Vision 2030
The King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud arrived in Beijing Wednesday for a state visit which will last until Saturday. The key mission of the king's visit to China is to establish a linkage between the "Saudi Vision 2030" strategy and China's One Belt and One Road Initiative.
国家主席习近平16日在人民大会堂同沙特国王萨勒曼举行会谈,两国元首一致同意推动中沙全面战略伙伴关系(comprehensive strategic partnership)不断取得新成果。习近平指出,中国是沙特可靠稳定的原油出口市场(a reliable and stable market for Saudi Arabia's crude oil exports),双方应共同打造能源领域一体化合作格局,深化通信、航天等领域合作,探讨建立金融和投资合作平台(explore establishing platforms for finance and investment cooperation)。
习近平称,中方愿同包括中东国家在内的沿线国家共建"一带一路"(work with all countries along the routes of the Belt and Road Initiative, including Middle Eastern nations, to jointly implement the initiative),支持沙特实现"2030愿景(Vision 2030)"。2016年,为改变其经济严重依赖石油的(heavily oil-dependent)现状,沙特宣布实施"2030愿景"增长战略。
当天,中国与沙特签署了14项协议(agreement)与谅解备忘录(memorandum of understanding)和意向书。中国外交部副部长张明称,涉及两国产能和投资合作(production capacity and investment cooperation)的协议包含35个项目,价值650亿美元。习近平和萨勒曼共同出席了签约仪式。
基础设施建设 infrastructure construction
政治对话 political dialogue
丝绸之路经济带 the Silk Road Economic Belt
21世纪海上丝绸之路 the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
315 gala
China's annual consumer rights day TV show - known as "315 gala" in reference to the World Consumer Rights Day on March 15 - turned its spotlight on Japanese brand Muji for selling food products allegedly sourced from Japan's Fukushima and the nearby areas where high levels of radiation were detected in 2015.
2017年央视3·15晚会(315 gala)曝光了一批侵害消费者权益(infringe on consumer rights)的行为和现象,其中包括无印良品、永旺超市等销售来自日本核污染区(nuclear-contaminated areas, nuclear radiation affected regions)的食品。晚会曝光,在无印良品超市,一些日本食品的外包装上都被贴上了产地为日本的中文标签(be covered by Chinese labels stating the manufacturing location as Japan),但是当揭开中文标签后,露出了这些产品的真实产地为东京都,名列禁止进口名单(import prohibition list)。
在一家永旺超市,一款外包装标注原材料为日本北海道产大米的白米饭,揭开中文标签后真实产地竟然是核污染区的日本新泻县。深圳市有棵树旗下的深圳海豚跨境科技有限公司,为国内众多的电商提供货源。在其网上商城,记者看到了国内禁售的来自日本核污染地区的卡乐比麦片(Calbee cereal)。据悉,国内涉嫌销售日本核污染食品的网上商家(domestic online shops suspected of selling nuclear-contaminated foods from Japan)初步统计已达1.3万家。
无印良品公司16日针对该事件发声明称,公司未进口及销售任何中国政府明令禁止的日本核污染影响区域的食品(the firm was not importing or selling any food products from nuclear-contaminated areas in Japan that are banned by the Chinese government),此次引起误解(misunderstanding)的原因是其销售的进口食品的日文标识信息为其母公司名称及其法定注册地址(registered address),而非所售进口食品的产地。当天,上海出入境检验检疫局(Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau)回应称,经核查无印良品(上海)商业有限公司的进口记录(import records),未发现有来自于日本核辐射地区的产品。
其他遭点名批评(be named and shamed)的还有:耐克进行误导性宣传(misleading promotion),称Hyperdunk 2008 FTB篮球鞋后跟带有zoom air气垫(air cushion),实物却没有气垫。互动百科成最大虚假广告(false advertising)"垃圾站",只要花4800元钱就可以开通"百科词条认领"服务。郑州科视魔爪伸进几百所学校危害13万孩子眼睛,这支无资质、无医学背景、无认证(with no qualification, medical background or verification)的"三无体检队"还获取了学生的个人信息。江苏远方中汇等企业被曝饲料(fodder/feed)中违规加入药物添加剂(medicated additive),使饲养的动物傻吃酣睡猛长,人食用带抗生素(antibiotics)的肉后或产生"耐药性"(develop resistance to drugs)。
暗访 undercover interview
饥饿营销 hunger marketing
恶意营销 smear campaign
商业炒作 commercial speculation
明星代言 celebrity endorsement
独家冠名权 exclusive naming right
广告时间 commercial break/interruption
open market operation
China's central bank lifted interest rates of two open market operation tools Thursday after US Fed's rate hike.
美国联邦储备委员会15日上调利率(raise interest rates)后,中国人民银行发布公告称,逆回购(reverse repo)操作和中期借贷便利(medium-term lending facility, MLF)中标利率各上行10个基点。但央行强调,公开市场操作(open market operation)中标利率上行不等同于加息(cannot be equated with interest rate hikes),也不能被解读为对审慎货币政策的偏离(cannot be interpreted as a shift away from prudent monetary policy)。
分析人士称,央行上调短期利率(raise short-term interest rates)的举动反映了我国仍希望通过公开市场温和去杠杆(moderate de-leverage),稳定利差(keep a stable interest rate spread),从而抵御金融风险(fend off financial risks)。与上调基准利率(increase benchmark interest rates)相比,公开市场操作等措施将在未来被更多地使用。上调基准利率会对经济复苏造成更大压力(put higher pressure on the recovery of the economy),因为企业从银行贷款的成本更高,而公开市场操作则不会造成这一问题。
下行压力 downward pressure
钱荒 money shortage
变相加息 a disguised form of increasing interest rates
抑制资产泡沫 inhibit asset bubbles
Asia University Rankings
Chinese universities are ranked second and third in the latest Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings, which was published on Thursday. Peking University took second for the second year running, while Tsinghua University climbed two places to third.
《泰晤士高等教育》往年都在6月发布亚洲大学排名,今年提前一季度公布。排名综合考虑了教学(teaching)、研究(research)、论文引用(paper citation)、国际表现(international outlook)等绩效指标。本次排名的入围高校数量由去年的200所增至300所(the rankings have been expanded to include 300 universities, up from 200 institutions last year),这意味着有更多亚洲国家有潜力跟上(have the potential to follow in the footsteps of)中国、新加坡、日本、韩国等亚洲高等教育强国(Asian higher education powerhouses)的步伐。
新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)连续两年(for two consecutive years)蝉联亚洲高校排名榜首。新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)居第4,香港大学(University of Hong Kong)排名第5。整体来看,日本是入围高校数量最多的国家,共有69所高校榜上有名(overall, the most-represented nation in the rankings is Japan, with 69 institutions)。中国内地高校成绩瞩目,共54所内地高校入围,其中,中国科学技术大学位列第15,复旦大学位列第16,上海交通大学位列第18,浙江大学位列第19。
学科实力 subject strength
高校扩招 the expansion of college enrollment
名牌大学 prestigious university
野鸡大学 diploma mill, bogus college
争抢优质生源 battle for top students, poaching of talented students
学术不端 academic misconduct
deposit waiver
Chinese bike-sharing startup ofo Inc is testing deposit waivers for qualified riders in Shanghai, a move observers said would further intensify the already heated competition in the sector.
16日,ofo与蚂蚁金服旗下的芝麻信用宣布达成战略合作(strategic cooperation),凡ofo的上海用户,只要芝麻信用分在650以上,无需交纳99元押金,即可享受ofo的共享单车服务(bike-sharing service)。这意味着ofo将尝试告别"押金模式",推行"信用模式"。需注意的是,用户注册ofo账户的手机号码必须与支付宝账户的手机号码保持一致,才能完成免押金(waive the deposit)的信用授权。
ofo联合创始人张巳丁表示,押金是共享单车行业发展初期的必然产物(deposits are inevitable during the nascent phase of the bike-sharing sector),ofo一直有意推动整个共享单车行业的规范和发展,接入信用免押金(credit-based deposit waiver)是共享单车下一阶段的新模式,会成为共享单车行业的新标配。芝麻信用总经理胡滔表示,此举还有助于追踪用户行为(track user behaviors),防止盗窃和毁损等问题(prevent problems like theft and vandalism)。目前,除了ofo外,还有4个品牌也已经采用了刷信用"免押金租自行车(rent bikes deposit-free)"的模式,分别是永安行、优拜、骑呗和北京公共自行车(public bicycle)。
分享经济 sharing economy
共享汽车 car sharing
扫码解锁单车 scan the QR code to unlock a bike
违规停车 illegal parking
停放点 parking lot/area
(give) royal assent
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II gave royal assent on Thursday to a bill allowing British Prime Minister Theresa May to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, beginning the process through which the UK will leave the European Union.
脱欧法案(Brexit bill)的官方名称是"欧盟(通知退出)法案"(European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill),于13日被英国议院批准通过。英国下议院议长(speaker of the House of Commons)约翰·伯科16日宣布,女王已经御准该法案(give royal assent to the bill)。御准指英国君主对议会议案的批准,作名词时对应的英文是royal assent,作动词时可用give/grant royal assent表达,获得御准则可以用receive royal assent。根据相关规定,英首相梅在获得女王授权后即可启动脱欧程序,开始与欧盟进行为期两年的脱欧谈判(Brexit talks)。