专栏名称: Python开发者
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Python 内存数据库/引擎

Python开发者  · 公众号  · Python  · 2016-12-20 21:43


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来源:伯乐在线专栏作者 - Prodesire

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1 初探


举个具体的例子,分别向数据库db中插入两条数据,”a=1, b=1″ 和 “a=1, b=2”, 然后想查询a=1的数据可能会使用这样的语句db.query(a=1),结果就是返回前面插入的两条数据; 如果想查询a=1, b=2的数据,就使用这样的语句db.query(a=1, b=2),结果就返回前面的第二条数据。




import pydblite

# 使用内存数据库

pydb = pydblite . Base ( ':memory:' )

# 创建a,b,c三个字段

pydb . create ( 'a' , 'b' , 'c' )

# 为字段a,b创建索引

pydb . create_index ( 'a' , 'b' )

# 插入一条数据

pydb . insert ( a =- 1 , b = 0 , c = 1 )

# 查询符合特定要求的数据

results = pydb ( a =- 1 , b = 0 )


import sqlite3

# 使用内存数据库

con = sqlite3 . connect ( ':memory:' )

# 创建a,b,c三个字段

cur = con . cursor ()

cur . execute ( 'create table test (a char(256), b char(256), c char(256));' )

# 为字段a,b创建索引

cur . execute ( 'create index a_index on test(a)' )

cur . execute ( 'create index b_index on test(b)' )

# 插入一条数据

cur . execute ( 'insert into test values(?, ?, ?)' , ( - 1 , 0 , 1 ))

# 查询符合特定要求的数据

cur . execute ( 'select * from test where a=? and b=?' ,( - 1 , 0 ))

2 pydblite和sqlite的性能


import time

count = 100000

def timeit ( func ) :

def wrapper ( * args , ** kws ) :

t = time . time ()

func ( * args )

print time . time () - t , kws [ 'des' ]

return wrapper

@ timeit

def test_insert ( mdb , des = '' ) :

for i in xrange ( count ) :

mdb . insert ( a = i - 1 , b = i , c = i + 1 )

@ timeit

def test_query_object ( mdb , des = '' ) :

for i in xrange ( count ) :

c = mdb ( a = i - 1 , b = i )

@ timeit

def test_sqlite_insert ( cur , des = '' ) :

for i in xrange ( count ) :

cur . execute ( 'insert into test values(?, ?, ?)' , ( i - 1 , i , i + 1 ))

@ timeit

def test_sqlite_query ( cur , des = '' ) :

for i in xrange ( count ) :

cur . execute ( 'select * from test where a=? and b=?' , ( i - 1 , i ))

print '-------pydblite--------'

import pydblite

pydb = pydblite . Base ( ':memory:' )

pydb . create ( 'a' , 'b' , 'c' )

pydb . create_index ( 'a' , 'b' )

test_insert ( pydb , des = 'insert' )

test_query_object ( pydb , des = 'query, object call' )

print '-------sqlite3--------'

import sqlite3

con = sqlite3 . connect ( ':memory:' )

cur = con . cursor ()

cur . execute ( 'create table test (a char(256), b char(256), c char(256));' )

cur . execute ( 'create index a_index on test(a)' )

cur . execute ( 'create index b_index on test(b)' )

test_sqlite_insert ( cur , des = 'insert' )

test_sqlite_query ( cur , des = 'query' )


------- pydblite --------

1.14199995995 insert

0.308000087738 query , object call

------- sqlite3 --------

0.411999940872 insert

0.30999994278 query


------- pydblite --------

0.0989999771118 insert

5.15300011635 query , object call

------- sqlite3 --------

0.0169999599457 insert

7.43400001526 query



3 优化



class _BasePy2 ( _Base ) :

def __iter__ ( self ) :

"""Iteration on the records"""

return iter ( self . records . itervalues ())

class _BasePy3 ( _Base ) :

def __iter__ ( self ) :

"""Iteration on the records"""

return iter ( self . records . values ())

if sys . version_info [ 0 ] == 2 :

Base = _BasePy2

else :

Base = _BasePy3


class _Base ( object ) :

def __init__ ( self , path , protocol = pickle . HIGHEST_PROTOCOL , save_to_file = True ,

sqlite_compat = False ) :

"""protocol as defined in pickle / pickle.

Defaults to the highest protocol available.

For maximum compatibility use protocol = 0


self . path = path

"""The path of the database in the file system"""

self . name = os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( path ))[ 0 ]

"""The basename of the path, stripped of its extension"""

self . protocol = protocol

self . mode = None

if path == ":memory:" :

save_to_file = False

self . save_to_file = save_to_file

self . sqlite_compat = sqlite_compat

self . fields = []

"""The list of the fields (does not include the internal

fields __id__ and __version__)"""

# if base exists, get field names

if save_to_file and self . exists () :

if protocol == 0 :

_in = open ( self . path ) # don't specify binary mode !

else :
