专栏名称: TAGChengdu
.TAG - To Another Galaxy. Dance club in Chengdu.
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  TAGChengdu


TAGChengdu  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-01 20:56


又是一年的夏天,今年DJ BLUE受邀参加了Garbicz Festival,在xxx舞台放了opening set,从柏林归来的DJ BLUE,在柏林各大俱乐部打卡之后,准备用long set的形式记录整个夏天的旅程。

二楼HIdden bar sunyoung 也会带上他最新的唱片完成他在成都的第一个long set

BLUE NIGHT-魔术公园是 DJ Blue 创立的以马戏团为主题的派对。是乌托邦的避风港,城市嬉皮的聚集点.它的灵魂来自自然,来自现代波波族精神,它的音乐崇尚简洁放松,迷幻抽象~从你进入blue night 帐篷的那一瞬间,你可以回到上个世纪,或者是现在的未来.这将是一个华丽、诡异、色彩斑斓、极具想象力的夜晚。多元化的音乐风格,搭配将无限想象力与创意相融合的搞怪装置,带你一起穿越到奇妙的马戏团现场,每一个神秘的角落都会有新的体验发生。

BLUE NIGHT- magic park is a circus-themed party founded by DJ BLUE. Is the utopia haven, rallying point of city hippie. Its soul from nature, from the modern spirit of bobos, its music advocate concise and relaxed, hallucinogenic abstract ~ from the moment you enter the blue night tents, you could go back to the last century, or the future. Now it's going to be a gorgeous, bizarre, colorful, highly imaginative night. Diversified music style, combined with strange devices combining unlimited imagination and creativity, takes you to travel to the wonderful circus scene, every mysterious corner will have a new experience.


DJ Blue一个具有极强律动感和灵魂音色的舞池掌控者,minimal tech house是她的标志....

在她的音乐里你可以听到爵士,迷幻,古典,实验电子的影响,她喜欢以“玩”的心态去分享她从四面八方收集来的灵感,把这些不一样的元素结合在一起,通过mix与舞池对话制造更多的趣味..所以她的set总是充满着故事性与跳跃性。2015年加入dusktilldawn厂牌后活跃在全国各大俱乐部,从阿姆斯特丹的ADE到柏林的sisyphos club都留下了她的身影。2017年参与策划拍摄了break the wall-关于中国电子音乐20年发展的纪录片。2018年开始音乐制作,她制作的音乐风格游走在melody house/techno之间。

她对DJ的哲学不只是简简单单的放跳舞音乐,她认为电子音乐是人类向前进化的一个发展和创造的过程,所以她建立了网络电台,以卧室DJ的身份分享更多适合聆听的电子音乐,用set的形式记录一个画面或者表现一个季节。这也让她的电台赋予了深厚的故事性 ,让她喜欢的电子音乐出现在除了俱乐部以外的更多的场景里。



An excellent dance floor controller, Dj Blue,who is dedicated to deep minimal and tech house music, is well-known for hers soulful and strongly rhythmed style.

She started djing in Chengdu.Her sets could take many genres such as jazz, classical music, acid music and experimental music.However, she always has the ability to combine all those elements together into a unique combo perfectly.She magically transforms herself into a cellist or a pianist or a band conductor while she is playing the music. It's not just playing the music, Dj Blue has her own music philosophy that underground dance music is actually showcasing a progress of Human Evolution and Creativity.Therefor,her unique perspective in music emphasizes the expression functions of narration of her music.


来自重庆竹林电子音乐节的发起者 cicipark、EchoBay俱乐部联合创始人Sunyoung,致力于传播锐舞文化推动地下舞曲发展来表达 peace & love 的理念~ 多年的音乐累积

和派对组织让他对电子舞曲具有独特的理解与品味~ 热爱 minimal & Mirco House 结合Soulful & Jazz music!善于极简与抽象化而带来无限想象力并将各种音乐风格融合进Dj set~近年来活跃于各地电子俱乐部、锐舞派对以及电子音乐节,与来自国内外的优秀Dj和音乐人合作与交流 组织和参与并积极参与T for techno, Sub Berlin, Dusk till Dawn, instinct,Time to Jack,CQ Grooves……等系列活动~

Sunyoung is the initiator of Chongqing Bamboo Festival, founder of the Chongqing CICIPARK, EchoBay and the soul of Chongqing’s underground Dance development.With his main genres being soulful & Jazz music with minimal & Micro House and his music is very abstract:there is always a strong sense of rhythm control and bass present in his minimalistic sound and also mix fusion music for DJ set! In recent years Sunyoung was actively participate in rave parties such as T for techno, Sub Berlin, Dust till Dawn, instinct,Time to Jack,CQ Grooves....and also performance at different underground clubs in different cities with his Dj friends

Support by Ccy

Ccy.Yanwenchi,来自西安。主理西安首家电子音乐俱乐部和首个以4x4house类为主的电子音乐工作室。Ccy.Yanwenchi的音乐,向上的力量节拍结合细碎精致的 micro 声学纹理给人以惊喜,不避讳使用时髦的音色也不吝于融入新奇的符号,他认为开放学习的态度,是成就个人风格不可或缺的条件。






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