专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  瑞达利欧RayDalio

《每日原则》:  不要为你自己或他人的错误而懊恼,要珍爱它!

瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-19 12:30


人们通常会为自己犯错感到沮丧,这是因为他们目光短浅,只看到了不良的结果,而没有看到错误实际上也是进步过程中的有机组成部分。 我以前有一位滑雪教练,他也指导过迈克尔·乔丹,那位有史以来最伟大的篮球队员。 他告诉我,乔丹简直沉醉在自己的错误中,把每次错误都当成改进的机会。 乔丹明白一个道理,错误就像是玩小拼图游戏,每完成一个,就会得到一个宝贝。 当你每犯一个错误并从中吸取教训,就会使你在未来免于再犯几千个类似的错误。

People typically feel bad about their mistakes because they think in a shortsighted way about the bad outcome and not about the evolutionary process of which mistakes are an integral part. I once had a ski instructor who had also given lessons to Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time. Jordan, he told me, reveled in his mistakes, seeing each of them as an opportunity to improve. He understood that mistakes are like those little puzzles that, when you solve them, give you a gem. Every mistake that you make and learn from will save you from thousands of similar mistakes in the future.

