Road Initiative is questionable. It has privileged economic growth for so long over other goals like environmental protection that has poisoned its own environment. While the government is trying to clean up, it’s not clear it will be able to fix these problems and continue to grow as it has. Finally the legitimacy of Chinese Communist Party remains highly dependent on its performance. The country has not experienced a serious recession since 1978. But economic setbacks are inevitable as it seeks to move into high income status. How will the new middle class in CN feel about continued party rule during a long economy downturn. If CN in the coming years continues to grow, and remains stable as the world’s largest economic power, then I would say that my 1992 thesis has been conclusively refuted.
Fifth challenge has to do with technology, actually this is a series of challenges posed by different technologies that are either already visible or are over the Horizon. Given the framework of my original argument and the role of the technological changed played in it, it’s hard to see how there could be an end of History without an end of technological development. I made note of this in my 2001 book Our Posthuman Future in which I argued the possibilities for manipulation of human behavior were expanding in dramatic ways as a result of progress in the life sciences. My hypothesis about the sustainability of liberal democracy rested, in the end, on its compatibility with the human nature. But if that nature could be deliberately altered through genetic engineering or psychotropic drugs then all bets were off. The kinds of social engineering pioneered by the 20th century’s totalitarian regimes were absolutely crude by comparison to what is possible today through biotechnology. This is not the only technological challenge contemporary political systems face. Weapons of mass destruction including biological weapons threaten to undermine the link between the social development and military power, giving small terrorist groups and weak states potent leverage over their more developed rivals. WMDs in a sense return the world to the situation it was in for a number of centuries when nomadic horsemen could defeat the armies of more developed agrarian societies, as a condition that lasted up until the invention of gunpowder. Automation has been widely blamed for job loss in developed economies and is very likely to affect ever higher levels of skill, increasing overall inequality, imposing particular challenges to countries dedicated to the principle of equality. Finally, if there are absolute limits to growth imposed by global warming, resource scarcity, or plateauing productivity enhancing change, then liberal democracies will face special challenges. Market economies produce inequalities that are politically tolerable only to the extent that there is a perception that everyone’s benefiting to some degree. If there’s and end to growth, we may return to the pre-modern Malthusian zero-sum world in which predation rather than the creation of new wealth becomes the easiest route to riches. All of these technological developments are possibilities not certainties and we may yet be surprised at ways in which technological change benefits human development. There’s no finality to this process.