专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-09 09:46



Most German rebar producers are maintaininga good level of production output despite the limitations brought about by thecoronavirus epidemic. This is in contrast to the situation both in otherEuropean countries, and also to German strip steel mills, which areexperiencing a distinct virus-induced slowdown.

经销商 Lotter Kummetat Stahl 在其网站上 告知 客户 “完全没有理由认为, Riva Feralpi 德国 厂受到了意大利 厂关闭的影响,无法服务于市场。”

“There is absolutely no reason to assumethat the German mills of Riva and Feralpi are affected by the closures in Italyand cannot serve the market,” distributor Lotter Kummetat Stahl informscustomers on its website.

尽管 Feralpi 的德国管理层拒绝对 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)发表评论,但当地媒体证实, Riesa 的钢厂“……不断有卡车进出”。在柏林附近的 Riva 钢厂,大多数电话分机都无人应答,只是在等待接通时循环播放歌剧咏叹调。一位非官方消息人士告诉 Kallanish ,现在钢厂已缩短工作时间,白领员工也被安排在家工作,但生产仍在正常水平上进行。

Although Feralpi’s German managementdeclined to comment to Kallanish , local media confirm that “… truckskeep coming in on parade” at the mill in Riesa. At Riva’s mills near Berlin,most telephone extensions are offering only a waiting option of an operaticaria on an endless loop. There is short working and relocation of white collarstaff to home-working, but production is continuing at apparently normallevels, an unofficial source tells Kallanish.

在瑞士,一些州的建筑活动受到限制或停止,这也是 Stahl Gerlafingen 较为谨慎的原因。当地的生产仍在正常进行,但该公司已向当地政府申请缩短工作时间,以防情况变得更糟。

In Switzerland, construction activity hasbeen limited or stopped in some of the cantons, which is why Stahl Gerlafingenis sounding somewhat more cautious. Production there is going on as normal, butthe company nevertheless has filed for short-time working with the localgovernment in case the situation becomes worse.

在该地区受到严重冲击的一家螺纹钢厂是位于斯特拉斯堡附近科尔的 Badische Stahlwerke ,该厂的产量基本上减半。据内部人士透露,这家钢厂严重依赖与法国的贸易,而与法国的贸易已经完全停止。显然,一些来自阿尔萨斯的法国员工现在不能自由过境。 这家 厂两条生产线中的一条因此关闭。

The one rebar mill in the region that hasbeen hit to a significant extent is Badische Stahlwerke in Kehl nearStrasbourg, which has basically halved its output. According to insiders, themill depends strongly on business with France, which has come to full halt.Apparently, some of its French staff from Alsace cannot now freely crossthe border. The mill has therefore closed down one of its two production lines.



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