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【经济学人】搜寻昂贵无用之物 | 2017.1.14 | 总第783期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-02-03 05:52




Hunting white elephants


Opinion is divided on China’s massive infrastructure projects


Some critics may be wrong


Jan 14th 2017 | HONG KONG


CHINA is proud of its infrastructure: its cavernous airports, snaking bridges, wide roads, speedy railways and great wall. This national backbone (minus the wall) bears the weight of the world’s second-largest economy and its biggest human migration, as hundreds of millions of people move around the country during the lunar new-year holidays—the rush officially begins on January 13th.


Western leaders often shake their heads in disbelief at the sums China spends on its huge projects. And some analysts question how much of it has been wisely spent. In a widely circulated study published last autumn, Atif Ansar of Oxford University’s Saïd Business School and his co-authors say the world’s “awe and envy” is misplaced. More than half of China’s infrastructure projects have “destroyed economic value”, they reckon. Their verdict is based on 65 road and rail projects backed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or the World Bank since the mid-1980s. Thanks to the banks’ involvement, these projects are well documented.

西方领导人不赞同中国在这些巨大工程上的投入。还有些分析家质疑这其中有多少花得明智。牛津大学Saïd商学院的Atif Ansar和其合著者,在去年秋季发表的一项广为流传的研究里,说世界的“敬畏和羡慕”是不合适的。他们认为中国超过一半的基础建设工程“破坏经济价值”。其结论基于自上世纪九十年代中期以来,受亚洲开发银行(下文简称亚行)或世界银行支持的65个公路铁路项目。由于两个银行的参与,这些项目都有据可查。


One example is a 1o47-km, four-lane toll road in southern Yunnan province, which was built with the help of an ADB loan approved in 1999. The ADB expected the Yuanjiang-Mohei highway (Yuan-Mo for short) to cut travel times, reduce traffic accidents and lower the costs of fuelling and repairing vehicles, adding up to a compelling economic return of 17.4% a year. By 2004, however, traffic was 49% below projections and costs were more than 20% over budget, thanks to unforgiving terrain prone to landslides .


  • Terrain 地形

  • Landslides 山体滑坡

Were such setbacks enough to damn over half of the projects they examined? As a rule, the ADB and World Bank will approve an undertaking only if they expect its broad benefits (the economic gains from reduced travel times, fewer accidents, etc) to exceed its costs by a large margin , leaving ample room for error. Mr Ansar and his co-authors assume this margin is 40%: they posit a ratio of expected benefits to costs of 1.4 for every project. They scoured the banks’ review documents for examples of cost overruns and traffic shortfalls. Given these assumptions, a project becomes unviable if costs overrun by more than 40%, traffic undershoots by 29%, or some combination of the two. Of the 65 projects, 55% fell into this category. Yuan-Mo was one.


  • unviable 不可行的
