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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-04-20 14:32





Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English. "
Nick: 大家好,我是Nick.
David: Hi guys. My name is David
Nick: Hi David.I feel like I'm pretty tired. I'm beat and exhausted. But still. I'm doing my homework. I mean, that thing is due tomorrow. I really don't like that but I have to do that.
David: Yeah if are really tired, you need to wake up. What you need to do is refresh yourself.
Nick: Refresh myself?
David: yeah refresh yourself. That means do something that makes you really awake. If you are really tired but you need to write a whole paper. Maybe you can take a long shower and you'll come out of that shower felling you are fleshed and ready to do what you need to.
Nick: Oh yeah I know that kind of feeling. Taking a shower can really refresh yourself.
David: There are other ways to refresh yourself too though. Maybe you can drink a cup of coffee. That'll make you alert, awake and refreshed.
Nick: or other liquid. Like water or tea.
David: There's also another of refresh. It just means to hydrate yourself. So if you drink a lot water, you can say, "wow, I feel really refreshed now." It's a way of being healthy.
Nick: So it's kinda, a little bit different from drinking coffee and tea. Those things with caffeine.
David: Well, it depends. You can refresh yourself by drinking water and feel healthy or you can refresh yourself by drinking coffee and tea, which in that meaning of being refreshed, it just means that you are alert.
Nick: Ok, thank you. David刚刚解释refresh在这里的区别。如果是喝水的话,一般是解乏多一些,但是咖啡茶,更多的在于提神,因为含有咖啡因。这两个,无论是解乏还是是提神都是用refresh. Refresh yourself让你提神。So this pretty much it for this time, I'll see you guys next time, bye.
David: See you guys.